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BEER... Is there anything it can't do???

Gene Honda Civic

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Alcohol if flammable, yes. But if beer, wine, and even hard liquors(such as whiskey, tequila, and my personal favorite, vodka) are not 100% alcohol or even 50% alcohol. I'm sure someone more educated in the subject could tell you exactly, but I believe that a substance needs to be around 60-70% alcoholic to be flammable in large portions(such as dumping it on a fire). If I had to take a guess, I'd say that the one type of liquor(if you want to call it that) that is capable of this is everclear....or at the very least, I am almost positive everclear would do it. Maybe there are others as well.


Stay away from everclear....that is nasty s***. I will never touch that stuff. Compare everclear to vodka....I mean, for instance, I had somewhere around 4-6 ounces of vodka the other night, and I was barely buzzing. If I had that much everclear, I'd(or almost anyone for that matter) be out and on the floor getting my legs shaved and pissing my pants as well as getting pissed on.

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Tastes great, makes women appear more attractive, and makes a person virtually invulnerable to criticism.

Yeah i gotta get me a pair of those Beer Goggles (see the world thru the eyes of a drunk) from Duff Gardens, u know the 1's that make women more attractive.


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Everclear is best when you can hardly taste it.  It sneaks  up on you slowly along with blindness.

A lot of alcohol is best when you can't taste it. That's why shooting liquor is so gross. I remember the first time I got some vodka, I smelled it and I said "Isn't this rubbing alcohol?" I then sipped just a little of it, and I did not like it.


But you mix it with lemonade....and you got yourself a totally different drink. Mix it with orange juice....mmm mmm good.

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