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**President Trump 2018 Thread**


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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 22, 2018 -> 01:11 PM)
Here's an easy way: come here legally on some sort of Visa and just overstay! That's a significant percentage of undocumented people.


If you're smuggling drugs, do it through shipping or by sea. Hand carried across the border is a tiny fraction.


Don’t forget the sea turtles smuggling cocaine.



The Colombians often used miniature submarines.


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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jan 21, 2018 -> 10:36 PM)
One thing is for sure. SNL hit a home run last year with all the funny Trump stuff. Saturday's show was filled with Trump stuff and it was boring.

SNL needs to move on. That was last year; this is now. Trump stuff has not been funny, SNL. They need some fresher stuff. One skit was unwatchable. A game show called "Does it Even Matter?"

The questions were all about Trump and his atrocities with the punch line "does it even matter?" The guests would say yes then the game show host would freak out about trump and say nothing matters.

The audience was taken aback by how boring the skit was. Unfunny.


The skit was funny because it's true.



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Seems pretty obvious why Trump's "voter fraud" commission doesn't want to turn over data and communications:


Trump voting commission bought Texas election data flagging Hispanic voters


President Trump’s voting commission asked every state and the District for detailed voter registration data, but in Texas’s case it took an additional step: It asked to see Texas records that identify all voters with Hispanic surnames, newly released documents show.


In buying nearly 50 million records from the state with the nation’s second largest Hispanic population, a researcher for the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity checked a box on two Texas public voter data request forms explicitly asking for the “Hispanic surname flag notation,” to be included in information sent to the voting commission, according to copies of the signed and notarized state forms.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jan 21, 2018 -> 10:36 PM)
One thing is for sure. SNL hit a home run last year with all the funny Trump stuff. Saturday's show was filled with Trump stuff and it was boring.

SNL needs to move on. That was last year; this is now. Trump stuff has not been funny, SNL. They need some fresher stuff. One skit was unwatchable. A game show called "Does it Even Matter?"

The questions were all about Trump and his atrocities with the punch line "does it even matter?" The guests would say yes then the game show host would freak out about trump and say nothing matters.

The audience was taken aback by how boring the skit was. Unfunny.


Weekend Update has gotten so, so bad.


They just need to have Kate McKinnon perform in every single sketch.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 23, 2018 -> 05:17 AM)
Greg, you must be 70 years old. Who else watches SNL and listens to Rush?

Ugh. I don't listen to Rush. Three to five minutes every two weeks does not constitute listening to Rush. As far as SNL ... do you read CNN, Yahoo, google? Their every move is covered by the press, which loves to review the skits trashing Trump. SNL is popular again. People watch it. I don't always watch it but if I"m home I turn it on.


QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Jan 23, 2018 -> 05:25 AM)
Weekend Update has gotten so, so bad.


They just need to have Kate McKinnon perform in every single sketch.

Weekend update is so so bad as you say. Again, all Trump all the time. I'm sick of Trump. Time to move on and have some funny skits. I agree about McKinnon. I especially love her UFO character.

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No surprise, another Trump nominee "forgot" to disclose something. When will these people be held accountable for attempting to decieve? You fudge a resume, forget to include information for some clerk job, you get fired. For a Trump administration job, oh, forgot. Only hire the best. Drain the swamp.... :


Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is a shareholder in a private Montana company that manufactures and sells firearms and advanced weapons materials, a financial interest he did not disclose when nominated last year

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Scalise: No guarantee House GOP will consider Senate immigration bill



There you have it...it will be the Senate and the overwhelming majority of American people vs. the House.


Trump will finally have to make a tough decision. Does he give the House political cover or consign himself to the dustbin of history?



Trump takes immigration cues from 'Pres. Stephen Miller'



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22 separate death threats to CNN employees/switchboard called in by 19 year old Michigan man



Fake news. I’m coming to gun you all down. F*** you, f*****’ n******.”

Griesemer reportedly called CNN once more only three minutes after that call, once again making threats.


“I’m on my way right now to gun the f*****’ CNN cast down. F*** you.”

When the CNN operator requested his name, Brandon allegedly threatened the life of the operator directly.


F*** you. I am coming to kill you.”




Journalists Raise Concerns About ‘Fake News’ Rhetoric After Man’s Arrest for Threats to CNN


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QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jan 23, 2018 -> 04:49 PM)
Melania not going to Davos.Scheduling and logistical issues. I would imagine the logistical issue is being within 5 feet of her husband.


And it’s their anniversary too this week...despite the WH trying to take the focus off their marriage after the Trumpy Storm Daniels.

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Shortly after President Trump fired his FBI director in May, he summoned to the Oval Office the bureau’s acting director for a get-to-know-you meeting.


The two men exchanged pleasantries, but before long, Trump, according to several current and former U.S. officials, asked Andrew McCabe a pointed question: Whom did he vote for in the 2016 election?


McCabe said he didn’t vote, according to the officials, who, like others interviewed for this article, spoke on the condition of anonymity to talk candidly about a sensitive matter.


Trump, the officials said, also vented his anger at McCabe over the several hundred thousand dollars in donations that his wife, a Democrat, received for her failed 2015 Virginia state Senate bid from a political action committee controlled by a close friend of Hillary Clinton.


McCabe, who has spent more than two decades at the bureau, found the conversation with Trump “disturbing,” said one former U.S. official. Inside the FBI, officials familiar with the exchange expressed frustration that a civil servant — even a very senior agent in the No. 2 position — would be asked how he voted and criticized for his wife’s political leanings by the president.


One person said the Trump-McCabe conversation is of interest to special counsel Robert S. Mueller III.


President Good Brains has very good brains.






Washington (CNN)Former Trump campaign aide Rick Gates has quietly added a prominent white-collar attorney, Tom Green, to his defense team, signaling that Gates' approach to his not-guilty plea could be changing behind the scenes.


Green, a well-known Washington defense lawyer, was seen at special counsel Robert Mueller's office twice last week. CNN is told by a source familiar with the matter that Green has joined Gates' team.


Green isn't listed in the court record as a lawyer in the case and works for a large law firm separate from Gates' primary lawyers.


Green's involvement suggests that there is an ongoing negotiation between the defendant's team and the prosecutors. At this stage, with Gates' charges filed and bail set, talks could concern the charges and Gates' plea. The defense and prosecution are currently working together on discovery of evidence.


Gates pleaded not guilty in October to eight charges of money laundering and failing to register foreign lobbying and other business. His longtime business partner, former Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort, pleaded not guilty to nine counts in the same case as Gates.


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You would think they would be smart enough not to spite the Red States...maybe they got confused with the Deep State? Deep South State? Yet Rep. Trey Gowdy was out there yesterday spouting his usual nonsense as if nothing happened.


South Carolina, Home to New Samsung Factory, Is Disappointed by New Tariffs

New plant hired 600 people and promised to expand in state that strongly supported Trump


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Devin Nunes cited for leaking purported secret memo on FBI...this is at least the second, if not the 3rd time he's done so...the House investigation is a complete sham at this point, and tainted to the point where they might as well just disband it and move forward in the Senate and with Mueller


The DOJ and Justice Department don’t want the memo released. Who does? Donald Trump, Jr. and Russian bots, #releasethememo Of course, Nunes hasn’t even read the memo, only Trey Gowdy and Democrat Adam Schiff have...House Republicans actually voted unanimously against reading the underlying material.


"We believe it would be extraordinarily reckless for the Committee to disclose such information publicly without giving the Department and the FBI the opportunity to review the memorandum and to advise the [committee] of the risk of harm to national security and to ongoing investigations that could come from the public release," a top Justice Department official wrote in a letter today to Rep. Devin Nunes, R-California. "Indeed, we do not understand why the Committee would possibly seek to disclose classified and law enforcement sensitive information without first consulting with the relevant members of the Intelligence Community."


Last week, Nunes disclosed that his staff had drafted the memo, which was deemed classified but shared with other House members. It's not clear what the memorandum states or what information is contained within it, but the Justice Department letters suggests the Nunes memorandum ties alleged government surveillance of Trump associates to information first provided by the author of the infamous "dossier" alleging collusion between Trump aides and Russian operatives.




Here’s a “positive/favorable” article for Rabbit to enjoy:


The buffoon presidency? Davos elites learn to live with Trump

The president will arrive in Switzerland to find global business leaders ready to welcome him — or at least to say he hasn’t been as bad as they thought he'd be.



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