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**World Soxtalk Championship Wrestling Thread VI**

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58 minutes ago, iWiN4PreP said:

So, Stephanie McMahon has a historic announcement to make this Monday on Raw.


It appears to be all about the Women's division. We're talking new Tag Team Titles, maybe an intercontinental title, etc.



Going to announce it for an all women’s PPV.

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On 7/22/2018 at 6:27 AM, Y2HH said:

Going to announce it for an all women’s PPV.

Spot on.

Personally, I don't see it as that 'historic' of an announcement. As a big fan of Women's wrestling I'd be much more interested in changes in their division or an all-women's show. They just don't have enough time per current show to showcase a division that is representative of the talent they have. Stories are left incomplete and meshed together due to low amounts of time to give around. People (Mickie James, Nia Jax, Natayla) are forced to switch heel/face on a dime to get TV time.


Oh, and we get Roman vs. Lesnar... gggggrreeeattttttt

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7 hours ago, iWiN4PreP said:

Spot on.

Personally, I don't see it as that 'historic' of an announcement. As a big fan of Women's wrestling I'd be much more interested in changes in their division or an all-women's show. They just don't have enough time per current show to showcase a division that is representative of the talent they have. Stories are left incomplete and meshed together due to low amounts of time to give around. People (Mickie James, Nia Jax, Natayla) are forced to switch heel/face on a dime to get TV time.


Oh, and we get Roman vs. Lesnar... gggggrreeeattttttt

Yet another snooze fest.  Fans are going to boo the shit out of both these guys the entire match.  Literally nobody wants to see this for the fifth time.

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22 minutes ago, GGajewski18 said:

Yet another snooze fest.  Fans are going to boo the shit out of both these guys the entire match.  Literally nobody wants to see this for the fifth time.

I know Lashley isn't great, but at least it would've been different. I thought the match last night was actually pretty good but yeah, unless something shocking happens like a Braun cash in, it's going to be a lame way to go off the air.

I could see Brock winning again because he is suppose to be on Raw the next day and maybe getting a Braun cash in there. I dunno. The rest of the card looks like it should be good but we always remember what goes on last the most.

And the women's PPV sounds fun. All 3 women titles defended plus the Mae Young Classic final. Should be an easy watch. Hope the crowd digs it.

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11 hours ago, Brian said:

I know Lashley isn't great, but at least it would've been different. I thought the match last night was actually pretty good but yeah, unless something shocking happens like a Braun cash in, it's going to be a lame way to go off the air.

I could see Brock winning again because he is suppose to be on Raw the next day and maybe getting a Braun cash in there. I dunno. The rest of the card looks like it should be good but we always remember what goes on last the most.

And the women's PPV sounds fun. All 3 women titles defended plus the Mae Young Classic final. Should be an easy watch. Hope the crowd digs it.

This has Reigns winning at Summerslam and then immediately getting destroyed by Braun written all over it

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Yup -- overall WWE is a fucking mess right now.

Reigns vs. Lesnar has to be some of the worst matches I've ever seen (at least, with expectations considered). It's finisher/signature spam until someone just lays down for 3.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I laughed when Adam Cole talked about the "captivating" rivalry of three years between Reigns/Lesnar.  On twitter, WWE got hammered from the fans for that.  

The Reigns/Lesnar feud might be one of the worst rivalries that the WWE has created between Lesnar never wrestling except for 4 times a year, Reigns being forced down our throats, the grand total of 4 moves between both wrestlers, and how boring these matches have been.  

Brooklyn is going to boo the crap out of this match and I guarantee more beach balls will be present. I'd be willing to bet that whoever wins doesn't even generate much of a reaction unless Braun/Owens cashes in.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

For the first time in a couple months here I will likely end up watching WWE programming... have an off day this Sunday for Summerslam. 

I'll go through my predictions/analysis maybe Friday... but WWE programming has been absolute dog shit for the entire summer (since post WM really). 


I'm kinda excited for AJ vs. Samoa. Somewhat intrigued by Owens vs. Strow for the case. Highly expecting Strow (or owens) to cash in the case during Les vs. Reigns. Somewhat excited for Rouseys title win.

Match im most looking forward to has to be my gals Charlotte and Becky... love that Becky is getting a spot light, hopefully she walks away winner. 

Nothing else on the card is interesting to me, but i'll check it all out. 

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I've waved in and out of actually watching WWE, but I've kept up on most of the storylines. I'll be watching Summerslam tonight, but I would never promise that I'll make it through a 12 match show. Looking forward to AJ/Joe, Hardy/Shinsuke (if Jeff looks healthy), and Rollins/Ziggler. The MITB contract will make the main event interesting and the women's matches look pretty solid.

I've come to really enjoy the 5 match NXT shows, but I respect the "something for everyone" approach of the big Main Roster shows.

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So far summerslam:

Great opening match between ROllins/Zig. Amazing match, but on the down side im bored of these two fighting each other always.

Triple threat womens match was pretty good, interesting to see Becky Lynch turn heel on Charlotte. I hate it as I hate seeing perfect baby faces turn heel (a la Sami Zayn) as WWE has such a problem creating natural baby faces... it's because they don't let them win the big one... instead they take the easy way out and turn her heel. Oh well.


SD tag titles.. DQ, who cares, boring.

KO vs. Braun strowman squash in sub 1 minute, what a fucking joke. Actually made me mad and consider turning the product off. They spend months having Braun bully KO for this very interesting match stipulation to come up and they use it as a 30 second burial. Come on. Fuck off WWE donkeys.


AJ vs. Samoa was pretty enjoyable. Samoa is just so damn good at playing a heel.



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9 minutes ago, iWiN4PreP said:

So far summerslam:

Great opening match between ROllins/Zig. Amazing match, but on the down side im bored of these two fighting each other always.

Triple threat womens match was pretty good, interesting to see Becky Lynch turn heel on Charlotte. I hate it as I hate seeing perfect baby faces turn heel (a la Sami Zayn) as WWE has such a problem creating natural baby faces... it's because they don't let them win the big one... instead they take the easy way out and turn her heel. Oh well.


SD tag titles.. DQ, who cares, boring.

KO vs. Braun strowman squash in sub 1 minute, what a fucking joke. Actually made me mad and consider turning the product off. They spend months having Braun bully KO for this very interesting match stipulation to come up and they use it as a 30 second burial. Come on. Fuck off WWE donkeys.


AJ vs. Samoa was pretty enjoyable. Samoa is just so damn good at playing a heel.



The Braun/KO  match makes it seem like a certainty we will see Braun tonight at some point in the Lesnar/Reigns match

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4 minutes ago, T R U said:

The Braun/KO  match makes it seem like a certainty we will see Braun tonight at some point in the Lesnar/Reigns match

Yup, that's the first thing I thought about too -- it still is fucking lame that they put the whole story into work for a burial. That could have been a fun match with KO doing everything he could to try to cost Braun the match. 

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Rousey... I just don't know.

She's so very talented and has all the WOW factors. But the match with Bliss was cringe. It was a brutal burial and now Rousey has already climbed the proverbial mountain top. 

Coach states: "Who's going to step in the ring with her??" And he's right. There's no proper competition, because no one is in Rousey's level. 


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OOO look at this. Braun comes out in the beginning of the Universal title match announces that he won't be a coward, but then states hes going to face the winner of the match directly after the match. Isn't that hypocritical? Anyway, WWE probably thought (smartly) that no one would give a shit about the Universal title match, so bring Strowman out first, show their card -- get the crowd hyped and then do the cash in. Smart, I suppose, but once again -- WWE booking themselves into this position.


Never-fucking-mind. WOW. 


Might be the worst of all time feud here AND the worst of all time title Reign (Brock).

The whole Strowman issue was there to make the fans not revolt.

Reigns wins in an extremely anti-climatic way.

Lesnar is STILL protected due to fighting Strowman costing him the match.


This is hilariously bad. Reminds me why I tuned out for months. Fuck this company.

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So, all in all SS had 3 squash finishes (KO-Braun, Alex-Rousey, Finn-Corbin) and a horrid main event (Brock-Roman). None of the other matches were particularly must see (Zig vs. Rollins was great, but the only aspect thats interesting here is the actual match; Joe vs. Styles was also very good). Overall, a shit show. 

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