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**President Trump 2018 Thread**


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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 03:29 PM)
Its in the Stossel video as evidence of Trump's mannerisms.


I felt like the mannerisms that he displayed for the reporter were a lot more dramatic than he displayed for cruise and the general he disagreed with.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 03:30 PM)
I would be curious to hear you outline what parts of the economic growth are due to Obama, and which are due to Trump, and why.

I think they both get Credit. Obama did inherit a mess , but I think the growth expedited under Trump, but would not have been possible without what Obama fixed. I don't want to feel like appreciating what Obama did well, and what Trump is doing well is mutually exclusive.

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QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 03:36 PM)
I felt like the mannerisms that he displayed for the reporter were a lot more dramatic than he displayed for cruise and the general he disagreed with.

You already showed yourself by not watching the Stossel video in the first place. So OK, I guess?

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QUOTE (Whitesoxin2019 @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 03:33 PM)
Well I know you are smart enough to know the rabbit hole digs deeper than that. There are literally too many lies or deceptions on Trump to take anything to serious. Which is dangerous, because if he really is as bad as some of you make him out to be I will never listen to the media. It's kind of like the boy who cried wolf. If there is something wrong with Trump, it wont be the media or hollywood telling me. I know there are some not so great things about Trump, but I had to figure that out myself.


Well I would always suggest you do your own research on anyone and not take someone else's word for things.


Most of the "bad" (imo) things Trump has done, are right from his twitter, so you cant really blame that on the media or Hollywood, as that is directly from his mouth. He completely undermines separation of powers and he seems to have little or no interest in actually being "President." He doesnt care about conflicts of interest, he doesnt care about anything but himself. He constantly undermines our system of government, when he has little to no understanding how it actually works. You cant blame the media for Trump trying to give his kids/family jobs in the White House that they are not qualified for. These arent really partisan issues.


This isnt what the media or Hollywood says, this is the only conclusion you can come to from reading his twitter feed.


I have no problem with someone who disagrees on policy. You think immigrants are bad for the US? You think free trade is bad? Whatever, people can disagree. But I dont think you can reasonably look at how Trump acts and conclude that he is doing good for the US.


At the end of the day, what bothers me the most is that he constantly degrades America and its citizens. That somehow America isnt great, when that just isnt true. America is great, but could still be better.



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QUOTE (Whitesoxin2019 @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 03:40 PM)
You already showed yourself by not watching the Stossel video in the first place. So OK, I guess?


Only one person showing them self here, and it is not me

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QUOTE (Whitesoxin2019 @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 03:38 PM)
I think they both get Credit. Obama did inherit a mess , but I think the growth expedited under Trump, but would not have been possible without what Obama fixed. I don't want to feel like appreciating what Obama did well, and what Trump is doing well is mutually exclusive.


Like what and where?

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 03:45 PM)
Well I would always suggest you do your own research on anyone and not take someone else's word for things.


Most of the "bad" (imo) things Trump has done, are right from his twitter, so you cant really blame that on the media or Hollywood, as that is directly from his mouth. He completely undermines separation of powers and he seems to have little or no interest in actually being "President." He doesnt care about conflicts of interest, he doesnt care about anything but himself. He constantly undermines our system of government, when he has little to no understanding how it actually works. You cant blame the media for Trump trying to give his kids/family jobs in the White House that they are not qualified for. These arent really partisan issues.


This isnt what the media or Hollywood says, this is the only conclusion you can come to from reading his twitter feed.


I have no problem with someone who disagrees on policy. You think immigrants are bad for the US? You think free trade is bad? Whatever, people can disagree. But I dont think you can reasonably look at how Trump acts and conclude that he is doing good for the US.


At the end of the day, what bothers me the most is that he constantly degrades America and its citizens. That somehow America isnt great, when that just isnt true. America is great, but could still be better.




I mean there is negative things on every president, not really a fan of either bush . I think Trump and Obama are/were way better than those two. I don't think Trump degrades America, how is it any different than when Michelle Obama said something along the lines of "This is the first time I was ever proud of my country?" It will probably come down to how you take the message. For someone who was foreclosed, lost their items in a storage locker auction and now works at home depot, "Make America Great Again" comes across the same way when Obama said "Change".


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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 03:50 PM)
Like what and where?

The dow is up almost the same amount in 18 months, than it was in 8 years total with Obama. Do we think the Dow would be way past 20,000 if Obama were still in office? That's a different conversation I suppose. The same people who told me Trump mocked a reporter also claimed the market would sink.


I would be curious to know what news sources y'all would recommend. I really don't have time to keep tabs on Trump every day, but at the same time I want some good non-partisan news.

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QUOTE (Whitesoxin2019 @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 03:53 PM)
I mean there is negative things on every president, not really a fan of either bush . I think Trump and Obama are/were way better than those two. I don't think Trump degrades America, how is it any different than when Michelle Obama said something along the lines of "This is the first time I was ever proud of my country?" It will probably come down to how you take the message. For someone who was foreclosed, lost their items in a storage locker auction and now works at home depot, "Make America Great Again" comes across the same way when Obama said "Change".


I think that misses the main point on the post.


Putting Jared and Ivanka in the White House is completely against all US norms. Attacking the judiciary repeatedly, pandering conspiracy theories about the FBI, etc. These are not the actions of a President.


If he just deleted his twitter and acted Presidential, it would solve so many problems.



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QUOTE (Whitesoxin2019 @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 04:00 PM)
The dow is up almost the same amount in 18 months, than it was in 8 years total with Obama. Do we think the Dow would be way past 20,000 if Obama were still in office? That's a different conversation I suppose. The same people who told me Trump mocked a reporter also claimed the market would sink.


I would be curious to know what news sources y'all would recommend. I really don't have time to keep tabs on Trump every day, but at the same time I want some good non-partisan news.


I work in the markets (this is my 20th year in it) and have a degree in economics. I know the numbers better than probably anyone else on Soxtalk. Again, I am curious about what you think of what Trump has done to make this happen, not some garbage non sequitor about Trump mocking a reporter.

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QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 04:06 PM)
Change FBI to CIA and you have JFK.


Youre going to have to refresh my recollection on this... Is it that he was upset with the CIA after Bay of Pigs?


Because that seemingly is quite different, but maybe there is more. I never have really studied JFK so not someone Im too familiar with the reference.

Edited by Soxbadger
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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 04:03 PM)
I work in the markets (this is my 20th year in it) and have a degree in economics. I know the numbers better than probably anyone else on Soxtalk. Again, I am curious about what you think of what Trump has done to make this happen, not some garbage non sequitor about Trump mocking a reporter.

The stock market is a prediction of the future. People invest because they believe things will be good going forward. So a high stock market is a vote of faith in the current administration. If you want to say Obama set this up that's fine, but going forward is all Trump, good or bad.


Trump's Economics Policy is not just based on his instincts alone; It is actually called "American School of Economics", the economic policies of Founding Fathers and Abraham Lincoln, which led the United States to the most prosperous state in the world during that time.




Here is a good article on Trump Boosting Business and Economic Growth http://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/360...economic-growth

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QUOTE (Whitesoxin2019 @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 04:19 PM)
The stock market is a prediction of the future. People invest because they believe things will be good going forward. So a high stock market is a vote of faith in the current administration. If you want to say Obama set this up that's fine, but going forward is all Trump, good or bad.


Trump's Economics Policy is not just based on his instincts alone; It is actually called "American School of Economics", the economic policies of Founding Fathers and Abraham Lincoln, which led the United States to the most prosperous state in the world during that time.




Here is a good article on Trump Boosting Business and Economic Growth http://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/360...economic-growth


You are telling me that Trump didn't do anything, but just that people believe in him?


And past the stock market, what about the economy?

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 02:21 PM)
You are telling me that Trump didn't do anything, but just that people believe in him?


And past the stock market, what about the economy?


This is getting good.



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QUOTE (Whitesoxin2019 @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 04:19 PM)
The stock market is a prediction of the future. People invest because they believe things will be good going forward. So a high stock market is a vote of faith in the current administration. If you want to say Obama set this up that's fine, but going forward is all Trump, good or bad.


Trump's Economics Policy is not just based on his instincts alone; It is actually called "American School of Economics", the economic policies of Founding Fathers and Abraham Lincoln, which led the United States to the most prosperous state in the world during that time.




Here is a good article on Trump Boosting Business and Economic Growth http://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/360...economic-growth


Personally I think Trump is holding the economy back. US economy should be booming even more. Really hard to prove, but you can see the negative impact he has on companies like Amazon when he attacks them for political reasons.


Not to mention I personally believe hitching our economy to mercantilism is the equivalent of betting on a horse and buggy to beat a car in a race. Possible, but unlikely.

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QUOTE (Whitesoxin2019 @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 02:19 PM)
Here is a good article on Trump Boosting Business and Economic Growth http://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/360...economic-growth


Please do not confuse news articles with opinion pieces especially when earlier you went on a tirade about the media and deceitful news.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 04:21 PM)
You are telling me that Trump didn't do anything, but just that people believe in him?


And past the stock market, what about the economy?




Unemployment rate is down to 4.1%, the lowest it’s been since August 2000



The unemployment rate held steady for the 5th straight month (4.1%) - first time in 18 years



Black unemployment rate hits ALL TIME low - 6.8%



The Hispanic unemployment rate dropped to 4.7%, hits ALL TIME low



Unemployment hits record low in seven states



Texas Jobless Rate Hits 40-Year Record Low of 3.9 Percent



The unemployment rate in manufacturing dropped to 2.6%, the lowest in US history






Trump has added nearly 3 million US jobs since being elected



The number of Americans employed is at an all-time hight, topping 155 million



Black employment and female employment both hit all-time highs in February



The number of unemployed Americans is at a 10 year low - 6,801,000



US job openings have hit an ALL TIME high - 6 million+



Job-cut announcements in 2017 see lowest level since 1990



February 2018’s labour force increase is the biggest since 2003



November 2017 saw 40,000 new manufacturing jobs, the highest in US history



STUDY: Trump tariffs may add 19k steel and aluminum jobs






Jobless claims hit lowest level since 1969



Food Stamp Enrolment Drops by 2 Million in 2017



Food stamp program costs hit 7 year low



President Trump’s administration has decided to restore work requirements for welfare under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program



WIC welfare participation hits 17-year low



West Virginia gives green light to work requirements for food stamps






Wages jump to highest level since 2009 - up 2.9%



90% of workers likely to see more money in pay check next month thanks to Trump’s tax cuts



The US Census Bureau has announced that the American median income is increasing for the first time since 2007



Average weekly pay checks increased by 3.1% over the last 12 months - first time it has exceeded 3% in 7 years



Shortage of illegal labour has caused construction worker wages to increase by 30% in Texas





Toyota, Mazda to build $1.6 billion plant in Alabama



Fiat Chysler to relocate truck production from Mexico to Michigan



13,000 jobs being created in WI because of Foxconn plant - largest job announcement in WI history



Foxconn announces that a SECOND plant is coming - Michigan



US Steel CEO: We’re reopening an idled plant and bringing back 500 jobs due to Trump tariffs



A week after the Trump administration unveiled tariffs of up to 30% on imports of solar panels, one of China’s biggest manufacturers announced that it plans to open a new plant in the US



Getting rid of regulations that restrict coal miners - create more mining jobs - opened new coal mine



Pennsylvania coal company to open a SECOND coal mine



Creating thousands of more jobs for immigration officers and border patrol



1000s of jobs being created through pact with Saudi Arabia



Executive Order Expanding Apprenticeships in America







The Dow (26,258), S&P 500 (2,838) and Nasdaq (7,418) composite rose to all-time highs on Monday



Since the election, the DOW is up 34.9%, the NASDAQ is up 34%, and the S&P 500 is up 25.2%



Red-hot Dow closes above 26,000 for the first time



DOW rises 5000 points in a year for the first time ever



DOW closes at a record high for the 70th time this year (24,792), the most record closes in a calendar year



Stocks close higher, post best weekly gain since 2013






Economy to grow at 5.4% rate in Q1 of 2018



GDP increased by 2.3 percent in 2017, up from a 1.5 percent increase in 2016



US second quarter GDP growth has been revised to 3.1% - fastest growth in more than two years



U.S. Third-Quarter Growth Revised to Three-Year High of 3.3%






Trump has signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, giving Americans $1.5 trillion in tax cuts and slashing the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21% - 91% of middle-class Americans will receive a tax cut



Trump wants a “phase 2” of tax cuts



265 Companies Announce Bonuses, Wage Hikes, 401(k) Match Increases Due to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act



$2 trillion could be brought back to US after tax reform, according to a UN report



Feds collect record taxes in first month under Trump’s tax cuts; runs surplus in January



In response to Trump’s tax cuts, Apple announces $350 billion investment in the US economy, 20,000 new jobs



Walmart will raise its starting wage rate for hourly employees in the U.S. to $11, expand maternity & parental leave benefits, and provide a one-time cash bonus for eligible employees of as much as $1,000 due to tax reform



The Walt Disney Co. to give more than 125,000 employees a one-time $1000 cash bonus and “make an initial investment of $50 million in a new and ongoing education program for hourly employees.”



Ford Motor Co. will give more than 54,000 United Auto Workers hourly employees profit-sharing checks of about $7,500 this year



Starbucks employees win pay raises, expanded benefits thanks to Trump’s tax plan



Fedex announces $3.2 billion in wage increases, bonuses due to tax reform



ExxonMobil announced the company will invest $50 billion into the United States over the next 5 years, citing tax reform



Boeing will invest $300 million in the American economy, AT&T will invest $1 billion, and Comcast will invest over $50 billion in response to tax cuts



European CEOs go one by one to tell Trump they are investing billions back into the US



Companies dump undocumented workers after gaining profits from tax cuts



Utilities cutting rates, cite benefits of Trump tax reform



Patriots owner Robert Kraft building factory in North Carolina after tax cuts



Presidential Executive Order on Identifying and Reducing Tax Regulatory Burdens



 More Economy


According to the Federal Reserve, household wealth in America has reached a record high of $1.7 trillion - due to rising property values and financial gains



In Trump era, American corporations are seeing their best earnings in 13 years



U.S. Economy Reaches Its Potential Output for First Time in Decade



Fed raises rates, signals confidence in strengthening economy



Senate passes bipartisan bill to roll back Dodd-Frank



Pulled out of the Paris Accord - save billions in taxpayer money and trillions in GDP, put American industries first by creating and maintaining millions of industrial jobs



Buy American, Hire American executive order - restrict guest worker visas and require more agencies to buy more goods and services from American companies and workers 



Going through with building the Keystone and Dakota Pipelines - expanding energy infrastructure and creating 1000s of jobs



US manufacturing records best year since 2004



USA set to be world’s largest oil producer



US reaches oil-output milestone months earlier than expected



Gas prices at a 12-year low



US gained 700,000 millionaires in 2017



Retail sales are up 5.8% compared to last year



Home sales have hit their best numbers in 10 years - up 17.5%



US homebuilding permits soar to highest level since 2007






President Trump institutes a 25% tariff on steel and a 10% tariff on aluminum - Canada and Mexico exempt at the moment in order to negotiate NAFTA



Trump orders $50 billion tariff hit on Chinese goods



Pulled out of TPP



Reworking NAFTA with Canada and Mexico in order to make better trade deals - might pull out 



Trade deficit falling faster than expected 



Exports at a 2.5-year high



Signed an arms deal worth more than $350 billion and various other investment agreements with Saudi Arabia



Xi Jinping, Donald Trump oversee signing of US$253 billion in trade deals



Trump administration approves $1 billion arms sale to Saudi Arabia, including 6,500 missiles



Trump administration approves $42 million arms deal with Ukraine



Singapore Airlines agrees to buy $13.8 billion worth of Boeing jets



Japan to buy at least 20 more F-35A stealth fighters from the USA



Increased tariffs on Canadian lumber by 20% (worth $1 billion)



Resuming trading natural gas and beef with China 



Trading coal and rice to China



Negotiated new sugar deal with Mexico 



US pork exports going back to Argentina for the first time since 1992



Trading energy with new countries in Europe (Poland, Lithuania) - end their reliance on Russian energy 

http://archive.is/9L9mH, http://archive.is/fpEyU


Trading missiles to Poland to protect them from Russian aggression



Oil exports at all time high



Coal exports up 60%






U.S. Consumer Confidence Reaches Highest Level Since 2000



Economic Optimism Index hits 13-year high, credit to tax cuts



Small business optimism jumps to highest since 1983



CEO confidence highest since 2014



US Manufacturing Index at a 33-year high 



Manufacturer confidence at a 20-year high



Home builder confidence at 12-year high









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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 04:36 PM)
So again, what is Trump actually doing and responsible for? A mess of links tells me zero.


Tells you how great of an economy he inherited because most economic changes take what 1-2 years minimum to see any impact?


Interesting that in none of those links were anything about the last month, DOW going down due to trade war, Amazon going down due to unfounded attacks...


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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 04:36 PM)
So again, what is Trump actually doing and responsible for? A mess of links tells me zero.

Debunk anything I linked. Everything I linked he is responsible for. That's why I linked it. The links are well organized for your bookmarking and viewing pleasure. It was my honor to provide this community with a little bit of numbers. :cheers

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