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**President Trump 2018 Thread**


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1 minute ago, StrangeSox said:

We already knew that about Mitch, I'm noting that because we now officially know a member of the House Republican Caucus was involved, now we also know that Paul Ryan and the House Majority, the folks who put out that weak investigation report, they are also defending their own members who conspired with a foreign intelligence agency. 

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It's also possible (likely?) that the person who was laundering GRU stuff through wikileaks didn't email Assange by announcing that he was, in fact, working for GRU. They probably presented themselves as 'hacktivists,' just like the indictment says they did to many of the Americans they were in contact with.

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10 minutes ago, StrangeSox said:



Also FYI the indictment refutes the claims that the information had to have been offloaded locally and explains the method in which it was done remotely via a rented server housed in Illinois.


Illinois... hmmmm someone has really been speaking out about this.. (I kid.)

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12 minutes ago, raBBit said:


Not saying that I believe or disbelieve Gufficer 2.0, but since his tweets are admissible, I would imagine his explanatory blog posts are as well.

Letters that are self serving almost have 0 value in court as he can testify to that anyways (if he actually took the stand.) (edit) And if he didnt take the stand, it would likely be inadmissible. 

It would be like OJ writing in a blog "I didnt murder anyone." What value does that have? 

Edited by Soxbadger
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10 minutes ago, raBBit said:

What is weak sauce? I was making the point that this suspect character has an internet history that serves many purposes. If you have a narrative, there is a Guccifer 2.0 quote/tweet that serves your purpose no matter what narrative you're serving. He's not valid when he supports the blue team and invalid (or "weak sauce") when he supports the red team. Thinking that would be hypocritical. 

StrangeSox took one of Guccifer 2.0's tweets and used it to make a conclusion the post just before mine. You didn't find that to be weak sauce. I just take a post showing a contrasting viewpoint from Guccifer 2.0 and didn't draw any of my own conclusions as a result. Yet I am weak sauce and joking. 

I know you're really digging in on this militantly virtuous pouting act with Trump as POTUS now but can you at least keep the civility to a level where your post actually speaks to what you're taking exception to? You know, as opposed to just viscerally reacting to someone you know thinks differently than you. 

So the blog post denies something after the fact, once investigations are starting to form around it...and you're willing to take that denial at face value and present it. Right. The start of investigations around a crime involving treason of the President elect is no reason for someone to deny something.

At the same time as the tweet above where the account was working with wikileaks, people were tracking back the trail of documents to Russian servers, but I don't even need to bother linking all that because the Dutch intelligence service had actually broken into the Russian hacking group's electronics and they've shared that with the FBI. Mueller's group literally has video of your Russian friends composing that tweet. That's how they know the exact times of everything in the indictment today.

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Just now, raBBit said:

I didn't use the post as support for an argument. I didn't draw any conclusions based on the post. 

What is the difference between a G2 blog post and tweet? What makes one valid and one invalid. You scrolled right past SS post that drew a conclusion based off of a G2 tweet and found nothing to take exception with there. Then my post, which intentionally made the point to put no weight in the G2 post, prompted you to respond taking exception and then using an OJ Simpson murder trial straw man as your support. 

I have no idea what youre talking about.

You posted about whether a statement could be used in court, I wrote a response about that.

To be fair, I didnt read any of the other posts except to make a joke. So my post was not in relation to theirs at all, it only was to answer what I thought was a serious question about civil procedure.

There was no straw man argument, I was just explaining why an exculpatory self written statement doesnt necessarily have a lot of value in court.

Again, thought it was a legitimate civil procedure question. 

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Bolton cancelled from a CNN appearance by the White Hiuse. Sarah Sanders says it’s in response for Acosta disrespecting Trump by asking him a question Trump refused to answer because he said CNN is fake news. It is all recorded. 


There should be outrage, however, this has become the norm so people just expect it. I guess that treating people with respect Sarah tweeted when she was refused service is more BS. Go figure. And what she said about the press when the newsroom was shot up, more BS.


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I honestly don't think Trump understands any of the stuff with Russia.  I don't think he really cares to, it isn't hurting him and might be helping him, so why bother.

People asking Trump about Crimea lol, do you think Trump even has a basic understanding of what the history of that situation is or even cares?

Edited by GoSox05
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