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What a fucking joke


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I'm sorry..."resigned"...although if he didn't, I'm sure he woulda been fired. It was all a matter of giving him the option to decide hiself before it was decided for him.

I dunno. Mike & Mike this morning were gushing all over him and his right to speak his mind. They don't agree with his opinions, but defended his right to have, and express them. I've heard a lot of support the past 2 days for him. I don't think would have fired him at all.

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It has a lot to do with Limbaugh's past history with racism.  He should know not to bring race into it, and he screwed up now he's gone. 


Good riddens, assholes like him don't deserve to get paid to run their mouths. :finger

Thing is, Rush was brought in and paid JUST for that. And then you fire the guy for doing what you wanted him to do??? :huh: :huh: Thats the state of our coutnry I guess, no matter what your opinion is, someone is gonna be offended and call for your head. Pretty pathetic IMO.

They did not fire him.

Yes they did, trust me.

Which makes ESPN look like idiots. Why else would you hire a guy like Limbaugh if not for his controversal statements to bring in viewers and bulk up ratings. Basically, they fired him for what they hired him for. :bang

Exactly. He wasn't fired or asked to resign.

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Dusty isn't notoriously known for being a racist either.

You keep saying that. Tell me how. You pointed to one instance in the 70's. To me, that's not "notorious." That's 25 years ago. If he's "notoriously" known for anything it's for being a loud mouth that causes contreversy, but not being a racist. Come on.

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Dusty isn't notoriously known for being a racist either.

You keep saying that. Tell me how. You pointed to one instance in the 70's. To me, that's not "notorious." That's 25 years ago. If he's "notoriously" known for anything it's for being a loud mouth that causes contreversy, but not being a racist. Come on.

So how many "racist" statements does it take to be officially a racist? Guys like Jimmy the Greek were permanently marked as racists with one comment. Why is it different for Dusty?

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Dusty isn't notoriously known for being a racist either.


And Dusty's comments of blacks can handle heat better due to their physical attributes [ie melatonin in skin etc.] are vastly different than Rush's comments that McNabb is overrated because the media wants a black QB to do well.  Last time I checked, the media wasn't on the field blocking for him on the field to get long runs and completed passes.


Rush could have simply said "McNabb is overrated" and used his play this year to show that.  But no, Rush went with the racial implications for no damn good reason.


And today it's been found that he might be a painkiller addict.  Looks like things are falling apart for old Rush.

It's melanin not melatonin.

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Dusty isn't notoriously known for being a racist either.

You keep saying that. Tell me how. You pointed to one instance in the 70's. To me, that's not "notorious." That's 25 years ago. If he's "notoriously" known for anything it's for being a loud mouth that causes contreversy, but not being a racist. Come on.

So how many "racist" statements does it take to be officially a racist? Guys like Jimmy the Greek were permanently marked as racists with one comment. Why is it different for Dusty?

Because he's black.

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I never saw where Limbaugh said that McNabb was only starting because he was black. I thought the gist of his statement was that people want a black QB to succeed and in that vein has been overrated. What's the controversy? The NFL has a program to get blacks into coaching. Would I get in trouble for saying that people want blacks in coaching? I would hope not, because it's a fact.


There has been a stereotype that blacks can't play QB. Would people love to see a black QB succeed? I think so. Who wouldn't love to see that stereotype shattered? It should've been put to bed with Doug Williams or Warren Moon, but it's still out there. Rush feels that McNabb has been overrated because of this. I disagree, but that's not the point. He didn't say anything racist...all he said was something concerning race, and in today's society that's a huge no-no. The PC police at work again.


And someone mentioned Jimmy the Greek. I'm not an expert on anatomy, but people who know more than me agree with what he said. Well, not so much about the breeding, but that blacks are different anatomically that makes them faster. And most everyone who ever knew Jimmy says he was no racist. He was treated very unfairly.

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Dusty isn't notoriously known for being a racist either.

You keep saying that. Tell me how. You pointed to one instance in the 70's. To me, that's not "notorious." That's 25 years ago. If he's "notoriously" known for anything it's for being a loud mouth that causes contreversy, but not being a racist. Come on.

So how many "racist" statements does it take to be officially a racist? Guys like Jimmy the Greek were permanently marked as racists with one comment. Why is it different for Dusty?

Exactly. Would the Dems still label Robert Byrd (D-Senator) a racist, because he was a KKK member 40, 50 years ago? I think they say, "It was a long time ago...He's changed..."

And he was a member of a racist group, not just made a single racist statement.

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In the 80's Jesse Jackson called NYC "Hymietown". Boy did he ever suffer for it. Al Campanis and Jimmy the Greek made their ill chosen remarks that decade also and were crucified for it. I don't like Rush for a variety of reason which includes the lack of real debate on his radio show. I'm sure many are enjoying his troubles now, but his "firing" is another victory for the PC Police. Does anyone here seriously doubt that Dusty would have survived his verbal gaffe if he were white? His career would be down the toilet like Al and Jimmy.

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Dusty isn't notoriously known for being a racist either.


And Dusty's comments of blacks can handle heat better due to their physical attributes [ie melatonin in skin etc.] are vastly different than Rush's comments that McNabb is overrated because the media wants a black QB to do well.  Last time I checked, the media wasn't on the field blocking for him on the field to get long runs and completed passes.


Rush could have simply said "McNabb is overrated" and used his play this year to show that.  But no, Rush went with the racial implications for no damn good reason.


And today it's been found that he might be a painkiller addict.  Looks like things are falling apart for old Rush.

Dont knock pain killers until you try them. :P Luckily I have self control, but the feeling while under the influence of pain killers is very wonderful. :wub:

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Dusty isn't notoriously known for being a racist either.

You keep saying that. Tell me how. You pointed to one instance in the 70's. To me, that's not "notorious." That's 25 years ago. If he's "notoriously" known for anything it's for being a loud mouth that causes contreversy, but not being a racist. Come on.

I also posted a fair article in the "Rush calls out McNabb" thread that shows his more recent comments.

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Dusty isn't notoriously known for being a racist either.


And Dusty's comments of blacks can handle heat better due to their physical attributes [ie melatonin in skin etc.] are vastly different than Rush's comments that McNabb is overrated because the media wants a black QB to do well.  Last time I checked, the media wasn't on the field blocking for him on the field to get long runs and completed passes.


Rush could have simply said "McNabb is overrated" and used his play this year to show that.  But no, Rush went with the racial implications for no damn good reason.


And today it's been found that he might be a painkiller addict.  Looks like things are falling apart for old Rush.

Dont knock pain killers until you try them. :P Luckily I have self control, but the feeling while under the influence of pain killers is very wonderful. :wub:

I've had vicodin before.

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I've had vicodin before.

I had that after oral surgery (wisdom teeth) a couple years back and I warn anyone to not take those. I still had pain, but I was so doped by them I couldn't sleep - a part of the reason my bf turned the doc down when he offered to write a script after he broke his hand. If I ever need pain killers again, I plan on asking for tylenol w/ codiene (sp?).

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I suggest that everyone crying for poor old picked on Rush watch the videotape of the actual comments, easily found on ESPN and the internet.


You will see a very skilled broadcaster, a man whose livelihood is words, whose career has not been in the limelight of late, make a very deliberate statement, prefaced with an aside about causing trouble, say something that was unsupportable in fact.


The unsupportable statement is that McNabb - whose has gone to 1 or 2 NFC championship games - is only started because the media wants a successful black qb. Most of us would suppose that McNabb starts because he has been their starter who has taken them to championship games, and that the Eagles' coach and GM, not the media, pick the Eagles' starter, based on their best estimate of how to win.


The very skilled broadcaster who did the little aside before he said his unsupportable thing clearly put McNabb's starting into a color context on purpose.


What has he gotten?


More publicity than he has in many years.


Lindbaugh has crafted a very clever PR stunt which pitches to the "poor white male being picked on" target audience, his bread and butter, and will benefit from the increased exposure and his "martyrdom."


Rush, a very skilled broadcaster, could have said, McNabb shoudn't start because he is not playing well and no one would have cared. Rush the experienced professional oral wordsmith put it exactly as he wanted - hence the preface before he said it - to create controversy and get his name back in the limelight again and have everyone talk about him.

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I suggest that everyone crying for poor old picked on Rush watch the videotape of the actual comments, easily found on ESPN and the internet.


You will see a very skilled broadcaster, a man whose livedlihoopd is words, whose career has not been in the limelight of late, make a very deliberate statement, prefaced with an aside about causing trouble, say something that was unsupportable in fact.


The unsupportable statement is that McNabb - whose has gone to 1 or 2 NFC championship games - is only started because the media wants a successful black qb.  Most of us would suppose that McNabb starts because he has been their starter who has taken them to championship games, and that the Eagles' coach and GM, not the media, pick the Eagles' starter, based on their best estimate of how to win.


The very skilled broadcaster who did the little aside before he said his unsupportable thing clearly put McNabb's starting into a color context on purpose.


What has he gotten?


More publicity than he has in many years.


Lindbaugh has crafted a very clever PR stunt which pitches to the "poor white male being picked on" target audience, his bread and butter, and will benefit from the increased exposure and his "martyrdom." 


Rush, a very skilled broadcaster, could have said, McNabb shoudn't start because he is not playing well and no one would have cared.  Rush the experienced professional oral wordsmith put it exactly as he wanted - hence the preface before he said it -  to create controversy and get his name back in the limelight again and have everyone talk about him.

Its the principle. Im well aware you have no idea what that means.

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The principle is there were no principles involved in this. It was a calculated PR stunt. Limbaugh is going to laugh all the way to the bank with his increased ratings and hence revenue after this round of calculated publicity. Just the thing to fire up a flagging career (mixed metaphors though they may be).

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Trent Dilfer took the Ravens to a superbowl...doesn't mean he should be a starter and that he's a great qb.


I'm not gonna knock McNabb cause I saw the guy singlehandedly carry the Eagles over the Bears a few years ago in the playoffs. I Know the Eagles defense and Miller getting hurt had something to do with it...but I also remember McNabb running out of impossible situations and finding ways to get a first down. It was killa.


Although this year he has been pretty bad and if it were a typical qb...he probably would of been benched, imo.


Whether it was right or wrong (His comments) i don't think they were intended as anti black or racist at all.


Just my opinion though.

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The principle is there were no principles involved in this.  It was a calculated PR stunt.  Limbaugh is going to laugh all the way to the bank with his increased ratings and hence revenue after this round of calculated publicity.  Just the thing to fire up a flagging career (mixed metaphors though they may be).

Well since Limbaugh is so unpopular can you explain why the ratings of NFL Countdown or whatever its called went up so much once he joined?


The guys radio show seems to be doing pretty damn good...with or without this so called stunt which Im assumimg your calling a ploy by him.


Personally I don't buy it, cause I think his ratings have been just fine and he's a pretty damn sucessful radio show host...whether you like his opinions or not.

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The principle is there were no principles involved in this.  It was a calculated PR stunt.  Limbaugh is going to laugh all the way to the bank with his increased ratings and hence revenue after this round of calculated publicity.  Just the thing to fire up a flagging career (mixed metaphors though they may be).

My Grandpa was a big Rush fan, listened to him everyday, he would have been heartbroken if he was alive to hear about these drug charges.


I agree that he is looking for a ratings boost only because his comment is stupid, if the media wants to see a black quarterback to succeed, then they can look to McNair, Vick, Q.C., Leftwich, Blake, Cullpepper, Brooks, Kordell, granted some of those guys aren't playing well right now, or are hurt, but they are still black qb's. If McNabb was the only one, then maybe I would agree with what Rush said to a certain extent, but with 10 other black qb's around, I think the media could care less how McNabb plays.


Now a black pitcher is something different, I myself root for Dontrelle more than any white pitcher, same with Jerome Williams. Making a sport more popular with minorities is very good for the sport, I think that is one reason why the NFL has taken off in recent years.

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Trent Dilfer took the Ravens to a superbowl...doesn't mean he should be a starter and that he's a great qb. 


I'm not gonna knock McNabb cause I saw the guy singlehandedly carry the Eagles over the Bears a few years ago in the playoffs.  I Know the Eagles defense and Miller getting hurt had something to do with it...but I also remember McNabb running out of impossible situations and finding ways to get a first down.  It was killa.


Although this year he has been pretty bad and if it were a typical qb...he probably would of been benched, imo. 


Whether it was right or wrong (His comments) i don't think they were intended as anti black or racist at all. 


Just my opinion though.

I think it is McNabbs history and versatility that keeps him out there. If this was Quincy Carter, forget about it, he would be benched. But McNabb has played very well the last 3 years and deserves a million chances. Not too mention his versatility makes him a big play threat even when he is playing poorly, not many guys can say that.

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Trent Dilfer took the Ravens to a superbowl...doesn't mean he should be a starter and that he's a great qb. 


I'm not gonna knock McNabb cause I saw the guy singlehandedly carry the Eagles over the Bears a few years ago in the playoffs.  I Know the Eagles defense and Miller getting hurt had something to do with it...but I also remember McNabb running out of impossible situations and finding ways to get a first down.  It was killa.


Although this year he has been pretty bad and if it were a typical qb...he probably would of been benched, imo. 


Whether it was right or wrong (His comments) i don't think they were intended as anti black or racist at all. 


Just my opinion though.

I think it is McNabbs history and versatility that keeps him out there. If this was Quincy Carter, forget about it, he would be benched. But McNabb has played very well the last 3 years and deserves a million chances. Not too mention his versatility makes him a big play threat even when he is playing poorly, not many guys can say that.

Its the millions of dollars they have invested too him. Well 100 million or so to be exact (Although that ain't all guaranteed).

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Trent Dilfer took the Ravens to a superbowl...doesn't mean he should be a starter and that he's a great qb. 


I'm not gonna knock McNabb cause I saw the guy singlehandedly carry the Eagles over the Bears a few years ago in the playoffs.  I Know the Eagles defense and Miller getting hurt had something to do with it...but I also remember McNabb running out of impossible situations and finding ways to get a first down.  It was killa.


Although this year he has been pretty bad and if it were a typical qb...he probably would of been benched, imo. 


Whether it was right or wrong (His comments) i don't think they were intended as anti black or racist at all. 


Just my opinion though.

I think it is McNabbs history and versatility that keeps him out there. If this was Quincy Carter, forget about it, he would be benched. But McNabb has played very well the last 3 years and deserves a million chances. Not too mention his versatility makes him a big play threat even when he is playing poorly, not many guys can say that.

Its the millions of dollars they have invested too him. Well 100 million or so to be exact (Although that ain't all guaranteed).

good point.

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He can say that McNabb is overrated.  He crossed the line when he attributed his success to the media being covetous of a successful black QB.

I'm with you there. I listen to Rush a lot & I like what he's got to say but why in god's name couldn't he just stick to talking about football and leave political discussions for his radio show?

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The principle is there were no principles involved in this.  It was a calculated PR stunt.  Limbaugh is going to laugh all the way to the bank with his increased ratings and hence revenue after this round of calculated publicity.  Just the thing to fire up a flagging career (mixed metaphors though they may be).

I was talking about Americans double standards, not Rush. Jason williams was overhyped because he was a white point guard with flash. I say this , and other have said this. That doesnt mean the comments were racial.

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