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**President Trump 2018 Thread**


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1 minute ago, Reddy said:

Are you calling all Trump supporters alt-right?

Depends on how you define alt right,  however I think you can’t lump any large group into one name. 

For some, Alt-righters are literal neo nazis .


for others Alt Right can mean being against establishment republicans such as the entire Bush family, McCain etc


Or we can deny alt right is an actual thing if we can also deny alt left is an actual thing. 

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2 minutes ago, Whitesoxin2019 said:

Depends on how you define alt right,  however I think you can’t lump any large group into one name. 

For some, Alt-righters are literal neo nazis .


for others Alt Right can mean being against establishment republicans such as the entire Bush family, McCain etc


Or we can deny alt right is an actual thing if we can also deny alt left is an actual thing. 


Ok, but where do we stand on crock pots?

Sorry spirit cookers.

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Regardless of what you think about some tactics of some on the left, the "alt left" is still not a thing. The alt-right was a self-labeling group. Nobody calls themselves "alt left".


Reddy, the best president ever said there were some very fine people marching with tiki torches and chanting Nazi slogans the night before they murdered a protestor, what more do you need??

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1 minute ago, StrangeSox said:

Reddy, the best president ever said there were some very fine people marching with tiki torches and chanting Nazi slogans the night before they murdered a protestor, what more do you need??


Ugh, great point. My bad.

Sorry, I just wasn't thinking. I was too hung up on what I'm gonna make for dinner tonight in my spirit cooker.

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The alt right was explicitly about white supremacy and creating ethnostates when Richard Spencer coined the term as the softer, gentler face of his Nazi politics.


There is no parallel "alt left" where that happened. There are a wide variety of liberals and leftists with big differences in politics, but there is no "alt left". There isn't an equivalent mirror for every term or group.

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2 minutes ago, StrangeSox said:

The alt right was explicitly about white supremacy and creating ethnostates when Richard Spencer coined the term as the softer, gentler face of his Nazi politics.


There is no parallel "alt left" where that happened. There are a wide variety of liberals and leftists with big differences in politics, but there is no "alt left". There isn't an equivalent mirror for every term or group.

I don't know that facts are going to help you much in this particular debate.

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2 minutes ago, StrangeSox said:

The alt right was explicitly about white supremacy and creating ethnostates when Richard Spencer coined the term as the softer, gentler face of his Nazi politics.


There is no parallel "alt left" where that happened. There are a wide variety of liberals and leftists with big differences in politics, but there is no "alt left". There isn't an equivalent mirror for every term or group.

I pretty clearly defined alt-right many pages back.  They were mostly self defined because of a shared set of values.

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It's dead in the House on arrival, but a very good step in the Senate on net neutrality.


Hopefully if the Dems can take the House in November, we can get this passed for real. Verizon has already hinted at some great "pay for access on each individual app or service" models with their 5g rollouts.


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Just now, Whitesoxin2019 said:

The easy way out for the armchair skeptic. 

"I didn't research this myself, but Snopes did and they said it was debunked!"


I dont recall saying it was debunked or not, just that was something that explained where the term "spirit cooker" derived from.  I have no idea about any of it, but it gave some background to what you were referring to. 

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3 minutes ago, StrangeSox said:

Look if you so much as even imply that Trump has Nazi like tendencies you're crazy




Literally calling immigrants non-human animals.

The law says there is a difference between immigration and illegal immigration.  It’s almost as if you forget Obama was coined as the “Deporter in Chief”

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1 minute ago, Whitesoxin2019 said:

The law says there is a difference between immigration and illegal immigration.  It’s almost as if you forget Obama was coined as the “Deporter in Chief”

And yet somehow he stopped short of calling them animals. ?

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11 minutes ago, Reddy said:

That thing I said about facts not helping you here? Yeahhh.....

I don’t know too much about the pizza Gate stuff. I know a lot of stuff was censored and you would have to look up archived 4chan posts on it. But spirit cooking, it’s a thing. I guess some say it’s “art”.  How semen and blood can constitutite as art is something I can’t comprehend, on the surface it does not appear to be anything illegal or anything, just weird cultish stuff. 

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5 minutes ago, Whitesoxin2019 said:

The law says there is a difference between immigration and illegal immigration.  It’s almost as if you forget Obama was coined as the “Deporter in Chief”

hey guess what they're still human


did Obama call them "animals" and say they weren't even people? did he use the sort of language frequently used by people who want ethnic cleansing? no? it was a completely irrelevant whataboutism? oh, okay.

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