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**President Trump 2018 Thread**


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Last year, after a founder of Apollo Global Management had multiple White House meetings with Kushner, the company loaned $184 million to the Kushner family real estate firm. Similarly, shortly after Kushner met in the White House with the chief executive of Citigroup, the company lent the Kushner family real estate group and a partner $325 million.

Now the Kushner family real estate business is reportedly close to entering a deal with a company linked to Qatar that could bail Kushner Cos. out of a flagship troubled property and a huge financial hole. Jared Kushner had previously sold his stake in the property involved to a trust run by his mother. Nevertheless, the Kushner family real estate business stands to lose an enormous amount of money without this bailout, and Qatar certainly knows that Kushner’s White House portfolio includes the Middle East.

Meanwhile, U.S. policy towards Qatar has apparently softened after Trump originally took a hard line against the country.

Are these events just coincidences, or do they involve the exchange of U.S. policy for financial benefits? The transactions create the appearance of a conflict of interest for Kushner, and through him for Trump. Here too, there is no way for the American people to know what happened behind the scenes. This is why it is so important for officials like Kushner to divest holdings that could cause conflicts and why it is so dangerous when they do not.


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Trump's sustained attacks on American rights


If Trump's norm-shattering derision of the courts and constitutional principles has only accelerated in the past two years, public responses appear more polarized. Opponents are overwhelmingly Democratic. Trump's approval rating among Republicans remains high. 
There also may be fatigue. Trump is constant. His questioning Thursday of a legal process for people apprehended at the border drew scant public response.
In 2017, 3 Trump properties, including Mar-a-Lago, posted 144 openings for seasonal jobs. Only one went to a US worker. Trump properties always get their fill of H-2B employees, but other US businesses have a harder time. Of course, Trump could simply raise wages at his properties and get more American applicants, you know, America first and all that, but he won't.

Edited by caulfield12
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Ivanka Trump just had 5 new trademarks approved.   Then there's the $1 billion in loans for the Indonesian development.  Which leads to a ZTE deal being worked out behind the backs of Congress by Trump personally intervening.

Where are the Republicans (besides Marco Rubio) to stand up to all of this?

When is enough...enough?


Many health policy watchers say even if Joe Grogan’s actions on drug policy have been legal, his role is still troubling.
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Trump makes Memorial Day all about Trump, Cadet Bone Spurs. Nice!


Happy Memorial Day! Those who died for our great country would be very happy and proud at how well our country is doing today. Best economy in decades, lowest unemployment numbers for Blacks and Hispanics EVER (& women in 18years), rebuilding our Military and so much more. Nice!
Edited by Dick Allen
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i logged into cnn.com today and had to laugh. Four straight stories that were negative about Donald. Then I'm at panera and i grabbed the local paper and the lead national editorial is all about Trump ruining morals of America, etc. Can you imagine being Trump? He's hated. I credit our society for being civil to him in public. At least we can let him do his thing in peace afore Bernie defeats him fair and square next election. GO SOX!

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What is the deal with Trump supporters? One of the more famous, Rosanne Barr tweeted this about Valerie Jarrett


"muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj,


Why would anyone think that would be a good idea to put out to everyone? 

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  On 5/29/2018 at 3:02 PM, Dick Allen said:

What is the deal with Trump supporters? One of the more famous, Rosanne Barr tweeted this about Valerie Jarrett


"muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj,


Why would anyone think that would be a good idea to put out to everyone? 



Stupid Hollywood elitists.

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  On 5/29/2018 at 5:54 PM, StrangeSox said:

that escalated quickly


feel bad for the rest of the cast and the numerous other professionals (cameramen, writers, directors, production assistants etc.) who are losing their jobs thanks to Roseanne's brain worms.



Trump said he was the reason the show was a success. He won't be happy with this news. Another conspiracy I suppose. I'm sure there are many fine racists.  BTW, not the first time Roseanne compared a black woman to an ape on twitter. Called Susan Rice one in 2013. 

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  On 5/29/2018 at 6:48 PM, LittleHurt05 said:

Wow, didn't see that coming.  I was expecting a public apology, maybe a suspension, not the ban hammer right away.  Nice work ABC.


It wasn’t right away though, she tweeted some crazy stuff right when the show went on the air again and it kind of slipped through because the show was a hit

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Always kind of fascinated me that Trump and the right embraced Roseanne considering her take on the National Anthem. I would guess if it were Bill Maher doing the same thing, kicking him out of the country would be discussed on Hannity every night.



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