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Reality TV taken to far?


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Britain would not broadcast this stunt if it wasnt 100 percent sure it would go right. Im sure the BBC realizes that millions will tune into this program for the chance to see this guy blow his head off and will probably exploit the audience. If its anything like American television they will spend an hour and 58 minutes teasing the audience then take 2 minutes to preform the Russian Roulette.


This is how the show will go down: BBC wil show a close up of his face sweating with ominous music playing in the background. Then as his hand slowly pulls the trigger you will hear a click. After the tension is over he will repeat it several more times until he fires the live round harmlessly into the air. Thats if the bastard didnt screw up, then hes f***ed.


If you were wondering what this guy does, look at his occupation: psychological illusionist. Im dont know anything about guns, but a 348 Smith and Wesson was probably not picked at random.


Another thing, does this sound like a quote of somebody who may kill himself: "The drama will not come from the gun part, but from the fun and games and entertainment that comes from the selection process." :bang

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It was a f***ING HOAX :fyou  :fyou  :fyou


f***ing Asshat Uses Blanks in Russian Roulette Stunt


What a jackass. I wouldn't have watched.  But I'd sure as hell Shoot this guy. Now that would be television.

:lolhitting I totally forget about this story. Glad you posted the link, really funny how these police men had no problem dispelling the act as fake. Better then some idiot saying "A magician never reals his secret." I dont understand why it was filmed in Jersey if broadcasted in Great Britain. Im sure if the stunt was over in Europe we wouldnt of found out this quick they were blanks.

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