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**President Trump 2018 Thread**


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QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Feb 27, 2018 -> 08:18 AM)
One of the most truthful things Trump has ever said is when he said he could stand in time square and kill someone and people would still vote for him. He was 100% correct.


He may be a murderer, but at least he's not a liberal!


That's worth at least 30 million POTUS votes

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DRUDGE: **WORLD EXCLUSIVE** TUE FEB 27 2018 10:05 AM ET** Just one year into his presidency, Trump will stun the political world by announcing he is running for re-election in 2020. Digital guru Brad Parscale will be named campaign manager, DRUDGE REPORT has learned.


Uh didn't Trump literally officially open his 2020 campaign on the day of his inauguration? "The sitting President, who has already established a legal campaign entity, will run for re-election" doesn't seem like it'd stun anyone.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Feb 27, 2018 -> 09:11 AM)
The Snake poem is ostensibly about immigrants/Muslims but it's really about Trump himself



For those unaware...


Maybe Dems can make countervideo with Chloe Kim as head of this threatening snake....and the 43.9% of start ups in Silicon Valley with at least one immigrant founder

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Feb 27, 2018 -> 02:46 PM)
Kushner loses access to top-secret intelligence

A memo sent Friday downgraded the presidential son-in-law and adviser and other White House aides who had been working on interim clearances.

Considering it's been 13 months and all the times he has had to edit his application. Why is he getting to see anything considered secret?

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White House continues to pretend that Russian interference happened "under Obama" and is a "past problem" despite the entire national security community including multiple Trump appointees saying it's an ongoing problem, that we haven't done nearly enough to prevent it in 2018 and 2020, and that there's a lack of leadership or will to seriously address the problem.


The President of the United States failing to protect the integrity of our electoral system because he personally benefits from that interference should probably be a bigger issue.

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Foreign officials discussed manipulating Kushner via his business arrangements, U.S. officials say


Officials in at least four countries have privately discussed ways they can manipulate Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser, by taking advantage of his complex business arrangements, financial difficulties and lack of foreign policy experience, according to current and former U.S. officials familiar with intelligence reports on the matter.


Among those nations discussing ways to influence Kushner to their advantage were the United Arab Emirates, China, Israel and Mexico, the current and former officials said.


H.R. McMaster, President Trump’s national security adviser, learned that Kushner had contacts with foreign officials that he did not coordinate through the National Security Council or officially report. The issue of foreign officials talking about their meetings with Kushner and their perception of his vulnerabilities was a subject raised in McMaster’s daily intelligence briefings, according to the current and former officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive matters.


Within the White House, Kushner’s lack of government experience and his business debt were seen from the beginning of his tenure as potential points of leverage that foreign governments could use to influence him, the current and former officials said.


They could also have legal implications. Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III has asked people about the protocols Kushner used when he set up conversations with foreign leaders, according to a former U.S. official.


On Feb. 9, Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein alerted White House Counsel Don McGahn that significant issues would further delay Kushner’s security clearance process, according to four people familiar with their discussions.


Kushner has repeatedly amended a form detailing his contacts with foreign persons. Not fully disclosing foreign contacts ordinarily would result in a clearance being denied, experts said.


Fun Kushner fact: he had “issues[d] more requests for information to the intelligence community than any White House employee” other than NSC staff



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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Feb 27, 2018 -> 04:24 PM)



If the Anbang Insurance deal for his property bleeding in debt had gone through, he’d essentially be controlled by the Chinese government right now...Deng Xiaoping’s granddaughter is one of the biggest shareholders, or at least she was before recently.



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Kushner and Russia revelations rock the WH


Who goes next, Kushner or Kelly?

Is Trump going to just ignore security concerns about Kushner...because nepotism...and just hope it doesnt leak?

Does Ivanka stay on, somehow, without a clearance?

Does crossing a red line against going after pre-2015 Russian financial connections w/ Trump cause him to fire Mueller?

Does anyone care about Hope Hicks telling “white lies” to protect Trump? What is she actually truthful about?

What leverage does Russia have on Trump to not get a single negative comment directed Russia or Putin’s way once in two full years...when everyone else in the world has been verbally assaulted?



Questions to some witnesses during wide-ranging interviews included the timing of Trump's decision to seek the presidency, potentially compromising information the Russians may have had about him, and why efforts to brand a Trump Tower in Moscow fell through, two sources said.


The lines of inquiry indicate Mueller's team is reaching beyond the campaign to explore how the Russians might have sought to influence Trump at a time when he was discussing deals in Moscow and contemplating a presidential run.


Mueller was appointed to investigate Russian meddling in the 2016 campaign. The President claims that any investigation of his family's finances would be a breach of the special counsel's mandate.


Two of the sources said they do not know from the questions asked whether Mueller has concrete evidence to indicate wrongdoing.


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In the most truly bizarre news of the last 24 hours


A Russian model says she will spill information on Trump and Russia to get out of a Thai jail

Steele Dossier link?



A self-described “sex expert” whose videos highlighted the ties between one of Russia's richest men and the Kremlin has been jailed in Thailand and is calling for U.S. help, claiming she has information about links between Russia and President Donald Trump.


Anastasia Vashukevich, an escort-service worker from Belarus who catapulted to a certain measure of fame after filming a yacht trip with Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska and Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Prikhodko, was detained in Thailand over the weekend in a police raid on her "sex training" seminar. While still in custody on Tuesday, she published Instagram videos asking U.S. journalists and intelligence agencies to help her.


Deripaska, with whom Vashukevich said she had an affair, used to employ former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort. But Vashukevich, better known by the alias Nastya Rybka, provided no evidence on Tuesday to back up the claim that she had new information to offer related to the investigation into Russian election interference. A post to her Instagram account showed her sitting on the floor of what was described as a Thai jail and said she was sick.






Deported and blacklisted! Pictures show how Russian "sex instructors" taught their students!

By webfact, 8 hours ago in Pattaya News

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Report post #1

Posted 8 hours ago

Deported and blacklisted! Pictures show how Russian "sex instructors" taught their students!



Images: Sophon Cable


Pictures have emerged of the sex course run by a group of ten Russians in Pattaya that was busted earlier this week.


And further details have emerged that indicate the whistle blower was a Russian woman and that the course taught Russian ladies how to snare a rich sugar daddy.


Photos of the 45,000 baht four day course published by Sophon Cable TV on Facebook show one Russian man grabbing a woman's genitals from behind in front of an easel while students take notes. Insert Trump joke here.


Another appears on the floor as the students watch to see how it is done.


While yet another features a "volunteer" being thrashed with a thick belt.


This was all part of a course that was earlier reported as being one to help participants make their partners climax.


But Sophon revealed that there was much more to the story. The Thai authorities were alerted by a Russian woman who had reported the matter to Russian authorities.


Exactly why and who this was was not revealed but the woman was a participant on the course who was not named..


Modules on various sex subjects were explored - these included what to do in bed and how to snare a Russian sugar daddy.


There were instruction manuals in the theory of these practices available for all modules.


The course was organised by a Russian man and his wife who Sophon said run a "Sex Institute" in Thailand.


They employed eight instructors for the course.



Picture: Sophon Cable


Police told Sophon that the course included a trip on Sunday to Koh Larn where live coverage was shared on the internet. There were forty female participants on the holiday island.


When the instructors and their students returned to a Pattaya hotel in the evening for a diploma giving "climax" to the course, the police swooped and the arrests were made.


The ten Russians have been charged with illegal entry and working without a work permit.


Following their prosecution on these matters they will all be deported and blacklisted so they can't come back to Thailand.

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Mueller asking if Trump knew about hacked Democratic emails before release


Special counsel Robert Mueller's team is asking witnesses pointed questions about whether Donald Trump was aware that Democratic emails had been stolen before that was publicly known, and whether he was involved in their strategic release, according to multiple people familiar with the probe.
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QUOTE (raBBit @ Feb 28, 2018 -> 12:24 PM)


@ggreenwald: This is just such a perfect example of how, as long as someone is sufficiently disliked by the US media, blatant falsehoods are not just permitted by celebrated. All anyone has to do is read the DMs to see that the Atlantic/MSNBC's narrative is the *exact opposite* of reality.

I dont understand a word of his tweet or what he shared from Assange. Care to cliff notes that s***?

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Feb 28, 2018 -> 01:42 PM)
I dont understand a word of his tweet or what he shared from Assange. Care to cliff notes that s***?


From what I can tell, some show called "Morning Joe" argued that the messages from Wikileaks to Roger Stone asking Roger Stone to stop saying he coordinated with them was proof that Roger Stone had contact with Wikileaks.


Without seeing the tape its hard to tell, but if they said it proves "contact" that is technically correct, although misleading. What I think he meant to argue was that it disproves coordination between the two.


Seems like a lot of the problems are due to bad wording. For example if Stone said "I was never in contact with Wikileaks" these dms would prove that false. But he may have meant to say "i never coordinated" the problem again is when you use imprecise language it leads to nonsense arguments.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Feb 28, 2018 -> 02:04 PM)
From what I can tell, some show called "Morning Joe" argued that the messages from Wikileaks to Roger Stone asking Roger Stone to stop saying he coordinated with them was proof that Roger Stone had contact with Wikileaks.


Without seeing the tape its hard to tell, but if they said it proves "contact" that is technically correct, although misleading. What I think he meant to argue was that it disproves coordination between the two.


Seems like a lot of the problems are due to bad wording. For example if Stone said "I was never in contact with Wikileaks" these dms would prove that false. But he may have meant to say "i never coordinated" the problem again is when you use imprecise language it leads to nonsense arguments.

Ah ok. Roger Stone is a f***head so I dont really care. I also dont care for people getting their news from morning shows like these.

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Roger Stone claimed throughout the campaign to have had a "backchannel" to Wikileaks. Wikileaks strongly denied that they ever had any contact with him. Some twitter DM's were recently published that showed they *technically* had contact with him during the campaign, but at least in the messages shown, it was to say "stop lying about being associated with us." So at the very least, Wikileaks lied about never having communicated with Stone, and Stone lied about all contacts being through an intermediary.


However, Assange's tweet that Glenn links cuts off that early on 11/9/16, they sent Stone a DM saying "now we can talk more freely." It'd be easier to take their claims seriously if Wikileaks didn't falsely deny having communicated with Stone and Assange didn't misleadingly crop out things from screen shots.

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QUOTE (raBBit @ Feb 28, 2018 -> 07:24 PM)


@ggreenwald: This is just such a perfect example of how, as long as someone is sufficiently disliked by the US media, blatant falsehoods are not just permitted by celebrated. All anyone has to do is read the DMs to see that the Atlantic/MSNBC's narrative is the *exact opposite* of reality.


How is it the opposite of reality?


In 2017, Wikileaks said it had no contact with Stone, and Stone said he only had contact with Wikileaks through a journalist.

In 2016, Wikileaks and Stone had at least a brief bit of direct contact and indicated interest in more.


So, both Wikileaks and Stone lied. That's the Atlantic story. It even explicitly says that the messages indicate that there was no working relationship prior to that. "The substance of the messages does seem to corroborate, however, Stone and WikiLeaks’ denials prior to October 13 that they had coordinated in any significant way."

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Sigh. That’s the best obfuscation possible?


Stone is certifiably nuts. He used to be in the mix, but his shelf life as a real player expired a long time ago. Nevertheless, Trump’s complete lack of organization gave perfect in’s for guys like Manafort, Flynn, Gates, Mooch, Papadopolous, Lewandowski, etc.

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