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Interesting to speculate what would have happened had Henry Wallace (FDR's first VP) become president instead...


1948 presidential election

Wallace left his editorship position in 1948 to make an unsuccessful run as the Progressive Party's presidential candidate in the 1948 presidential election. With Idaho Democratic Senator Glen H. Taylor as his vice presidential running mate, his platform advocated universal government health insurance, an end to the nascent Cold War, full voting rights for black Americans, and an end to segregation. His campaign included African American candidates campaigning alongside white candidates in the segregated South and he also refused to appear before segregated audiences or to eat or stay in segregated establishments.

Time magazine, which opposed the Wallace candidacy, described Wallace as "ostentatiously" riding through the towns and cities of the segregated South "with his Negro secretary beside him".[44] A barrage of eggs and tomatoes were hurled at Wallace and struck him and his campaign members during the tour. Wallace's opponent President Truman, condemned such mob violence as "highly un-American business which violated the American concept of fair play." State authorities in Virginia sidestepped enforcing their own segregation laws by declaring Wallace's campaign gatherings as private parties.[45]

The "Guru letters" reappeared and were published, seriously damaging his campaign.[23] More damage was done to Wallace's campaign when journalists H.L. Mencken and Dorothy Thompson, both longtime and vocal New Deal opponents,[46] charged that Wallace and the Progressives were under the covert control of Communists.

Wallace's refusal to disavow publicly his endorsement by the Communist Party cost him the backing of many anti-Communist liberals and of independent socialist Norman Thomas. Wallace suffered a decisive defeat in the election to the Democratic incumbent Harry S. Truman. He finished in fourth place with 2.4% of the popular vote. Some historians now believe his candidacy was a blessing in disguise for Truman, as Wallace's frequent criticisms of Truman's foreign policy, combined with his overt acceptance of Communist support, served as a refutation of the Republicans' claim that Truman was "soft on communism". Dixiecrat presidential candidate Strom Thurmond finished ahead of Wallace in the popular vote. Thurmond managed to carry four states in the Deep South (all in which he was designated as the "Democratic" nominee), gaining 39 electoral votes to Wallace's electoral total of zero.

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19 hours ago, caulfield12 said:

What other choice do they have?  It’s up to individual candidates to create the enthusiasm, however.

Fwiw, the heart of the Trump Revolution was SE Minnesota, NE Iowa, SW Wisconsin, W-NW Illinois.   That’s also why Cheri Bustos gets brought up over and over again, for being able to successfully speak to those voters.  On the GOP side, it’s Will Hurd holding down the biggest Congressional district in the country, a Texas district that’s majority Latino while he is biracial (half white, half African American.)


LOVE Cheri Bustos. She's a fucking star. And guess what? (a moderate)

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4 hours ago, Reddy said:



Why don’t you challenge her to a debate to elevate your own candidate’s national profile?

Since that battle with Crowley was entirely about local and US policy, it’s no surprise she needs to play catch-up on these topics.  And the bar is pretty low with Trump’s own lack of foreign affairs expertise painfully obvious...that’s the risk of choosing someone with no or little political experience.  Having had the opportunity to travel abroad (see Kennedy’s) due to inherited wealth also isn’t her particular advantage.

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5 hours ago, Reddy said:



You sharing a tweet from a guy who works at the Daily Wire says a lot.  A website owned by a guy who thinks that Palestinians should be ethnically cleansed.

Are you sure you aren't a Republican?  Maybe you should stop attacking the Democratic Party with right wing propaganda.

Edited by GoSox05
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Hey look, another step taken by the Republicans to make sure that their donors are completely covered up, on the same day that one of their donors was charged with being a russian spy.


The U.S. Treasury Department announced Monday that it would no longer require politically active nonprofit groups to disclose their donors to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), a move heralded by conservatives as a major win for “free speech.”

Under the new rules, tax-exempt organizations like the National Rifle Association will no longer need to file “personally-identifiable information” in their end-of-year returns. Other groups which would be let off the hook from disclosure include politically active nonprofits, which conservative donor Robert Mercer previously used to help finance Donald Trump’s election campaign.

“Americans shouldn’t be required to send the IRS information that it doesn’t need to effectively enforce our tax laws, and the IRS simply does not need tax returns with donor names and addresses to do its job in this area,” Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said in a statement. “The IRS’s new policy for certain tax-exempt organizations will make our tax system simpler and less susceptible to abuse.”

The news comes the same day that an indictment was unsealed against Russian national Mariia Butina, a gun advocate and former American University graduate student. According to the Department of Justice, Butina used the NRA to “exploit personal connections with U.S. persons having influence in American politics, who were in positions to advance the interests of the Russian Federation.” Butina allegedly spent years courting top NRA officials, and worked with former Russian Senator Alexander Torshin, who is wanted on money-laundering charges by the Spanish authorities. 


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On 7/15/2018 at 4:50 PM, Reddy said:

Your thoughts on Sharice Davids?

Seems like a typical corporatist neoliberal. Nowhere in her agenda does she mention anything about raising taxes on the wealthy or big business, Medicare for all, debt free college, or any policies to reduce wealth and income inequality. In fact, she wants to exacerbate the problem with more tax credits that big business will be certain to find a way to exploit. She prioritizes social issues over economic ones, and in fact holds viewpoints on economic issues that are dissonant with the will of the people, so I don't see a reason to support her and understand perfectly why Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders would campaign in support of an opponent who supports Medicare for all and a $15/hr minimum wage.

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U.S. Congressman Paul Gosar is the U.K at a free Tommy Robinson rally.  Robinson is a white nationalist. 


I'm sure the Republicans are going to bring this up and Paul Ryan is going to do something about it.

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7 minutes ago, GoSox05 said:

U.S. Congressman Paul Gosar is the U.K at a free Tommy Robinson rally.  Robinson is a white nationalist. 


I'm sure the Republicans are going to bring this up and Paul Ryan is going to do something about it.

Republicans are doing something about it: advocating for Robinson.


Trump's ambassador lobbied Britain on behalf of jailed right-wing activist Tommy Robinson



LONDON (Reuters) - Sam Brownback, the U.S. Ambassador for International Religious Freedom, complained to the British ambassador in Washington D.C. about the treatment of an English right-wing activist who is in jail for disrupting a trial, according to three sources familiar with the discussion.

Brownback raised the case of the activist known as Tommy Robinson in a June meeting with Sir Kim Darroch, Britain’s Ambassador to the United States, according to a British official and two sources close to the organizers of a pro-Robinson demonstration planned for London on Saturday.

Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, though he also uses other aliases, is a founder of the English Defense League, which has organized violent demonstrations against Islamic immigrants in the UK in the past decade. More recently, Robinson has branded himself a journalist and campaigner against Islamic extremism, a move that won him contacts with American anti-Muslim activists.

Robinson was arrested in late May outside a courthouse in Leeds, England, while making video recordings about a trial related to child molestation and jailed for 13 months for violating English law limiting publicity during criminal trials.



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6 hours ago, GoSox05 said:

You sharing a tweet from a guy who works at the Daily Wire says a lot.  A website owned by a guy who thinks that Palestinians should be ethnically cleansed.

Are you sure you aren't a Republican?  Maybe you should stop attacking the Democratic Party with right wing propaganda.

Um. What? I'm very pro-Palestine and anti-Israel.

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6 hours ago, StrangeSox said:

reddy do you honestly not see how your own attitude and approach deepens the rift between moderates and those on the left?

Totally. The left definitely doesn't have any culpability in that regard.

Out of curiosity, which of you is actively working on a campaign, even in a volunteer capacity? It's easy to whine. It's harder to do the work.

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8 minutes ago, raBBit said:

Says the guy who supports jailing journalists. I know next to nothing about Robinson and I am sure I'll get called a bunch of names but there is no way a journalist should be in jail for filming outside of a trial. 


Also, "journalist".  Lmao.

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If you think that a sitting U. S Congressman went to a another country to protest a 13-month sentence for contempt of court was about free speech, then I don't know what to tell you. 

He didn't write a hard hitting article criticizing the government and they came at night and arrested him and he was never heard form again.  He is a white nationalist that tries to go to court houses to film Muslims that are facing charges and film them and expose their names.  So I'm guessing they can be targeted for violence.  He was arrested before for filming inside a court room and was on probation. 

The best part is, in the past he has lied about some of the charges the people were facing.  I guess that's just doing journalism.


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The UK has laws to prevent spoiling trials that he broke repeatedly.

He's a white nationalist that did a stunt for white nationalist purposes. Maybe rather than always pleading ignorant of who these people are and what they really stand for, rabbit should educate themselves before defending yet another one.

Then again, he's also attacked their murder victims as a "scumbag" and defended asking why there are so many Jews in the media so maybe it's not out of ignorance!

Edited by StrangeSox
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On the same day that Trump is again rejecting the intelligence community's assessment that Russia is, in fact, still targeting our elections and electoral systems, Republicans voted to defund grants to states for election cybersecurity and we get this story:




It's almost as if the GOP doesn't actually care about Russian meddling because it benefits them

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3 hours ago, StrangeSox said:

On the same day that Trump is again rejecting the intelligence community's assessment that Russia is, in fact, still targeting our elections and electoral systems, Republicans voted to defund grants to states for election cybersecurity and we get this story:




It's almost as if the GOP doesn't actually care about Russian meddling because it benefits them

You could really just take "It's almost as if" out of that sentence.

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