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2018 Democrats thread


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51 minutes ago, GoSox05 said:

Seems like a normal guy. 

The Sandy Hook truther people may be the worst of the conspiracy theory nuts.  Was reading about one of the Sandy Hook families that is suing Alex Jones.  They've had to move like 17 times because of these people harass them.  Imagine harassing parents whose child was lost in a mass shooting.  Disgusting.



Both sides, both sides.  The Dems want open borders, socialism, to take away your guns, to raise your taxes, support only minorities, illegal immigrants and gays.

The random Beyoncé as Illuminati was the best, although Jay Z makes a lot more sense. 

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14 hours ago, GoSox05 said:

Data shows a surprising campus free speech problem: left-wingers being fired for their opinions


Where are all the free speech warriors who go out of their way to defend Nazi and white supremacists?  Something tells me they were never really about free speech.


See this is scary, and I was pointing this out in the sports media thread. People say " you have free speech, but it doesn't protect you from the consequences of your actions" 

This is how the previous statement itself is a mechanism to suppress free speech. You can't put the ability of one to provide for themselves and their families at risk for exercising their right to free speech. If you do that, then you truly don't have free speech, because you can suppress speech by making one conform to the norms of the powers that be or starve. That is not free speech, or freedom in general. The truth is, unless you're independently wealthy, you have zero rights and zero freedoms. Not having to worry about finances, being able to buy your way out of whatever problems you may have,  that is true freedom. 

Edited by Jack Parkman
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Uniting around issues both wings of the Democratic Party agree upon is the key to stopping Trump



2020 Dem. presidential primary gets an early rehearsal at NetRoots


Reddy, opinions on Chris Murphy?

In a reminder of how quickly a star can rise, perhaps no politician elicited more excitement this weekend than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a nearly anonymous figure before her upset victory in a House primary in New York in June.

Julián Castro, who followed Ocasio-Cortez on stage, acknowledged that he had been overshadowed.

“I have to go after Alexandria?” the former San Antonio mayor and Obama Cabinet secretary joked. As he started speaking, the crowd immediately began to thin.

Edited by caulfield12
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Republicans become deeply offended when you suggest that their party is in the process of adopting a white nationalist agenda, and that many of their voters are motivated by xenophobia. No no, they say, we acknowledge that America is a nation of immigrants; we just want a secure border and all the laws to be enforced. We welcome legal immigrants; it’s illegal immigration we have a problem with.

But then you get something like this, as reported by NBC’s Julia Ainsley:

The Trump administration is expected to issue a proposal in coming weeks that would make it harder for legal immigrants to become citizens or get green cards if they have ever used a range of popular public welfare programs, including Obamacare, four sources with knowledge of the plan told NBC News.

The move, which would not need Congressional approval, is part of White House senior adviser Stephen Miller’s plan to limit the number of migrants who obtain legal status in the U.S. each year.

Details of the rulemaking proposal are still being finalized, but based on a recent draft seen last week and described to NBC News, immigrants living legally in the U.S. who have ever used or whose household members have ever used Obamacare, children’s health insurance, food stamps and other benefits could be hindered from obtaining legal status in the U.S.


Can we do the same thing with Trump’s staff?  

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Dems should also run on more time off.  More time off, better wages and complete health care coverage.  I'm not sure these radical ideas will win in the Midwest.  They hate time off, like not making any money and don't really need healthcare.

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The way we accumulate PTO, I have to work 2 months to accumulate 1 day off. It's bogus. I'm glad I have the ability to WFH once a week, but even in 2018, not enough people have that capability.

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15 minutes ago, GoSox05 said:

Dems should also run on more time off.  More time off, better wages and complete health care coverage.  I'm not sure these radical ideas will win in the Midwest.  They hate time off, like not making any money and don't really need healthcare.

But that will destroy the economy and take profits out of the hands of shareholders...lowering executive suite bonuses.  Capitalism now, capitalism forever!

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5 minutes ago, caulfield12 said:

In China, my wife has 2+ weeks of official holidays and at least two weeks of summer vacation time...so up to 3 weeks after a certain period of time working, I’m pretty sure 15 years...to earn an extra week.

Also here, they don't let you build your PTO past the end of the year. Anything over 40 hours, they take away Jan 1st if you don't use it. 

I'm not taking any vacation this year because I'm saving PTO for next January to go visit my parents in AZ. I had to jump through hoops to get a waiver not to lose any PTO if I'm over 40 at the end of this year since it is already booked. It's like they want you to be tired and miserable.

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3 minutes ago, Brian said:

Also here, they don't let you build your PTO past the end of the year. Anything over 40 hours, they take away Jan 1st if you don't use it. 

I'm not taking any vacation this year because I'm saving PTO for next January to go visit my parents in AZ. I had to jump through hoops to get a waiver not to lose any PTO if I'm over 40 at the end of this year since it is already booked. It's like they want you to be tired and miserable.

They 100% do. 

If you take time off your considered lazy.  Sometimes they just threaten to replace you and since we have no labor laws in this country, they can. 

I know people who are terrified to take time off work.  In some cases they can, but it's non paid time off, which most people cannot afford to do.

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I've never really understood the glorification of the "I've worked 3 jobs to support my family, so should be able to do X".  While I love seeing someone put in the effort and determination to get ahead, why should it take 3 jobs to get ahead?  Can't there be a better way to support those people who want to work for a better life?  

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It has nothing to do with the laws and everything to do with there’s a guy down the street who WILL work that extra time to serve his interests (family etc.).  You go ahead and take your 50 days off a year.  That guy has just as much a right to work hard as you do to take the easy path. 

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5 minutes ago, Jerksticks said:

It has nothing to do with the laws and everything to do with there’s a guy down the street who WILL work that extra time to serve his interests (family etc.).  You go ahead and take your 50 days off a year.  That guy has just as much a right to work hard as you do to take the easy path. 

But the fact that that person also is in the same boat, having to work ridiculously hard and sacrifice everything just to make ends meat, while meanwhile Jeff Bezos has a worth of $150 billion, that has everything to do with the laws.

You shouldn't need 50 days off unless you're him...but there's strong evidence that being able to relax and take a vacation helps worker productivity. It's literally bad for everyone to live in a world where humans can't be humans.

No one should be able to work a full time job and not have health care, reasonable housing in the area, and to contribute to raising a family.

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5 minutes ago, Jerksticks said:

It has nothing to do with the laws and everything to do with there’s a guy down the street who WILL work that extra time to serve his interests (family etc.).  You go ahead and take your 50 days off a year.  That guy has just as much a right to work hard as you do to take the easy path. 

It's not the easy path.  It's the normal path to want to take time off to spend with your family or friends.  Sometimes to just do nothing, it's good for people to just take a day off and relax. 

I guess we could just keep going the way we have.  People in this country are just so happy and we have no problems.  We are the best.

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Norway is the happiest country in the world.  A large reason for that is because of things in America that are seen as "easy path" or "radical".

It's really pretty crazy that people in Norway are that happy because most of the year it has similar weather as the planet Hoth.

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Earned income tax credit has been one solution to the 2-3 job/single mother problem...but the family/medical leave part still hasn’t been addressed.  Unless you count Ivanka’s pr campaign to make herself look more reasonable when she runs for office.  She can say, wink wink, Daddy will still be “advising” me to keep the Minion Trumpsters in line.

Let’s instead follow Rubio’s idea of “borrowing” from your earned Social Security benefits, that will work well...right?

Edited by caulfield12
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Brent Welder is a trash human. Of course Bernie endorsed him. He verbally berates a 19 year old girl when she went to congratulate him on a well run campaign because of a tweet she'd made the day before.

Then he denies it happened like any good douchenozzle, claiming that the 19 year old girl "made it up". Classic.

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We MIGHT very well get 23 seats picked up, but what’s the plan after that?

Obstruction like 2010-2016?  Great we have pretty much nothing to look forward to, other than 2020...in terms of actual, real solutions for the country.

Trump will probably spend 75% of his last two years campaigning and fundraising.

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On 8/8/2018 at 9:04 AM, Brian said:

Also here, they don't let you build your PTO past the end of the year. Anything over 40 hours, they take away Jan 1st if you don't use it. 

I'm not taking any vacation this year because I'm saving PTO for next January to go visit my parents in AZ. I had to jump through hoops to get a waiver not to lose any PTO if I'm over 40 at the end of this year since it is already booked. It's like they want you to be tired and miserable.

That's interesting. Every job I've ever had allowed me to carry over up to 5 days to the next year. I would lose anytime more than that.

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