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**President Trump 2018 Thread**


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Exclusive: Trump’s draft plan to punish legal immigrants for sending US-born kids to Head Start

Or getting insured through the Children’s Health Insurance Program, or getting assistance to heat their homes


.The Trump administration is working on new rules that would allow the government to keep immigrants from settling in the US, or even force them to leave, if their families had used a broad swath of local, state, or federal social services to which they’re legally entitled — even enrolling their US-born children in Head Start or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).



A draft of the new regulation, posted first by Vox, can be found at the bottom of this article or on DocumentCloud. (If the DocumentCloud link does not work for you, here is a direct link to the PDF.) Reuters originally reported on the existence of the draft regulation Thursday.


The rule wouldn’t make it illegal for immigrants to use public services that are open to everyone regardless of immigration status, or that are available to their US-born children. But it would make it possible for the government to deny their applications for a new type of visa, or a green card, if they’d used those services. In other words, it could force them to choose between taking advantage of available social services, and their family’s future ability to stay in the United States permanently.


If approved and finalized, the regulation would vastly expand the federal government’s power to bar an immigrant from entering the United States, obtaining a new visa, or becoming a lawful permanent resident (green-card holder) by labeling the immigrant a likely “public charge.”



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Stuff like that makes you wonder if General Kelly is the one who is most mentally ill in the WH these days...his moral compass has completely become demagnetized.


The only way for our GDP to continue growing at 2-3% is through “responsible/accountable” immigration standards.


The only good that could come of a return to the 1950’s is significantly less Federal debt, which is something Trump has spent less time addressing in two years than Rand Paul has tonight.

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Over the past year, American intelligence officials have opened a secret communications channel with the Russian operatives, who have been seeking to sell both Trump-related materials and documents stolen from the National Security Agency and obtained by Russian intelligence, according to people involved with the matter and other documentary evidence. The channel started developing in early 2017, when American and Russian intermediaries began meeting in Germany. Eventually, a Russian intermediary, apparently representing some elements of the Russian intelligence community, agreed to a deal to sell stolen NSA documents back to the U.S. while also seeking to include Trump-related materials in the package.


Bizarre story, but an example of why US congress should be running a thorough investigation into the Russian operation during the 2016 election without just running cover for the admin.

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Trump gonna lose the woman’s vote? Nah...

”Peoples lives are being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation," the President tweeted. "Some are true and some are false. Some are old and some are new. There is no recovery for someone falsely accused - life and career are gone. Is there no such thing any longer as Due Process?"



Two domestic violence staffers gone in consecutive days, one handling the most sensitive documents with no security clearance on an everyday basis. (But...look at his sterling academic credentials!...Rhodes Scholar...but didn’t we learn this lesson from Bill Clinton previously?)


40+ still working without clearances after ALL the handwringing about Hillary emails.


Yet the idea of Mick Mulvaney as Chief Of Staff doesn’t exactly seem much better.


One thing’s for sure, you can stick a fork in Kelly. So much for all those great generals, Flynn and Kelly gone, McMaster is just completely ignored because he’s too honest and detail-oriented for Trump’s limited attention span and inability or indifference about reading/research beyond Fox & Friends/Hannity. Mattis is the only one to stand the test of time.

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“But there are some very fine abusers on both sides...” When will Christians actually take the plank out of their own eyes to see Trump for who he is and not who they project him to be?




When a female reporter said Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski grabbed her arm and threw her to the ground, Trump’s response was,“Who said they were bruises from that? How do you know those bruises weren’t there before?”


He said he’d reviewed the video of the incident.


He went on: “To me, you know if you’re going to get squeezed, wouldn’t you think that she would have yelled out a scream or something?”


He did not express any sympathy for the female reporter or regret about the incident.


The week after Roger Ailes resigned from Fox News in the summer of 2016 when the sexual harassment allegations became overwhelming, Trump rallied to his defense: “I can tell you that some of the women that are complaining, I know how much he’s helped them.”


Trump’s response to reports of payouts over sexual harassment by fired Fox News host Bill O’Reilly: “He is a good person.”


His assessment was that O’Reilly, “a person I know well,” shouldn’t have settled. Because, Trump said: ‘“I don’t think Bill did anything wrong.”

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New infrastructure plan coming out....pass all the costs down to states and municipalities, aim is to reallocate any Federal program’s money that goes to poor people, loads of toll bridges and toll roads for the private sector to profit from, lots of well-qualified Trump officials supervising the permitting process (yet another job for Jared?)





Everybody seems to favor new and improved roads and bridges. It’s finding the money to pay for them that’s the problem.


President Trump will unveil a long-awaited infrastructure plan on Monday with a lofty goal: to stimulate $1.5 trillion in new spending to modernize the nation’s transportation and public works systems. But the plan won’t identify any new revenue sources to finance those projects. Instead, it will call for killing other programs and shifting that money over to infrastructure.


“They’re not serious about infrastructure,” says a representative of the business community familiar with the White House plans. “They don’t want to put any new money into it. They’re going to use it as political bait, to portray the Democrats as getting in the way of rebuilding the country.”


Though Trump is calling for $1.5 trillion in new infrastructure spending, most of that wouldn’t be federal money. The Trump plan only calls for $200 billion in new federal funds, above what Washington already spends, which would be taken from other programs. Those funds would be used in a variety of ways to seed or incentivize projects. The rest of the money would come from states, cities and private sources.


Trump also wants to speed the permitting process, requiring approvals in 24 months or less. His plan would cut back on bureaucratic overlap by identifying a single agency to take the lead for every permit required, eliminating duplicative procedures. “The process we have in the United States just takes way too long and is not really focused on outcomes,” a senior White House official told reporters on February 10. “We want to shorten the process while at the same time preserving environmental protections.”



Aetna California scandal demonstrates why private insurance “death panels” shouldn’t be trusted to make medical decisions


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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Feb 11, 2018 -> 07:55 PM)
New infrastructure plan coming out....pass all the costs down to states and municipalities, aim is to reallocate any Federal program’s money that goes to poor people, loads of toll bridges and toll roads for the private sector to profit from, lots of well-qualified Trump officials supervising the permitting process (yet another job for Jared?)





Everybody seems to favor new and improved roads and bridges. It’s finding the money to pay for them that’s the problem.


President Trump will unveil a long-awaited infrastructure plan on Monday with a lofty goal: to stimulate $1.5 trillion in new spending to modernize the nation’s transportation and public works systems. But the plan won’t identify any new revenue sources to finance those projects. Instead, it will call for killing other programs and shifting that money over to infrastructure.


“They’re not serious about infrastructure,” says a representative of the business community familiar with the White House plans. “They don’t want to put any new money into it. They’re going to use it as political bait, to portray the Democrats as getting in the way of rebuilding the country.”


Though Trump is calling for $1.5 trillion in new infrastructure spending, most of that wouldn’t be federal money. The Trump plan only calls for $200 billion in new federal funds, above what Washington already spends, which would be taken from other programs. Those funds would be used in a variety of ways to seed or incentivize projects. The rest of the money would come from states, cities and private sources.


Trump also wants to speed the permitting process, requiring approvals in 24 months or less. His plan would cut back on bureaucratic overlap by identifying a single agency to take the lead for every permit required, eliminating duplicative procedures. “The process we have in the United States just takes way too long and is not really focused on outcomes,” a senior White House official told reporters on February 10. “We want to shorten the process while at the same time preserving environmental protections.”



Aetna California scandal demonstrates why private insurance “death panels” shouldn’t be trusted to make medical decisions



“They’re not serious about infrastructure,” says a representative of the business community familiar with the White House plans. “They don’t want to put any new money into it. They’re going to use it as political bait, to portray the Democrats as getting in the way of rebuilding the country.”


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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Feb 11, 2018 -> 07:55 PM)
New infrastructure plan coming out....pass all the costs down to states and municipalities, aim is to reallocate any Federal program’s money that goes to poor people, loads of toll bridges and toll roads for the private sector to profit from, lots of well-qualified Trump officials supervising the permitting process (yet another job for Jared?)





Everybody seems to favor new and improved roads and bridges. It’s finding the money to pay for them that’s the problem.


President Trump will unveil a long-awaited infrastructure plan on Monday with a lofty goal: to stimulate $1.5 trillion in new spending to modernize the nation’s transportation and public works systems. But the plan won’t identify any new revenue sources to finance those projects. Instead, it will call for killing other programs and shifting that money over to infrastructure.


“They’re not serious about infrastructure,” says a representative of the business community familiar with the White House plans. “They don’t want to put any new money into it. They’re going to use it as political bait, to portray the Democrats as getting in the way of rebuilding the country.”


Though Trump is calling for $1.5 trillion in new infrastructure spending, most of that wouldn’t be federal money. The Trump plan only calls for $200 billion in new federal funds, above what Washington already spends, which would be taken from other programs. Those funds would be used in a variety of ways to seed or incentivize projects. The rest of the money would come from states, cities and private sources.


Trump also wants to speed the permitting process, requiring approvals in 24 months or less. His plan would cut back on bureaucratic overlap by identifying a single agency to take the lead for every permit required, eliminating duplicative procedures. “The process we have in the United States just takes way too long and is not really focused on outcomes,” a senior White House official told reporters on February 10. “We want to shorten the process while at the same time preserving environmental protections.”



Aetna California scandal demonstrates why private insurance “death panels” shouldn’t be trusted to make medical decisions



“They’re not serious about infrastructure,” says a representative of the business community familiar with the White House plans. “They don’t want to put any new money into it. They’re going to use it as political bait, to portray the Democrats as getting in the way of rebuilding the country.”


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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Feb 12, 2018 -> 03:13 PM)
Hope so. The more DJTJ trolls on the internet the more people are going to detest him. Why not just stay in the background?


He’s just another proxy for his father, created in the same image. He simply can’t resist, like Eric somehow manages to do.


It’s actually pretty remarkable Rep. Steve Scalise is the only pol who was nearly killed last year given the current charged environment, especially on race/religion/immigration/domestic violence/LGBTQ rights.

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As one of the resident Iowans, these are *not* good numbers for Trump in Iowa.




His favorable/unfavorable is 44/51. The worse numbers come when asked if they would definitely vote for Trump or would be open to considering another candidate in 2020.


26% Definitely Trump

20% Considering voting for another candidate

48% definitely voting for another candidate

5% Not sure


I expect that to move back and forth a bit, obviously depending on the democratic candidate, but this is from the best pollster in the state (and regarded by 538 as the best in the country). That 26% seems really low for an incumbent, even with three years left. 54%/33% think Mueller is doing the right thing. It's kind of odd when you dig into the numbers that highlight mostly socially conservative stances among respondents (38/59 against recreational pot, 58/36 for the death penalty in certain circumstances, 55/34 defining life beginning at conception) but some others going different ways (71/25 in favor of planned parenthood funding being restored for non-abortion, 65/26 for a pathway to citizenship for undocumented) and a big split on the wall (30 no matter what, 15 depending on a deal, 50 saying no). Respondents also said that mental health is the biggest crisis facing the state. Moreover, respondents favored a 1% tax increase 67/29 to pay for mental health services/water quality.


Having lived here my entire life, a bunch of those numbers are quite interesting.

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QUOTE (Heads22 @ Feb 12, 2018 -> 08:20 PM)
As one of the resident Iowans, these are *not* good numbers for Trump in Iowa.




His favorable/unfavorable is 44/51. The worse numbers come when asked if they would definitely vote for Trump or would be open to considering another candidate in 2020.


26% Definitely Trump

20% Considering voting for another candidate

48% definitely voting for another candidate

5% Not sure


I expect that to move back and forth a bit, obviously depending on the democratic candidate, but this is from the best pollster in the state (and regarded by 538 as the best in the country). That 26% seems really low for an incumbent, even with three years left. 54%/33% think Mueller is doing the right thing. It's kind of odd when you dig into the numbers that highlight mostly socially conservative stances among respondents (38/59 against recreational pot, 58/36 for the death penalty in certain circumstances, 55/34 defining life beginning at conception) but some others going different ways (71/25 in favor of planned parenthood funding being restored for non-abortion, 65/26 for a pathway to citizenship for undocumented) and a big split on the wall (30 no matter what, 15 depending on a deal, 50 saying no). Respondents also said that mental health is the biggest crisis facing the state. Moreover, respondents favored a 1% tax increase 67/29 to pay for mental health services/water quality.


Having lived here my entire life, a bunch of those numbers are quite interesting.


You’re starting with women, minorities and young people all pretty much united against.


Trump has done so much damage to the Republican Party with his constant assault on women. While Iowa has more evangelical voters, the demographic trends are going to work against Trump with so many older workers and Boomers feeling their health care and entitlements like SS and Medicare threatened under Ryan.


And farmers aren’t seeing any great dividends from administration policies, either.

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Obama Deep State Operatives in FBI Deliberately Holding Up Background Checks to Make Trump Admin Look Even More Incompetent?


Stay tuned for Ron Johnson/Devin Nunes joint presser



Ricketts: Pres. Obama and Mayor Rahm Emmanuel influenced Jake Arrieta to sign with MLB team evidencing Democratic-aligned ownership values

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The White House continues to lie about what they knew and when regarding fired wife beater Rob Porter.


They arranged for an off-the-record briefing by Porter himself after the story broke.


The secondary story to all of this is how many people in the White House are working on "interim" security clearances this long into the administration. Background checks do not typically take this long, even for the highest level clearances, and especially not for people who'd be prioritized like Kushner. Holding the investigation open though allows them to keep the "interim" clearance forever without having the black mark of the FBI recommending against granting a clearance (final decision resides with the WH). Why can't this administration find anyone to do these positions who are actually qualified and not potentially compromised or compromiseable?



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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Feb 13, 2018 -> 09:07 AM)
The White House continues to lie about what they knew and when regarding fired wife beater Rob Porter.


They arranged for an off-the-record briefing by Porter himself after the story broke.


The secondary story to all of this is how many people in the White House are working on "interim" security clearances this long into the administration. Background checks do not typically take this long, even for the highest level clearances, and especially not for people who'd be prioritized like Kushner. Holding the investigation open though allows them to keep the "interim" clearance forever without having the black mark of the FBI recommending against granting a clearance (final decision resides with the WH). Why can't this administration find anyone to do these positions who are actually qualified and not potentially compromised or compromiseable?




FBI Director Christopher Wray just spelled out all of the times the WH was briefed on Rob Porter. First briefing in March 2017, then in July after a "completed" background investigation, then a followup in November, and new information in January 2018. Much like Flynn, they did nothing until the information became public.


This further undermines the WH's claims about when the investigation concluded (they said it was still ongoing when the story broke), when Kelly knew, and what Preibus knew (he claims he knew nothing, but the first and second briefings would have been during his tenure).

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More from the same hearing:


“There should be no doubt that Russia perceives its past efforts” to disrupt the 2016 presidential campaign “as a success,” and it “views the 2018 midterm elections” as another opportunity to conduct an attack, said Director of National Intelligence Daniel Coats.


His assessment was echoed by all five other intelligence agency heads present at the hearing, including CIA Director Mike Pompeo, who two weeks ago stated publicly he had “every expectation” that Russia will try to influence the coming elections.


The committee’s Democratic vice chairman faulted the Trump administration for not preparing for potential Russian interference in the 2018 elections.


“Make no mistake: This threat did not begin in 2016, and it certainly didn’t end with the election,” said Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-Va.). “What we are seeing is a continuous assault by Russia to target and undermine our democratic institutions, and they are going to keep coming at us.”


Trump hasn't held a single cabinet-level meeting* on this issue and seems dead-set on either ignoring it or outright denying that it happened in the past and will happen again.


*actually, has he held any meetings at all?

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