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Compensation for FA


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last i remembered, there was a mixed up in the compensation for fa.


here is the writing.


So draft-pick compensation for losing major league free agents remains in effect, and the new compensation structure for failing to sign a first-round pick–which could have gone a long way in curbing bonuses, a longtime management goal–has been tabled.



so the question goes back why make the trade with oak involving durham.

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

At that time they didn't think their would be draft pick compensation.


my point is still this. who cares about the compensation issue. i would never have traded durham, if billy beane didn't pony up with more prospects. play hard ball and if not, then let him walk, even without any comp.

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Originally posted by Cerbaho-WG

Billy had all the leverage in the world. No other team wanted Durham, so KW was stuck with what Beane offered him. He couldn't really make a counter offer.


in that case do not trade him and let him walk at the end of the season. period

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Originally posted by Cerbaho-WG

So, you're out of the playoffs all-together, and it's doubtful your owner will fork over 6 million a year for him.


Do you:


1)Trade him for anyone you can get


2)Let him walk, and might end up with no draft picks because of it.


yes if the other team, regardless of who, doesn't come up with the players to meet you demand. it beats paying almost 90% of his salary and recieve a minor leaguer who will amount to nothing. oh yeah that is good thinking here and we still have to pay this guy salary to boot. excellant trade.

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Originally posted by awesomefan

Does anyone know where to go on the internet to look up the fine details on exactly how some trades went down?


It's all just too much stats & stuff for me to remember.


alot of site, when the trade went down explained how the trade went down or the fine details.


i usually kept alot of the trades and i rely on espn, cbs and BA. is there a specific question, i am sure these guys here know it.

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Originally posted by Cerbaho-WG

So, you're out of the playoffs all-together, and it's doubtful your owner will fork over 6 million a year for him.


Do you:


1)Trade him for anyone you can get


2)Let him walk, and might end up with no draft picks because of it.


you let him walk....because if you dont it will effect future trades...if other GM's see that you cave easily and eventually will settle for "whatever" then thats all you'll ever get

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Of course you also have to remember they didn't want Ray here, they wanted to time to see where Jimenez and Harris were.



Is that a reason to get too little for Ray, No, but it is a reason for dumping him.


I don't know what was going on in the negotiations, only KW and Billy Beane know.

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

Of course you also have to remember they didn't want Ray here, they wanted to time to see where Jimenez and Harris were.



Is that a reason to get too little for Ray, No, but it is a reason for dumping him.


I don't know what was going on in the negotiations, only KW and Billy Beane know.


what you say is somewhat true, but we are talking about establishing or reestablishing one rep. kw may have shown that he can be had in some trades

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Originally posted by LDF

kw may have shown that he can be had in some trades


May have shown? That's the nice way of putting it LDF ;). Of course, if some of the youngsters KW traded for pan out, I'll change my opinion of KW somewhat. But I don't see that happening anytime in the near future.

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Originally posted by CubKilla
Originally posted by LDF

kw may have shown that he can be had in some trades


May have shown? That's the nice way of putting it LDF ;). Of course, if some of the youngsters KW traded for pan out, I'll change my opinion of KW somewhat. But I don't see that happening anytime in the near future.


by all acct i only see 1 prospect turning out to be somethiing and i think it that diaz kid.


what gets me is this. what was pitt seeing in marte that they were going to release him, according to the sportwriter in pitt. he comes here and does real well. but i do remember seeing him that when he came in with runners on base, he didn't do too well.

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Originally posted by LDF    but i do remember seeing him that when he came in with runners on base, he didn't do too well.


Ding Ding Ding Ding! :D Marte was lights out when coming in with no runners on base. If he inherited runners, he was about as effective as a 10x10 hole in Hoover Dam.

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Originally posted by CubKilla
Originally posted by LDF    but i do remember seeing him that when he came in with runners on base, he didn't do too well.


Ding Ding Ding Ding! :D Marte was lights out when coming in with no runners on base. If he inherited runners, he was about as effective as a 10x10 hole in Hoover Dam.


i knew it, i posted that statement before and got flame for it. so i am glad i was seeing things differently. whew. :headbang

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Originally posted by baggio202

with no one 157 BA against

with runners on 270


what bothered me most about marte was his era was 4.74 on zero or 1 days rest..and was almost none existent on 2 or more days rest..shows he didnt do well on pitching back to back..which is the emost important quality in a reliever..


do you think that the report out of pit was true, about them about to let him go?


either way, he did a decent job, now to make sure he comes in on the ideal situation.

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