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2018 Workout Thread


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My back flared up last week again so I decided to go see a chiropractor for the first time, instead of going back to the doctor. Was really helpful. Got stretched and cracked after some xrays and feel better already. Have to go back tomorrow and Fri for follow ups. I also followed the schedule for heating my back for 15 minute intervals and not a second longer and it worked well also.

The neck cracking caught me off guard and gave me a head rush.

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Haven't really been able to exercise much since my daughter was born last summer, so I signed up for a gym two weeks ago so I can exercise on my lunch break.


Problem is I have no idea what I'm really doing. Anyone have a good weight lifting routine they can recommend? Plan on going 4 days a week or so, 30-45 minutes at a time. Gym has a pretty decent range of machines and free weights.

Edited by StrangeSox
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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Apr 11, 2018 -> 09:04 AM)
Haven't really been able to exercise much since my daughter was born last summer, so I signed up for a gym two weeks ago so I can exercise on my lunch break.


Problem is I have no idea what I'm really doing. Anyone have a good weight lifting routine they can recommend? Plan on going 4 days a week or so, 30-45 minutes at a time. Gym has a pretty decent range of machines and free weights.

I can get you access to some of the P90 or insanity vids for your phone. I used to do that at a local gym in a secluded corner. They have 30 min workouts

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Apr 11, 2018 -> 09:04 AM)
Haven't really been able to exercise much since my daughter was born last summer, so I signed up for a gym two weeks ago so I can exercise on my lunch break.


Problem is I have no idea what I'm really doing. Anyone have a good weight lifting routine they can recommend? Plan on going 4 days a week or so, 30-45 minutes at a time. Gym has a pretty decent range of machines and free weights.


If you plan on going 4 days week, I'd break it down into a daily split as follows:


Day 1: Back

Day 2: Chest

Day 3: Legs

Day 4: Arms/Shoulders


The reason for this split is it allows MAXIMUM effort on each day, being as that no minor muscle groups are used the day of or the day before, which will weaken your lift. The 1 bodypart per day split allows absolute concentration on a specific muscle group. An example of what I mean by no minors are in use is that when you lift chest, you also use triceps and front deltoids, so you wouldn't want to work arms or shoulders the day before you do that chest routine.


Furthermore, the other reason I prefer this workout method over things like whole body workouts, is this split allows your body adequate time and devotion of allotable resources to properly repair and rebuild the muscles.


A lot of people will argue this with me, but I've yet to be convinced by anyone. Your body has finite amount of daily resources it can expend to repair and rebuild muscles. There is only so much usable protein that can be synthesized, carbs, fats, etc., and repairing one group of muscles is doable, whereas repairing an entire body of muscles is not. What I mean by this is, instead of a focused chest workout and your body dedicating all of its available resources to rebuilding your chest, it's taking those same resources are spreading them thin over an entire range of muscles, and I argue this is an inefficient way to work.


This split also allows massive workload, as I'll do upwards of 7 sets on some of my workouts before moving on to the next workout.


Here is my current chest routine as an example, I won't list weights because that's really up to the person, and you may lift more or less than what I lift depending on your size:


Hammer Strength Incline Press (can substitute barbell or dumbbell incline press if such a machine is not available)

4 sets 8-12 reps


Incline Dumbbell Fly (focus on a concentrated slow negative stretch, but don't overdo the stretch, it's not necessary)

3 sets 8-10 reps


Machine Flat Bench Press

3 sets 8-10 reps


Flat Bench Dumbbell Press (with palms facing inward toward each other, this movement is a bit nonstandard, but it's really amazing and should be used by more people)

3 sets 8-12 reps


Weighted Chain Dips (dips basically replicate a decline press, i personally use 1 or 2 chains, but that's saying such a thing is available to you or that you even need it, for a lot of people, body weight is more than enough for dips)

3 sets to failure


As you can see, this is a very high volume set that targets the hell out of your chest. Again, IMO, your body will dedicate all it's resources to the rebuild of your chest because it's not spreading itself thin by trying to rebuild 50 body parts at the same time as a result of some full body workout, which again, I simply find inefficient.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Apr 3, 2018 -> 06:42 AM)
Alright, starting this thread up for one specific reason.


I am obsessed with OrangeTheory Fitness. This is exactly what I've needed to get better, more varied workouts. Shut your brain off for an hour, do what you're told, burn 800-1,000 calories. This is my new therapy.


Yes, this place is the best. It's hard to get motivated after coming home from work, but I love going. It's a good stress reliever. Been there for 2 years and counting.

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QUOTE (bjm676 @ Apr 12, 2018 -> 04:13 PM)
Yes, this place is the best. It's hard to get motivated after coming home from work, but I love going. It's a good stress reliever. Been there for 2 years and counting.

I find it gives me energy. Massive endorphins.

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QUOTE (ChiliIrishHammock24 @ Apr 17, 2018 -> 01:15 AM)
Jogged/walked 12 miles today at the gym. I sure hope I can walk tomorrow. My goal was to watch the ENTIRE Sox game at the gym. I made it.


What a terrible game to pick to do that for.


I need to get back at it. Haven't done anything since I got back from vacation.

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Been on the road for about a week, only worked out once and ate like a pig every night with clients.  i have one week to get back into my routine before I start the keto diet. Gonna be a rough but healthy May.  Planning on losing around 10-15 pounds before summer. or at least 2 inches in the waist (I dont shed wait that easily, it usually ends up as muscle).  Ill also be monitoring my BF% for evidence

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On 4/21/2018 at 10:07 PM, RockRaines said:

Been on the road for about a week, only worked out once and ate like a pig every night with clients.  i have one week to get back into my routine before I start the keto diet. Gonna be a rough but healthy May.  Planning on losing around 10-15 pounds before summer. or at least 2 inches in the waist (I dont shed wait that easily, it usually ends up as muscle).  Ill also be monitoring my BF% for evidence

That kind of travel schedule, combined with having to entertain clients has to be absolutely killer on a workout schedule/diet, I couldn't imagine having to cope with that. At the very least, it sounds like you have genetics on your side -- so that could be even worse for some that have that constant uphill battle against their own genetics (and this is a real thing for those wondering).


Keto is rough, it's something I could never do -- then again, I'm pretty anti-special-diet, and strive for lifestyle balance where I'm not depriving myself of anything in specific that I know I'll eventually go back to eating at some point, which demolishes the original diet.

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On 4/26/2018 at 12:31 PM, Y2HH said:

That kind of travel schedule, combined with having to entertain clients has to be absolutely killer on a workout schedule/diet, I couldn't imagine having to cope with that. At the very least, it sounds like you have genetics on your side -- so that could be even worse for some that have that constant uphill battle against their own genetics (and this is a real thing for those wondering).


Keto is rough, it's something I could never do -- then again, I'm pretty anti-special-diet, and strive for lifestyle balance where I'm not depriving myself of anything in specific that I know I'll eventually go back to eating at some point, which demolishes the original diet.

When I am traveling for meetings and not trade shows like that its easier.  Otherwise you have to wake up early and at least run.  Its helpful thats its starting to warm up and I can run around the city I am in which makes it much easier.  Being that was a trade show type week, the days went from 5am to midnight and i only found time to work out once over lunch.  Brutal.

The diet has been ok so far, I really needed to cut my carbs WAY down anyway and this was a good way to do it.  I am a sugar fiend and I love pretzels and sandwiches so at the very least I am doing a quick reset.

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  • 3 months later...

Wow that looks intense.

Speaking of bikes.....I just got my first bike that I've had since I was about 12 years old. My girlfriend has been trying to push me to get us bikes, so on a whim I decided to buy an e-bike that Costco had marked down as a display for $400. It sells on their website (Jetson) for $1800, and $1500 on Amazon. 

I didn't get it for exercising purposes I just wanted to suffice her and I thought the tech part of it might be cool. 

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On 8/18/2018 at 8:49 AM, BigSqwert said:

Biked up Mt. Rainier yesterday with some friends. Damn, that was grueling.  



that is insane, I can barely make it up a slight incline. I have no idea how people regularly ride through the mountains, sometimes even hauling tens of pounds of backpacking gear!


Sunrise had one of our favorite hikes on Rainier out to an old firewatch tower overlooking the north side of the mountain

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On 8/18/2018 at 8:49 AM, BigSqwert said:

Biked up Mt. Rainier yesterday with some friends. Damn, that was grueling.  



That's really awesome -- talk about one hell of a workout. Scenery is out of this world, making it even better.

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