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**President Trump 2018 Thread**


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QUOTE (Whitesoxin2019 @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 04:40 PM)
Debunk anything I linked. Everything I linked he is responsible for. That's why I linked it. The links are well organized for your bookmarking and viewing pleasure. It was my honor to provide this community with a little bit of numbers. :cheers


Why and how?

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QUOTE (Whitesoxin2019 @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 02:40 PM)
Everything I linked he is responsible for.


Really? In your own words, what decisions or actions did he take which caused the economy to be where it is at TODAY?

Edited by BigSqwert
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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 04:39 PM)
Tells you how great of an economy he inherited because most economic changes take what 1-2 years minimum to see any impact?


Interesting that in none of those links were anything about the last month, DOW going down due to trade war, Amazon going down due to unfounded attacks...

I don't think the Amazon mess is personal. Amazon is becoming too much of a big fish (with unlimited automation potential) that is taking advantage of the USPS and taxpayer money. If this continues amazon will have 90% marketshare, almost all their product from foreign countries and not enough jobs to match the market share.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 04:42 PM)
Really? In your own words, what decisions or actions did he take which caused the economy to be where it is at TODAY?

You casually ignored the Jimmy Kimmel stuff and the Ted Cruz Video. So if I reply to anyone, it won't be you. I'll reply to badger and ss2k before you.

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QUOTE (Whitesoxin2019 @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 03:40 PM)
Debunk anything I linked. Everything I linked he is responsible for. That's why I linked it. The links are well organized for your bookmarking and viewing pleasure. It was my honor to provide this community with a little bit of numbers. :cheers


There's... not much analysis there. Just pulling out an example - the tariffs - and the retaliation from China on pork and soybeans sent futures for both spiraling, hurting loads of farmers around the country. But that doesn't show up in your post or your links. There's just a link that says the steel tariffs happened - and that article, for the record, contains plenty of criticism of the tariffs...

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QUOTE (Whitesoxin2019 @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 04:40 PM)
Debunk anything I linked. Everything I linked he is responsible for. That's why I linked it. The links are well organized for your bookmarking and viewing pleasure. It was my honor to provide this community with a little bit of numbers. :cheers


Okay I picked a random link:




This was due to the alleviation of bottlenecks following the hurricanes, whereby supplier deliveries weighed on the headline. The December results showed a payback for this effect.


So this article states it had nothing to do with Trump, and had to do with backlog from hurricane season.


I legitimately just picked 1 random link and it actually went against your argument that it had anything to do with Trump.


The December figures from the report were recorded prior to President Trump’s signing of the tax reform bill, which provides firms with even more incentive to invest.


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QUOTE (Whitesoxin2019 @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 03:43 PM)
I don't think the Amazon mess is personal. Amazon is becoming too much of a big fish (with unlimited automation potential) that is taking advantage of the USPS and taxpayer money. If this continues amazon will have 90% marketshare, almost all their product from foreign countries and not enough jobs to match the market share.


Care to show me the instances where President Trump has attacked Walmart?


Also, you are, of course, aware that the services the USPS provides Amazon are profitable, no?

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QUOTE (Whitesoxin2019 @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 02:44 PM)
You casually ignored the Jimmy Kimmel stuff and the Ted Cruz Video. So if I reply to anyone, it won't be you. I'll reply to badger and ss2k before you.


Oh God, why is anyone even entertaining this troll? Post some more random links for us please, preferably from the conspiracy theory youtube sites you frequent.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 04:40 PM)
Why and how?

Lets start with the TPP. As far as I know, ONLY Trump and Bernie Sanders were against it. The TPP was on the fast-track to getting approved under the Obama administration and would have been passed under a Clinton Admin. Would you like me to explain how the TPP would have been destructive to America?

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QUOTE (Whitesoxin2019 @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 04:43 PM)
I don't think the Amazon mess is personal. Amazon is becoming too much of a big fish (with unlimited automation potential) that is taking advantage of the USPS and taxpayer money. If this continues amazon will have 90% marketshare, almost all their product from foreign countries and not enough jobs to match the market share.



Amazon doesnt take advantage of the USPS. Amazon pays the USPS for a service, just like you or I. And in fact the 2006 Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act made it illegal for USPS to price parcel delivery below their costs.




While Josh Sandbulte gets some things right about the Postal Service in his self-serving opinion piece “Why the Post Office Gives Amazon Special Delivery” (July 14): he provides an inaccurate and unfair account of the package delivery side of our business.


By law our competitive package products, including those that we deliver for Amazon, must cover their costs. Our regulator, the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC), looks carefully at this question every year and has determined that they do. The PRC has also noted that competitive products help fund the infrastructure of the Postal Service. It is that infrastructure that enables us to fulfill our universal service obligation to deliver to each and every address in the United States at an affordable rate.


The only reason Trump is attacking Amazon is political. If there was someone with a legitimate beef about taxes, it would be states as Amazon can theoretically circumvent state/local taxes. But Amazon now pays taxes in approximately 45 states.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 04:48 PM)
Oh God, why is anyone even entertaining this troll? Post some more random links for us please, preferably from the conspiracy theory youtube sites you frequent.

please post any conspiracy I placed on this website. I would like Jason to know that users like Bigsqwert is why Soxtalk sucks now.

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QUOTE (Whitesoxin2019 @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 04:49 PM)
Lets start with the TPP. As far as I know, ONLY Trump and Bernie Sanders were against it. The TPP was on the fast-track to getting approved under the Obama administration and would have been passed under a Clinton Admin. Would you like me to explain how the TPP would have been destructive to America?

What does Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton (who did come out against TPP eventually) have to do with it?


But I would like to know what growth has come from voting down TPP.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 04:52 PM)
Amazon doesnt take advantage of the USPS. Amazon pays the USPS for a service, just like you or I. And in fact the 2006 Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act made it illegal for USPS to price parcel delivery below their costs.






The only reason Trump is attacking Amazon is political. If there was someone with a legitimate beef about taxes, it would be states as Amazon can theoretically circumvent state/local taxes. But Amazon now pays taxes in approximately 45 states.

USPS changed the way they deliver from weight-based to that 'length/width/height/girth' system. means it's a helluva lot more expensive to send s*** through USPS. hell it's expensive to send packages using any american company parcel companies, including the USPS.


they all make it to where private citizens who want to send like 5 packages in total in december pay hundreds of bucks for sending only 5 packages in contrast to companies who pay pennies on the dollar for sending hundreds of packages (like amazon).


go one step further and youll also see that because of the cheaper shipping, amazon is also able to attain a monopoly in the industry.


im all for the free market but this is one of those times when gov't needs to step in to stop the cronyism


Ever wonder why Amazon can do free shipping but Newegg doesn't? This is why. It's a classic case of government picking winners and losers instead of the free market working.


American taxpayers give an $18 billion gift to the post office every year



Usps is a government agency. How could someone ever believe they don't use tax payer money? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen.




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QUOTE (Whitesoxin2019 @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 05:53 PM)
please post any conspiracy I placed on this website. I would like Jason to know that users like Bigsqwert is why Soxtalk sucks now.

Um. No one with 20 posts prior to this thread would know that Chisoxfn's name is Jason.


Who is this guy?

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 04:54 PM)
What does Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton (who did come out against TPP eventually) have to do with it?


But I would like to know what growth has come from voting down TPP.

You just lost credibility with me if you honestly believe Hillary was against the TPP. She could not go down with the sinking ship.


If you do not understand that abolishing the TPP brings more Money and Jobs to our country than I don't know what to say to you? (SEE DOW, SEE LINKS)

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QUOTE (Whitesoxin2019 @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 06:06 PM)
You just lost credibility with me if you honestly believe Hillary was against the TPP. She could not go down with the sinking ship.


If you do not understand that abolishing the TPP brings more Money and Jobs to our country than I don't know what to say to you? (SEE DOW, SEE LINKS)

Did you learn from Trump to capitalize the first letter of regular nouns or have you always done that?

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QUOTE (Reddy @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 05:07 PM)
Did you learn from Trump to capitalize the first letter of regular nouns or have you always done that?

is that what you have to resort to?




Soxtalk Quality Meter










Again... Being Jumped .... With Venom. Called a Conspiracy Theorist or attacking my grammar. Sorry I don't share ALL of the same view points. I am going to go before more vultures come swooping at me.


Soxbadger and SS2k are ok in my book though.



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QUOTE (Whitesoxin2019 @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 06:12 PM)
is that what you have to resort to?




Soxtalk Quality Meter










Again... Being Jumped .... With Venom. Called a Conspiracy Theorist or attacking my grammar. Sorry I don't share ALL of the same view points. I am going to go before more vultures come swooping at me.


Soxbadger and SS2k are ok in my book though.




As the New Radicals sang in 1998, you Get What You Give.

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QUOTE (Whitesoxin2019 @ Apr 10, 2018 -> 05:01 PM)
USPS changed the way they deliver from weight-based to that 'length/width/height/girth' system. means it's a helluva lot more expensive to send s*** through USPS. hell it's expensive to send packages using any american company parcel companies, including the USPS.


they all make it to where private citizens who want to send like 5 packages in total in december pay hundreds of bucks for sending only 5 packages in contrast to companies who pay pennies on the dollar for sending hundreds of packages (like amazon).


go one step further and youll also see that because of the cheaper shipping, amazon is also able to attain a monopoly in the industry.


im all for the free market but this is one of those times when gov't needs to step in to stop the cronyism


Ever wonder why Amazon can do free shipping but Newegg doesn't? This is why. It's a classic case of government picking winners and losers instead of the free market working.


American taxpayers give an $18 billion gift to the post office every year



Usps is a government agency. How could someone ever believe they don't use tax payer money? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen.


Im not sure who said USPS doesnt use Tax payer money. The USPS has stated over and over again that they lose no money fulfilling Amazon's shipments.


I cant comment on the anecdotal evidence, but generally speaking someone who buys 10 billion widgets pays less per widget than the person who buys 1. Just like a store like Walmart can sell widgets for cheaper than the local store.


Im not sure if you understand the term "cronyism" as no one from Amazon is on Trump's staff or related to his govt. Cronyism would be more akin to appointing Pruitt to EPA, etc. Ive never heard of any claims that Amazon has some sort of access that other companies dont, if anything its the opposite, Amazon is disfavored by the govt as shown by Trump's comments. As for NewEgg, Im sure they have an economic reason for not offering competitive shipping, but again, Amazon shipping is for "Prime" members who pay a monthly premium for the service.


That isnt even discussed in your comments about NewEgg. If I order 1 thing from Newegg and pay $5 for shipping, is that not technically cheaper than paying $9+ for a monthly prime membership?


Amazon is successful because they created a new model. Not because they are getting some sort of benefit from the US govt.

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So Trump tells Russia in a tweet to get ready for some missiles. There/s a Trump tweet for everything:


Donald J. Trump



Why do we keep broadcasting when we are going to attack Syria. Why can't we just be quiet and, if we attack at all, catch them by surprise?


11:45 PM - Aug 28, 2013


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