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2018 Democrats thread


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1 hour ago, Dam8610 said:

Yes, which is consistent with my position that Crowley should get off the ballot. If the Democratic party truly wants the elected representative of the people in their primary to be the only person facing any potential Republican challenger, then they'd support both actions. Of course, the establishment wants establishment candidates, so they're not going to support the same idea they've pushed on progressives for decades when progressives start winning.

??intellectual dishonesty is my fav.

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8 minutes ago, Reddy said:

He didn't actively seek the WFP endorsement. Actively seeking office he's not interested in holding is a completely different thing. How is this not obvious to you?

If you believe him, he's not actively seeking the rep seat in the 14th district, so either way it's fraud. If you don't believe him, then he's committing a Democrat faux pas by running a sore loser campaign. There are no other options.

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10 hours ago, Reddy said:

He's not running for the office bud. What aren't you getting about this? Lol. If she somehow loses to a man who isn't even campaigning, isn't raising money, has publicly said he's not running and who endorsed her, *maybe* she's got bigger problems. (Maybe she shouldn't be spending campaign funds in Kansas, for instance)

Honestly, Ocasio making a big shit about it (then apologizing for being wrong, btw) has probably convinced more people to vote for him because guess what - NO ONE WOULD'VE KNOWN ABOUT IT OTHERWISE.

Day after day she continues to make stupid, stupid mistakes. But y'all support her because of her policies despite her inexperience, ignorance, and inability to be tactful. Where oh where have I seen this play out before........ 

Can’t we also apply that to the 2008 and 2016 Clinton campaigns...?  Simply because of experience and her husband’s political instincts, you’d think it would be impossible not to win.

If Crowley were to beat her, somehow, then it would be 75% on her.  That said, at least she’s on the radar screen on a national basis.  She’s definitely a very intelligent woman, but she’s going to need time to get up to speed on a number of issues (especially related to international events and foreign policy.)  Look what happened to Sarah Palin when she became McCain’s VP candidate and was forced into the spotlight with a decade more of government service.  The media, and public in general, tend to be much harder on female politicians than men.  

Let’s see if Trump today in Dubuque goes after Reddy’s candidate by name and even gives her a nickname.  That’s when you really start to matter, lol...

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14 hours ago, Reddy said:

Take it and run with it despite a 24% approval rating? This is how you lose elections.

This is good.  Please tell me more of how to not lose elections, people who have lost over 1000 seats in federal and state government over the past ten years.


Also, imagine not perusing good moral policies to make peoples lives better because of one poll from fucking Newsweek.

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11 hours ago, Reddy said:


 Read this thread.

There seem to be some serious omissions in this list. It's also amusing that most of it is things Democrats have failed to implement. It ends with pointing out that the GOP has controlled the House for 19 of those 25 years, but apparently this doesn't cause the author to rethink the wisdom of pursuing the same strategies that led to that.

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1 hour ago, StrangeSox said:

There seem to be some serious omissions in this list. It's also amusing that most of it is things Democrats have failed to implement. It ends with pointing out that the GOP has controlled the House for 19 of those 25 years, but apparently this doesn't cause the author to rethink the wisdom of pursuing the same strategies that led to that.

Not to mention it's full of lies. Neither the last Democrat president or presidential candidate had a progressive tax platform. There was no mention of lifting the cap on social security wages, increasing individual and corporate tax rates to pre-Reagan levels, or abolishing the practice of "stashing profits overseas" (merely an accounting trick, those companies have access to as much of that money as they want in the US) by forcing those companies to pay all their overdue taxes. In fact, the two clearly articulated tax policies by former Secretary Clinton were horribly regressive. She planned to extend self-employment taxes to S Corporations, which would've ended one of the biggest small business tax breaks that exists, and she agreed with Trump that a repatriation holiday would be a good idea, despite the evidence from the Bush repatriation holiday that it doesn't work. Both of those policies are horribly regressive and benefit no one except the wealthy.

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On 7/10/2018 at 10:08 AM, GoSox05 said:

Another former OSU wrestler says Jim Jordan knew about alleged abuse

Republicans are 100% backing this guy. 


I think they're up to 100 different allegations against the OSU doctor, yet Jordan maintains he knew absolutely nothing about any of it.

So today he announced his intention to replace Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House


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Remember when I got suspended for being too far left and saying "outrageous" things? Now I'm the sole pragmatist in a sea of socialists. Pretty amazing how the world changes so quickly.

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Blum, an entrepreneur who leads a software company, was unopposed in the 2018 Republican primary. He faces Democrat Abby Finkenauer, a two-term state representative from Dubuque.

“(Blum) has been so incredible in so many ways,” Trump said. “He fights so hard. He loves this state. He loves the people. I guess he’s got a race against somebody they call ‘Absent Abby,’ because she never showed up to the statehouse.”

Finkenauer responded in an emailed statement, saying: “It’s disappointing that Congressman Blum apparently spent his time on Air Force One talking political nicknames instead of telling the president how awful his Twitter trade war is for our farmers.”

Blum and Finkenauer are seeking election to Iowa’s 1st Congressional District, which covers 20 counties in Northeast Iowa and includes the cities of Cedar Rapids, Waterloo and Dubuque.


Source: dmregister.com

Hopefully we have video of Reddy making googly eyes at Ivanka.  I predicted he’d get a nickname out of this, although it probably came from Scavino.

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On 7/25/2018 at 10:38 PM, Dam8610 said:

If you believe what he's saying, he's actively committing fraud by staying on the ballot. If you don't (which I'm inclined not to), he's actively doing the behavior the Democratic party has shunned from progressives for decades. The correct answer is to remove himself from the ballot. The answer I think establishment Democrats want is him to mount a third party campaign. Of course they could prove me wrong by telling Crowley to get off the ballot.

ETA: I've done a little work to help my district's state rep, but there's no way I would expend any effort to help the Visclosky or Donnelly campaigns. Way too far right for my tastes. Donnelly actually ran an ad touting praise from Trump.

Visclosky is trash. He is absolutely worthless to anyone but himself.  There is no office holder in the state of Indiana who does less then he does for his district. 

I actually like Donnelly a lot. He is one of the few out there who isn't a slave to a party, which is how he can stay in office as a Democrat in Indiana. 

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12 hours ago, caulfield12 said:

Hopefully we have video of Reddy making googly eyes at Ivanka.  I predicted he’d get a nickname out of this, although it probably came from Scavino.


Confused about this comment. Why would I googly eye Ivanka, exactly? We were all hoping he'd give us one.

Also: "As we noted in a recent podcast, Republican Chair Jeff Kaufmann has tried to get Trump-like nicknames to stick with various Democrats running in Iowa, but the pithy insults never seem to have the same effect when it’s coming from anyone other than Trump. The president seemed to take a shine to the “Absent Abby” nickname Kaufmann has attached to Abby Finkenauer, a misleading title suggesting she’s missed a lot of votes in the Statehouse."


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Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez is trying to put a leftist stamp on the Democratic class of 2018.
Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez is trying to put a leftist stamp on the Democratic class of 2018.
Among the stunners: Progressive Kara Eastman beat former Rep. Brad Ashford in a House primary in Nebraska; Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ousted the No. 4 House Democrat, Rep. Joe Crowley, in New York; and Amy McGrath, a fighter pilot who bested Lexington Mayor Jim Gray, a top Democratic recruit, in a House primary in Kentucky.
Many of the winners have been backed by EMILY's List, which trains and funds female Democratic candidates for office.
But the trend goes much farther than who's on the ballot.
Women favor Democratic candidates for the House by a 25-point margin -- helping Democrats to a 12-point edge in the generic ballot (RCP average is 7.3%, so 10% split would probably be accurate) where those surveyed are asked whether they'd prefer a Democratic or Republican member of Congress to represent them, a Quinnipiac University poll out last week found.
The shift, most drastic in suburban areas, could be insurmountable for Republicans in some districts, much like the rise of rural voters helped catapult Trump to the White House two years ago
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