StrangeSox Posted January 18, 2018 Share Posted January 18, 2018 Trump personally directed White House to have bannon clam up during his House questioning. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dick Allen Posted January 18, 2018 Share Posted January 18, 2018 QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 18, 2018 -> 12:50 PM) Trump personally directed White House to have bannon clam up during his House questioning. Did Trump say Sloppy Steve didn't have a very big role in the WH? I wonder why he is so worried. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RockRaines Posted January 18, 2018 Share Posted January 18, 2018 QUOTE (raBBit @ Jan 18, 2018 -> 12:49 PM) Nobody cares about the alt-right. It's not a clearly defined thing. It's a snarl word for the intellectually weak to use when they don't want to address points and would rather gang up. Respond to people's specific opinions. Don't just hand wave them with some media created narrative that there is some wild surge of white supremacy in the USA. I disagree with every point you made there. There is very defined statistical evidence of increased participation in white supremacist groups and sites. The Alt right "talking points" are also very clearly defined and if they are repeated verbatim as someone's opinion then it is very clear where those viewpoints came from. Calling the identification lazy and intellectually weak is in itself lazy and weak. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
caulfield12 Posted January 18, 2018 Share Posted January 18, 2018 QUOTE (raBBit @ Jan 18, 2018 -> 12:49 PM) Nobody cares about the alt-right. It's not a clearly defined thing. It's a snarl word for the intellectually weak to use when they don't want to address points and would rather gang up. Respond to people's specific opinions. Don't just hand wave them with some media created narrative that there is some wild surge of white supremacy in the USA. It is interesting that there was an increase in murder by white supremacists. It would be interesting to see the whole picture on how specific demographic groups murder other groups on a rate basis. Oh and by the way, this backwards thinking that we need to give certain groups more on account of predispositions or hold them to lesser standards in education/employment is only going to create more "white supremacists" or people with white skin who have pride in their culture and are being penalized because this country was founded and ruled by white people for the great deal of its history.. The whole white privilege argument doesn't go over well when you consider there are more poor white people in this country that any other demo. I understand on a rate basis that white people are less likely to be poor than some other demos but that still doesn't change the fact that there millions of them in poverty who are getting the same bucket treatment of condescension and shaming about skin color. If you believe that Affirmative Action or unions are the primary reason why white people are in poverty, you’re missing the point. You might as well blame opioid addiction, or oxy. It’s all about skills/education/work ethic. Whites are losing because people from China, India, South Korea or Singapore are willing to work twice as hard for 25% less pay. It’s simply a matter of efficiency and productivity. The “dumbest” kids at our school all get at least 700 on SAT math and are ridiculed for that. While you’re at it, maybe you can come up with some education/tuition reforms or training/retraining ideas that can benefit all Americans across socio-economic groups, instead of seeing things mostly through a frame of racial or religious grievances? As far as I have observed, those same white people who complain the most often want the cheapest possible goods at Wal Mart or Costco that are manufactured primarily in the developing world...those jobs are never coming back,unless we’re willing to pay 25-50% more for those same products to be made in America. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
caulfield12 Posted January 18, 2018 Share Posted January 18, 2018 QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jan 18, 2018 -> 01:12 PM) I disagree with every point you made there. There is very defined statistical evidence of increased participation in white supremacist groups and sites. The Alt right "talking points" are also very clearly defined and if they are repeated verbatim as someone's opinion then it is very clear where those viewpoints came from. Calling the identification lazy and intellectually weak is in itself lazy and weak. The only thing weaker is mindlessly chanting USA, USA, USA and playing Lee Greenwood songs... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RockRaines Posted January 18, 2018 Share Posted January 18, 2018 (edited) QUOTE (raBBit @ Jan 18, 2018 -> 01:15 PM) What is the alt right? And please caulfield and SS don't respond I am asking Rock. Sure, its been defined by many of their own members, including Bannon who called Breitbart the platform of the alt right. The alt right is generally inclusive of groups that have nationalistic ideologies sometimes rooted in hatred towards other ethnic or racial groups. Neo nazis, white supremacists,neo fascists and even far right evangelical groups. The AP defined the alt right as such: Quote The 'alt-right' or 'alternative right' is a name currently embraced by some white supremacists and white nationalists to refer to themselves and their ideology, which emphasizes preserving and protecting the white race in the United States in addition to, or over, other traditional conservative positions such as limited government, low taxes and strict law-and-order. The movement has been described as a mix of racism, white nationalism and populism ... criticizes "multiculturalism" and more rights for non-whites, women, Jews, Muslims, gays, immigrants and other minorities. Its members reject the American democratic ideal that all should have equality under the law regardless of creed, gender, ethnic origin or race Here is a link to alt right leader Richard Spencer's definition of their ideology: The term was originally coined in 2008 by Paul Gottfried, not the media. So trying to blame the media for its creation is inaccurate. He is a paleoconservative member of the alt right which is defined as: Quote Paleoconservative is a term that describes conservatives who support strong restrictions on immigration, a rollback of multicultural programs, the decentralization of the federal polity, the restoration of controls upon free trade, a greater emphasis upon economic nationalism and isolationism in the conduct of American foreign policy, and a generally revanchist outlook upon a social order in need of recovering old lines of distinction and in particular the assignment of roles in accordance with traditional categories of gender, ethnicity, and race. As such, paleoconservatives differ from mainstream conservatives Some more on that philosophy (many of this may look a bit familiar with whats going on) Quote Paleoconservatism "is distinguished by certain philosophical presumptions that differ markedly from the presumptions of neocons and most modern conservatives." Unlike most conservatives today, paleoconservatives are against the Iraq War. They are highly critical of the Bush administration and the mainstream conservative movement. Paleoconservatism vocally distinguishes itself in its opposition to neoconservatism. However, what really sets them apart from other conservatives is much deeper than just policy: they generally reject the Enlightenment in whole or in part; they reject Lockean "contract theory" Most controversially, they reject the concept of "natural rights" outright. Dr. Donald Livingston, Professor of Philosophy at Emory University, has argued that natural rights are a "philosophical superstition," and that "Whatever they might be, natural rights are universal and apply to all men. Further, they are known by reason, independent of any inherited moral tradition... It follows, therefore, that the doctrine of natural rights must be in a condition of permanent hostility to all inherited moral traditions. Any such tradition, no matter how noble the goods of excellence cultivated in it, can always be seen as violating someone's natural rights under some interpretation or another." Paleos agree with mainstream conservatives on issues like opposition to secularism, abortion on demand and gay marriage, while supporting capital punishment, handgun ownership and an original intent reading of the U.S. Constitution. Paleocons also often argue that modern managerial society is a threat to stable families. Government Paleos strongly oppose American membership in the United Nations. They also seek to limit the power of the Federal Government, while strongly supporting State's Rights. Paleos believe America was founded as a Constitutional Republic and support this form of government instead of pure democracy. Unlike other conservatives, they take a critical view of Abraham Lincoln and a view that the Confederacy was on the right side of the war. Some paleos in the Neo-Confederate movement, support the secession of the Southern States. Culture Paleoconservatives differ from neoconservatives on immigration, affirmative action and, unlike mainstream conservatives, paleos generally oppose miscegenation (multicultural integration). Paleoconservatives also question the supposition that European culture and mores can ever be transplanted or forced upon non-Western cultures, due to separate cultural heritages. As a result, paleocons are most distinctive in their emphatic opposition to open immigration by non-Europeans, and their general disapproval of U.S. intervention overseas for the purposes of exporting democracy. Religion Paleoconservatives are Conservative Christians, like Protestant Fundamentalists and Traditionalist Catholics. They oppose religious pluralism and support orthodoxy of the doctrine within the respective denominations. They stress the importance of the need of America to return to its Christian Heritage. Economy Paleoconservatives support free market capitalism, but many are ardent opponents of free trade, citing disintegration of America's manufacturing base, and American dependence on imports as adverse effects of free trade. They strongly oppose all forms of socialism or communism. They seek to replace Federal Reserve System with a Constitutional monetary system. They are deeply concerned with the United States' loans of large amounts of money from the World Bank and the huge trade deficit the country is experiencing. Unlike mainstream conservatives, paleos oppose the continuing US financial support of Israel. Like other conservatives, they emphasize the importance of creating jobs for the working class and the slashing of taxes and spending. Edited January 18, 2018 by RockRaines Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dick Allen Posted January 18, 2018 Share Posted January 18, 2018 QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jan 18, 2018 -> 01:41 PM) Sure, its been defined by many of their own members, including Bannon who called Breitbart the platform of the alt right. The alt right is generally inclusive of groups that have nationalistic ideologies sometimes rooted in hatred towards other ethnic or racial groups. Neo nazis, white supremacists,neo fascists and even far right evangelical groups. The AP defined the alt right as such: Here is a link to alt right leader Richard Spencer's definition of their ideology: The term was originally coined in 2008 by Paul Gottfried, not the media. So trying to blame the media for its creation is inaccurate. He is a paleoconservative member of the alt right which is defined as: You did well on your test. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quin Posted January 18, 2018 Share Posted January 18, 2018 Gorka has an arrest warrant for gun charges in Hungary and did during his entire White House tenure. Extreme vetting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dick Allen Posted January 18, 2018 Share Posted January 18, 2018 QUOTE (Quin @ Jan 18, 2018 -> 02:43 PM) Gorka has an arrest warrant for gun charges in Hungary and did during his entire White House tenure. Extreme vetting. Trump only hires the best. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
caulfield12 Posted January 18, 2018 Share Posted January 18, 2018 Not alt-right. Nationalist populism...or is it populistic nationalism? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Balta1701 Posted January 18, 2018 Share Posted January 18, 2018 QUOTE (raBBit @ Jan 18, 2018 -> 06:24 PM) So how does one become a member? I've never met someone who has said they are alt-right. Do neo nazis and far right evangelicals know they are a part of this group? Do they have a choice? You and others throw this around at other posters after those few occasions someone posts an opinion back here that doesn't align with the groupthink. Is everyone who isn't liberal alt-right? Do people have a choice in whether they're alt-right? Is it as simple as someone who has an opinion that doesn't align with Vox or WaPo opens themselves up to be branded by the liberals? Just because Spencer and Bannon exist and have spoken on the alt-right doesn't mean the media hasn't made it a misnomer. It's a snarl word - a gambit for people on the left (who talk politics in the ugly, American partisan team-based form of discourse discourse) to classify and repudiate those with alternative opinions. It's a tactic to shut down critical thinking and to liken anybody with an opinion left of center as some racist, internet hooligan. It's cheap. Ironically, the term was apparently promoted initially by Richard Spencer when in 2010 he launched a magazine with that name. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RockRaines Posted January 18, 2018 Share Posted January 18, 2018 (edited) QUOTE (raBBit @ Jan 18, 2018 -> 05:24 PM) So how does one become a member? I've never met someone who has said they are alt-right. Do neo nazis and far right evangelicals know they are a part of this group? Do they have a choice? You and others throw this around at other posters after those few occasions someone posts an opinion back here that doesn't align with the groupthink. Is everyone who isn't liberal alt-right? Do people have a choice in whether they're alt-right? Is it as simple as someone who has an opinion that doesn't align with Vox or WaPo opens themselves up to be branded by the liberals? Just because Spencer and Bannon exist and have spoken on the alt-right doesn't mean the media hasn't made it a misnomer. It's a snarl word - a gambit for people on the left (who talk politics in the ugly, American partisan team-based form of discourse discourse) to classify and repudiate those with alternative opinions. It's a tactic to shut down critical thinking and to liken anybody with an opinion left of center as some racist, internet hooligan. It's cheap. Kind of a lazy response from you, considering I defined the group and gave you examples of their talking points. If someone regurgitates the exact belief system of someone who identifies and defines the alt right, wouldnt that make them part of that group as well? You are totally fine with broad brushing someone a "liberal" but are against defining anyone else, especially when its super obvious based on their posts and borderline trolling. I understand you want to try and defend anyone that doesnt fit into your nice little box that you label "groupthink," but I dont get it in this case. Keep in mind the Alt right invented that term for themselves a decade ago, and its not something they are ashamed of at all. Edited January 18, 2018 by RockRaines Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BigSqwert Posted January 18, 2018 Share Posted January 18, 2018 Trump and his regime are definitely not racist. Trump appointee, and former campaign surrogate, Carl Higbie resigns as public face of agency that runs AmeriCorps after KFile review of racist, sexist, anti-Muslim and anti-LGBT comments on the radio Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Big Hurtin Posted January 19, 2018 Share Posted January 19, 2018 This is some really disturbing stuff. Want more proof? Okay, visit our site here for more charts, bibliographies and narratives making sense of it all. Say NO to the RUSSIAN MOB, @SenateGOP @SenateDems. We shouldn't have to ask, you know. We the People are watching. Do the right thing. There is a man who controls our President. And his name is not Vladimir Putin. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
caulfield12 Posted January 19, 2018 Share Posted January 19, 2018 QUOTE (raBBit @ Jan 18, 2018 -> 05:51 PM) My response was in no way lazy. Not sure why you have to call it that when you can just give your opinion. Liberal is not a snarl word. I am a liberal. In the classic sense. If I called all liberals "commies" every time they had a different opinion that would be more like calling someone alt-right. Also the alt right wasn't created decades ago. Do you know people in real life that call themselves alt-right and are proud of it? I certainly don't. I would have no idea who Richard Spencer was if I only took in right wing voices. People on the left talk about him far more than I've seen anyone on the right. Look at Spencer's academic background. You will be shocked. Much smarter than Trump. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
caulfield12 Posted January 19, 2018 Share Posted January 19, 2018 Head of the Corporation for National and Community Service (former Navy SEAL, Trump booster) out over racist/anti-Muslim/sexist/anti-gay comments. You can't have someone in charge of AmeriCorps/Peace Corps/VISTA...basically, our Federal government's domestic and international outreach in terms of volunteer/service workers represent such distasteful viewpoints. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RockRaines Posted January 19, 2018 Share Posted January 19, 2018 QUOTE (raBBit @ Jan 18, 2018 -> 05:51 PM) My response was in no way lazy. Not sure why you have to call it that when you can just give your opinion. Liberal is not a snarl word. I am a liberal. In the classic sense. If I called all liberals "commies" every time they had a different opinion that would be more like calling someone alt-right. Also the alt right wasn't created decades ago. Do you know people in real life that call themselves alt-right and are proud of it? I certainly don't. I would have no idea who Richard Spencer was if I only took in right wing voices. People on the left talk about him far more than I've seen anyone on the right. I said a decade, it was about 2008. There is actually a pretty large portion of my family that would love to tell you about the "American Nationalist" movement that read 4chan and breitbart and consider Alt-right a compliment. They believe that "right wing" or "conservatives" are money grubbing elitists that are just as bad as the dems. I even have family in the michigan militia. Maybe I've just been exposed to it directly since 99% of my family lives in ohio or the UP of Michigan. Its funny because on the same side of the family we have evangelicals, a few liberals, two muslims (they are harassed), and my family which is pretty centric/liberal. Our xmas parties were very very tense the last several years, and many people have blocked each other on social media. It's an interesting example of the country IMO. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RockRaines Posted January 19, 2018 Share Posted January 19, 2018 (edited) QUOTE (raBBit @ Jan 18, 2018 -> 08:12 PM) Twitter suspended the account of theHouse Intel Committee. Every day I think more and more how much better off we would all be without so many social media outlets. Twitter has become a cesspool. If we all spent the morning reading our papers I feel like we would be better off. The only news I watch is WGN in the morning and then I try to stay focused on industry stuff Edited January 19, 2018 by RockRaines Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StrangeSox Posted January 19, 2018 Share Posted January 19, 2018 QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jan 18, 2018 -> 08:16 PM) Every day I think more and more how much better off we would all be without so many social media outlets. Twitter has become a cesspool. If we all spent the morning reading our papers I feel like we would be better off. The only news I watch is WGN in the morning and then I try to stay focused on industry stuff The wgn morning show is great. I'm pretty sure they're all half drunk. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RockRaines Posted January 19, 2018 Share Posted January 19, 2018 QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 18, 2018 -> 09:10 PM) The wgn morning show is great. I'm pretty sure they're all half drunk. One of my friends from childhood is on there and we saw them tape a few times. They are all f***ing hilarious Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Beast Posted January 19, 2018 Share Posted January 19, 2018 QUOTE (Whitesoxin2019 @ Jan 18, 2018 -> 11:36 AM) Nobody seems to get the point. As long as the media is s*** and people feel they are being lied to Trump will thrive. I mean come on folks. If Trump is as bad as we think he is why not play it straight above the fence? Why use photo shops, edit videos, peer pressure, shaming etc etc Nobody can answer this, specifically the tragedy that is CNN. I think they only help trumps popularity. “But FOX news” yeah they are s*** too. But I can tell you from an independent point of view CNN takes the cake. Stick with the issues guys. I was more inclined to vote liberal 20 years ago but all the white shaming, media deception, gang mentality, violence (yes I do think the violence from antifa is severaly underreported), I see them as communists. Say what you will about Trump, but until these things get fixed y’all don’t have much leg to stand on. Also a new trend I noticed with the left side is lack of compromise. You won’t admit being 1% wrong. It would be refreshing to hear if trump ever does something good because he has done good. I don’t agree with all the bullet points under the fake news awards but a more than a few items stick out in my mind as unquestionably true. The shame with networks like cnn though is even if he does lie, how can I believe it? Cable news as a whole sucks. So does their social media accounts. Local news is much better than watching hours of commentary from both sides. I don’t get why we don’t have a leg to stand on, are you saying we can’t make valid arguments about Trump? Compromise? The GOP didn’t compromise with Obama when they took control, and didn’t allow Garland to be seated. In talking with Trump supporters at a recent sales conference, there was no compromise on the issues, they just agreed with each other that they hate Hillary and that he needs to stop tweeting. Also, terms like snowflake, the left, liberals and libtards are getting old, just like some insults and generalizations on the other side. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Beast Posted January 19, 2018 Share Posted January 19, 2018 QUOTE (Whitesoxin2019 @ Jan 18, 2018 -> 11:49 AM) I was always a George Bush hater for many reasons I voted Ron Paul in 2008 and 2012 in the primaries I voted Obama(deporter in chief) in 2008 in the National , McCain was not an option I hate the national media including fox’s censorship of Paul in 08 and 12 I despise Ivy League schools with far left ideology I despise groups like antifa who I label as communists I think CNN is the worst media outlet and has become a joke that actually helps Trumps cause. I am an independent Voter who is open minded for 2020. But I will not be bullied, shamed, intimidated with my vote. What would it take for you to consider a candidate other than Trump, like Gillibrand, Harris or even Biden? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Beast Posted January 19, 2018 Share Posted January 19, 2018 QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jan 18, 2018 -> 08:16 PM) Every day I think more and more how much better off we would all be without so many social media outlets. Twitter has become a cesspool. If we all spent the morning reading our papers I feel like we would be better off. The only news I watch is WGN in the morning and then I try to stay focused on industry stuff We would be better off without as many social media outlets, at least Facebook is changing its news feed up. Facebook can be nasty in cable news network threads. People hiding behind their computers have muscles in their fingers but would never say anything like they do online in person. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RockRaines Posted January 19, 2018 Share Posted January 19, 2018 QUOTE (New Era on South Side @ Jan 18, 2018 -> 09:53 PM) Cable news as a whole sucks. So does their social media accounts. Local news is much better than watching hours of commentary from both sides. I don’t get why we don’t have a leg to stand on, are you saying we can’t make valid arguments about Trump? Compromise? The GOP didn’t compromise with Obama when they took control, and didn’t allow Garland to be seated. In talking with Trump supporters at a recent sales conference, there was no compromise on the issues, they just agreed with each other that they hate Hillary and that he needs to stop tweeting. Also, terms like snowflake, the left, liberals and libtards are getting old, just like some insults and generalizations on the other side. Quite frankly there is an entire generation of politicians that we need to get rid of. They have no handle on the present QUOTE (New Era on South Side @ Jan 18, 2018 -> 10:06 PM) We would be better off without as many social media outlets, at least Facebook is changing its news feed up. Facebook can be nasty in cable news network threads. People hiding behind their computers have muscles in their fingers but would never say anything like they do online in person. Also there is a large part of the population that literally believes everything they read on the internet Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Beast Posted January 19, 2018 Share Posted January 19, 2018 QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jan 18, 2018 -> 10:13 PM) Quite frankly there is an entire generation of politicians that we need to get rid of. They have no handle on the present Also there is a large part of the population that literally believes everything they read on the internet Yes - Sanders, McConnell, Pelosi, Hatch and a few others that have been there for years. I would be fine with term limits in Illinois and on the federal level, there shouldn’t be career politicians. New, fresh voices are needed, which is why I am hoping Harris, Gillibrand or Cuban can get rid of Trump in 2020 (or maybe Biden). I’m even welcoming the thought of Romney taking over Hatch’s seat in 2018 since he will be a critic of Trump and not be a yes man like others are being. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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