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**President Trump 2018 Thread**


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  On 5/30/2018 at 10:10 AM, LittleHurt05 said:

Kim Kardashian is meeting President Donald Trump in the Oval Office today to discuss prison reform.

Yup, that's a factual statement in the year 2018. 


And 100X more people will be discussing it (and Trump) than if he had actually convened a bi-partisan study group/meeting with the 25 foremost experts in prison reform from around the world....that might have gotten 10-15 seconds/sound bite coverage in the middle 1/3rd of a local news broadcast.

This will be a headline...for its sheer absurdity and the “unique authenticity” Kim brings from being married to a rap star who addresses this subject in his music and philanthropy.

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So Trump "had no time" to comment about Roseanne yesterday according to Sarah, as he was too busy with the economy, NK, generally making America great again .  Yet he had time to go to Nashville and remind everyone that he won the election in 2016, call, Hillary crooked, tell everyone that the FBI and CIA are out to get him, call out Jay Z, because he swears not because of his skin color, again, play all of his hits. Now he has time for a sit down with Kim Kardashian. Hey rabbit, what would you think if Obama did this?

Edited by Dick Allen
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  On 5/29/2018 at 8:10 PM, greg775 said:

I can't even understand Barr's ramblings. Kudos to ABC for killing the show. You can't go spouting untruths especially ones so divisive/nasty/classless/repugnant.


She's deep down the Reddit/4chan conspiracy rabbit hole.  None of it ever makes sense no matter who is spouting the nonsense.

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  On 5/29/2018 at 10:29 PM, Dick Allen said:

Always kind of fascinated me that Trump and the right embraced Roseanne considering her take on the National Anthem. I would guess if it were Bill Maher doing the same thing, kicking him out of the country would be discussed on Hannity every night.




She really is unfunny. Sad lady.

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  On 5/16/2018 at 9:48 PM, Reddy said:

I agree with this. I was referring to current Trump *supporters*, not Trump voters. In May 2018, I think there's a distinction. 


Gotcha - That said, I would still go back and say that if you asked those Trump voters who purely voted on party lines...whether they support trump or not...you might get one answer (no0, but if you asked them whether they would vote for Hillary or Trump...I think a lot of them still say Trump (purely going back to the whole party line thing). Not because they like him or anything else...rather they just view having a republican in office (no matter how much they dislike him) makes it more likely that broadly speaking they get more policies they like (and please don't jump at this comment with the...well that makes you x or y). I know that is the obvious answer but making closet statements about a broad group of people is just not appropriate (imo).  

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  On 5/30/2018 at 8:07 PM, raBBit said:

I know it will be a big a joke around here because Kim Kardashian is involved but I think it's outstanding that a president is interested in prison reform. We'll see if he's mostly just spouting rhetoric on the issue like the last president or actually has something meaningful that he could get through congress but if Trump did something to stop/limit the mass incarceration of nonviolent "criminals" in the land of the "free", would you guys give him due credit? Would you all support a policy you agree with if it's coming from a man you disagree with?

I am not a Trump fan but will sing his praises if he gets this done. It's one of the most common sense issues in politics. How are you going to be the free-est country in the world when you lock more people in cages than any other country in the world?


I always get a kick out of whenever you write this BS. You endlessly defend him, and rarely, if ever, find anything wrong with what he does, at least to the point if a person with a D after their name did the exact same thing.

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Imprisoning less black men and loosening regulations on marijuana arent exactly in his platform.  My guess is out of these meetings we will hear about how we need privatization of the prison system.  


But if somehow he goes against everything hes ever said and shown, sure, Ill give him his due.  Ill drive to washington to congratulate him myself.

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  On 5/30/2018 at 8:07 PM, raBBit said:

I know it will be a big a joke around here because Kim Kardashian is involved but I think it's outstanding that a president is interested in prison reform. We'll see if he's mostly just spouting rhetoric on the issue like the last president or actually has something meaningful that he could get through congress but if Trump did something to stop/limit the mass incarceration of nonviolent "criminals" in the land of the "free", would you guys give him due credit? Would you all support a policy you agree with if it's coming from a man you disagree with?

I am not a Trump fan but will sing his praises if he gets this done. It's one of the most common sense issues in politics. How are you going to be the free-est country in the world when you lock more people in cages than any other country in the world?



If Trump does the exact opposite of what Jeff Sessions (who he appointed AG) has stood for, of course I would give Trump credit. But there doesnt seem to be any reason to believe that Trump or the Republican party are interested in legalizing marijuana, stopping the "War on drugs", or becoming rational when it involves crime and punishment. 


"Good people don't smoke marijuana."

"You can't have the President of the United States of America talking about marijuana like it is no different than taking a drink… It is different… It is already causing a disturbance in the states that have made it legal."

More fun quotes at the link.

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  On 5/30/2018 at 8:07 PM, raBBit said:

I know it will be a big a joke around here because Kim Kardashian is involved but I think it's outstanding that a president is interested in prison reform. We'll see if he's mostly just spouting rhetoric on the issue like the last president or actually has something meaningful that he could get through congress but if Trump did something to stop/limit the mass incarceration of nonviolent "criminals" in the land of the "free", would you guys give him due credit? Would you all support a policy you agree with if it's coming from a man you disagree with?

I am not a Trump fan but will sing his praises if he gets this done. It's one of the most common sense issues in politics. How are you going to be the free-est country in the world when you lock more people in cages than any other country in the world?


This administration has already undone a lot of the criminal justice reform, including prison reform, that the last administration put in place. This includes directing prosecutors to pursue the most aggressive charges and sentences possible, going back to using private prisons, announcing intent to prosecute for low-level & non-violent drug offenses, refusing to hold police accountable via consent decrees, and continues to neglect sentencing reform at the behest of his Attorney General.

The last president came far from fixing everything, but he did more than "just spouting rhetoric." The first 15 months or so of the Trump administration has seen a rollback of those advances.

So far, all he's talked about is prison release programs rather than reducing the number of incarcerated in the first place. If Trump changed course and legitimately committed to criminal justice reform including prison reform, sure, I'd give him credit. I won't be holding my breath waiting for that to happen.

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  On 5/30/2018 at 8:32 PM, raBBit said:

Prior to him winning the GOP primary I believe he had been pretty common sense on pot and the prison sentences in recent years. My memory could be off though. It seems like he's toeing the line of supporting what his establishment support would want and supporting what he actually thinks is best. Essentially, Session's scary ass, the military and other evangelical right who support Trump out of partisan-ism would probably be against the types of policy you and I are in favor of here.

Regardless, this signals a positive development regardless. Timing is interesting though. I don't know if Trump wants to go at it with the pharmaceutical companies and prison guard unions right before midterms but maybe it would help his perception with the country's scant group of moderates. And now that I say that Trump hasn't exactly been afraid of attacking big pharma thus far.


Here is where you and I differ. I dont think Trump cares about anything but Trump. He will do whatever he has to do to keep his support. I dont think Trump really cares about any of this.

If he actually had the audacity to stand up for what he believes in it would be great. That was the one thing I continuously hoped for prior to the election. That once Trump became President he would break away from some of the stuff he was forced to say, and start being more normal.

Unfortunately, I really havent seen any of that. I mean I dont actually believe Trump even cares about immigrants, the wall or any of that stuff. He just cares about the cheers, so hell say whatever his audience wants. 

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Obama's DOJ had some meaningful criminal justice reforms. Trump's largely reversed them. Ranting about "race baiting" and silly movement conservative bugaboos like Fast & Furious doesn't change that. Check out the steady decline in incarceration rates during his term. Check out the push-back against the for-profit prison industry. Consent decrees that held police departments accountable for the civil rights abuses. Not charging low-level, non-violent drug offenders in the first place.

I'm not saying Obama fixed everything or that our justice/prison system wasn't still abhorrent when he left office. It was. He probably could have and should have done more. But that's different from saying he did nothing. And so far, Trump's only taken steps to roll back those reforms, impose harsher sentences, revive for-profit private prisons, charge more people with stronger charges.

Edited by StrangeSox
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  On 5/30/2018 at 8:35 PM, raBBit said:

As someone who I can tell is very much competitive personally and at least partly capitalistic, it's surprising how you cockily support so many pro-government policies. I know our country is trying to wipe away our own history but man could our people use a lesson on how handing the government more and more power turns out for the people. 


Neither capitalism nor federalism are perfect.  Prisons should not be run as a for profit organization.  Thats a complete failure in policy.  Marijuana should not be illegal.  

Besides those opinions, our legal system is fairly broken.  We are putting people away for long periods of time for non violent offenses while turning violent criminals back onto the streets.  There is no standard.  Changing that would be nice reform.  Mr.Profit himself wont go that direction though.

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  On 5/30/2018 at 8:49 PM, raBBit said:

I think Trump, like Obama in his first term, is afraid to put himself out there too much in terms of partisan lines. He's stuck to the common sense stuff like getting rid of unnecessary regulations and getting the US out of awful trade deals and the rest of his agenda has been flogged down by the media constructed reality with the Russia stuff and some TMZ reporting about some whore he used to consensually bang. Past that it's all the racist/sexist garbage distractions. Perhaps if he got re-elected he would let his hair down (lol) and champion some of his true beliefs as a lifelong New York City liberal. 

Is he a narcissist? Without a doubt. Do I think he wants what is best for the country? Without a doubt. He can only care about Trump and still do things. If he changed the country for the better his legacy would improve and that could pad his ego. I just think he's delusional if he thinks the left will give him a fair chance and the media will focus on positives he could make. 



I dont think Trump wants what is best for the US. I think he wants what is best for Trump. If he did great things, I think the media would fall over itself giving him praise. 

The guy wouldnt even divest his ownership when he became President. He is running the country like a family business. And I dont care if youre left, right, middle or polka dot, that type of stuff should not be tolerated. Trump's problems are self inflicted. If he actually was transparent a lot of this stuff would go away. 

I have no personal animosity, I just call it as (I perceive) it is. If Trump does something "good", he should get credit. But when he does something "bad" he should also receive criticism.

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  On 5/30/2018 at 8:57 PM, raBBit said:

If Obama's DOJ did something meaningful they should probably clue us in because no one's seemed to notice. It's not surprising that you are belittling the Holder's decision to arm gangs that supply the drugs and in this country and make home on our border. Whether it's the cartel or MS13 you've made it clear you're in support of them since I am assuming the assumption (and it's a safe one on your end) is that they will vote democrat in America. 


1) lmbo

2) F&F started under Bush, it was a dumb debacle and it ended fairly early under Obama, I want to say as early as 2010? It's been a movement conservative thing to whine about for nearly a decade now. I'll uncategorically call it a stupid program.

3) yes clearly I support drug cartels and MS-13, and clearly they will vote for Democrats despite them largely being non-citizens. Do you actually listen to yourself, man? Not wanting to dehumanize people doesn't mean you "support" them. Noting that the President and many demagogues before him conflate "violent" immigrants with all immigrants to rile up vitriol doesn't mean I support MS-13. Noting that F&F is a conservative bugaboo for years doesn't mean I support that dumb program.

4) You can find plenty of information about what criminal justice reforms Obama enacted if you spent just a few minutes searching places other than right-wing fever swamps. I've mentioned several, along with the steps Trump's admin has taken in undermining them. Nothing about ranting about "race baiting" or F&F actually addresses the topic at hand, which is criminal justice or perhaps more specifically prison reform if you want to narrow the scope. You decided to bring up two conservative complaints out of the blue even though they're pretty irrelevant here other than to say "Holder bad!"

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  On 5/30/2018 at 9:02 PM, raBBit said:


I don't believe in for profit prisons either. I think the bigger issue is the lobbying efforts that allow them. For profit prisons are just a problem created from a larger problem. 

Our sentencing when it comes to non-violent criminal is entirely broken. "


Fixed your post so it actually has meaning.

I agree with you entirely.  Letting the money decide policy across the board needs to stop, but its only getting worse.  I do not suspect it will ever be reformed regardless of who is in office.  There is too much pull towards getting paid instead of doing the right thing.

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  On 5/30/2018 at 9:02 PM, raBBit said:

As always, a great addition to the thread. Glad you have left youtube commenting full time to grace us with all of your "wisdom" in the filibuster from 9-5 everyday. 



You've been dropping great wisdom like "Holder did F&F" which isn't terribly relevant. You also complain about other people's posting more than actually posting, which is pretty funny.

But yeah the idea that Trump is afraid to take stances loudly and belligerently on whatever the topic de jure is is hilarious. If there is one thing about Trump, it's that he's not afraid to say exactly whatever is on his mind at any given moment.

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  On 5/30/2018 at 9:04 PM, raBBit said:

I never said anything about when they were created. Just brought up that just like MS13, the cartel isn't a concern of Professor Strange Sox. Because international crime syndicates who provide our youth and gangs with drugs are a secondary focus to him when he can misconstrue quotes and virtue signal how tolerant he is as he calls half the country names.


lol who was even talking about MS-13 before you started accusing me of supporting them because they'll vote for Democrats?

I started by mentioning several criminal justice reforms that Obama actually did to dispute the notion that he did nothing but spout rhetoric, which you just sort of ignored before launching off the deep end yet again.

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  On 5/30/2018 at 9:04 PM, raBBit said:

I never said anything about when they were created. Just brought up that just like MS13, the cartel isn't a concern of Professor Strange Sox. Because international crime syndicates who provide our youth and gangs with drugs are a secondary focus to him when he can misconstrue quotes and virtue signal how tolerant he is as he calls half the country names.


To bring this back on topic. Wouldnt a good way to undermine crime syndicates be to legalize drugs so that they can no longer profit off of them? This position is completely opposed by the current administration.


  On 5/30/2018 at 9:06 PM, raBBit said:

If you think the media will ever give Trump praise for something other than bombing an arab country or praising Israel you've lost me. Every CIA official in the public spoke out in favor of HRC and against Trump. The media and the intelligence community crafting their agenda showed it's hand before Trump even got elected.


Just because "everyone does it", does not mean its some sort of conspiracy. If everyone says Frank Thomas is a better hitter than Soxbadger, does that mean its a conspiracy against me? Or is it just because Frank Thomas is a better hitter.

Thats not crafting an "Anti-Soxbadger" agenda. Sometimes things just are. And I get that its hard to accept that when you feel the other side is "out to get you", but sometimes you need to take a step back and look at things objectively. 

Besides for Trump being "an outsider" he literally had no credentials for being elected President. 

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