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**President Trump 2018 Thread**


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WH is really in a complete free fall. Even the new Federal Reserve Board chair Powell is managing to freak out the markets.


Trump at odds with pretty much the entire GOP caucus on guns...while Kelly is basically cleaning house, but Trump and Kelly absolutely can't stand each other.


How can Jared even stay, now that he's been completely emasculated? Guess he's just waiting for Kelly to do something to get himself fired/resign so he can be back in the ascendancy...

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QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Feb 28, 2018 -> 07:54 PM)
Not the first person to lie their ass off for a job in politics and won't be the last. Only difference was that her boss was the worst of them all.


Speaking of lies, Sean Spicer seems to have landed on his feet quite well...without too much damage. He always has a career simply appearing on late night comedy shows, at least while Trump is in office.

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So Ben Carson is returning the $31k dining set. I wonder if he will bring back the staffer transferred for calling them out on it. Shulkin and his lackies trying to hide taxpayers paying for his wife's European vacation. Scott Pruitt having to fly first class on the taxpayers. Interior secretary Ryan Zinke brings his wife along on military jets and private planes. All after Tom Price had to quit over basically doing the same thing. Trump drained the swamp and only hired the best.

Edited by Dick Allen
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i understand that Trump showed up and was like "FREE MONEY, IM GONNA GOLF!", but it somewhat surprises me that lifetime politicians like Price, Zinke, Pruitt, Shulkin have showed up and used their positions as black credit cards and it never occurred to any of them that it would be called out.

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Mar 1, 2018 -> 11:53 AM)
i understand that Trump showed up and was like "FREE MONEY, IM GONNA GOLF!", but it somewhat surprises me that lifetime politicians like Price, Zinke, Pruitt, Shulkin have showed up and used their positions as black credit cards and it never occurred to any of them that it would be called out.

It's more of what I have noticed about Republicans in general. They only care about spending if it is for the poor, or someone not them. If they are the beneficiary, they couldn't care less.

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Mar 1, 2018 -> 11:53 AM)
i understand that Trump showed up and was like "FREE MONEY, IM GONNA GOLF!", but it somewhat surprises me that lifetime politicians like Price, Zinke, Pruitt, Shulkin have showed up and used their positions as black credit cards and it never occurred to any of them that it would be called out.


Price is the only one who's really faced any consequences. DeVos and Pruitt have both had multi-million dollar security details from the start, they're all flying around first class and taking private jets. They're taking their signals from leadership, where clearly nobody cares about that sort of grifting.

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QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Mar 1, 2018 -> 11:20 AM)
So Ben Carson is returning the $31k dining set. I wonder if he will bring back the staffer transferred for calling them out on it. Shulkin and his lackies trying to hide taxpayers paying for his wife's European vacation. Scott Pruitt having to fly first class on the taxpayers. Interior secretary Ryan Zinke brings his wife along on military jets and private planes. All after Tom Price had to quit over basically doing the same thing. Trump drained the swamp and only hired the best.


Kakistocracy - First used in the 17th century; derived from Greek, it means, literally, government by the worst and most unscrupulous people among us. More broadly, it can mean the most inept and cringeworthy kind of government. The term fell into disuse over the past century or more, and most highly informed people have never heard it before (but to kids familiar with the word “kaka” it might resonate).



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Light question: I know how much Trump is hated. Let's say his people phoned your house and he and his wife wanted to come to your house for dinner as part of a presidential visit to the public, would you a.) agree and have dinenr for him. b.) refuse out of principal of what he stands for or c.) politely say you have other plans.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Trump complaining the USPS is being used as Amazons delivery boy. Isn’t that what the USPS does?


He also b****ed about their taxes, which, considering the source, is hysterical, He did fail to mention his “very successful” tax cuts trimmed their tax bill close to $1 billion.

Edited by Dick Allen
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So, is there any truth to this? Will Democrats fail to gain support in the midterms because most Americans aren’t as liberal as their base of voters, they want their taxes lowered instead of raised and most voters want their parties to work together when it makes sense? I hope history is on the Democrats side in November to slow Trump’s agenda and bring some balance since there will be a battle over congressional maps in 2020 and because the GOP have held the congress soft as long as I can remember. What do you all think will happen?
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QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Mar 31, 2018 -> 04:23 AM)
Trump complaining the USPS is being used as Amazons delivery boy. Isn’t that what the USPS does?


He also b****ed about their taxes, which, considering the source, is hysterical, He did fail to mention his “very successful” tax cuts trimmed their tax bill close to $1 billion.


The largest driver of profit was due to package delivery...

Losses mostly related to underfunded pensions/benefits.


And Amazon enjoys a cheaper/discounted rate because they provide so much business to the USPS (as opposed to going with Fed Ex, DHL, UPS, etc.)



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QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Mar 31, 2018 -> 06:23 AM)
Trump complaining the USPS is being used as Amazons delivery boy. Isn’t that what the USPS does?


He also b****ed about their taxes, which, considering the source, is hysterical, He did fail to mention his “very successful” tax cuts trimmed their tax bill close to $1 billion.


It's because Jeff Bezos, who owns Amazon, also owns the Washington Post.


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Well, Bezos is still in much better position than Zuckerberg...the irony is that if they (eventually) do heavily regulate the data-driven companies like Amazon, Google and FB, then they will get absolutely massacred by Alibaba, Baidu, Ten Cent and JD.com in China over the long run (because there?€s no such privacy prohibition here...in fact, Apple had to agree to turn over all their cloud data to the government, in order to sell its Iphones and Ipads.)



On the way to golf course, Trump unilaterally decides that WaPo should have to be registered as a “lobbyist,” lol


Edited by caulfield12
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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Mar 31, 2018 -> 09:03 AM)
Amazon literally keeps the USPS afloat. Dude is as dumb as rocks.


I'm trying to think what I get in my mail besides Amazon and other packages and it's nothing. My bills are emailed to me and I usually just clean out junk mail every day.

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Of course, this couldn’t at all be connected to the “conservative” Fed Ex (read up on Fred Smith) feeling the competition, lol



The Postal Service is required by law to cover its costs for delivering competitive products, such as packages for Amazon, and the Postal Regulatory Commission, which oversees the service, set the appropriate share of those costs at 5.5% a little more than a decade ago.


Since then, the service's deliveries of those products have grown substantially, and the United Parcel Service argued in a submission to the commission in 2015 that a realistic appropriate share of costs for delivering packages should be about 24.6%.


A Citigroup analysis last year found that that difference would amount to about $1.46 per parcel, which might serve as the basis for Trump's $1.50 figure. An op-ed penned in July by Josh Sandbulte in the Wall Street Journal cited that analysis in arguing the Postal Service's estimate of costs for delivering packages should be revised. Sandbulte is co-president of Greenhaven Associates, a money management firm that owns FedEx common stock.


In response, US Postal Service executive Joseph Corbett wrote that the op-ed provided an "inaccurate and unfair account," and that the Postal Regulatory Commission has determined each year that the service is covering its costs for package deliveries. cnn.com

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