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Twins @ White Sox 6th May 2018 Game Thread


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10 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

Basically nothing. They have to wait until Mid-April of 2019 in order to buy another year of free agency. If he is called up any time between now and ~early July (the Super 2 deadline), his schedule will be:

2019: League Minimum
2020: League Minimum
2021 Arb 1 (>$11 million by that point)
2022: Arb 2
2023: Arb 3
2024: Arb 4
Free Agent after 2024

if they wait until after July, then you replace the 2021 money with one more year of League Minimum dollars but do not change the year he hits free agency. Basically waiting until the trade deadline saves over $10 million. Waiting until next April 15 delays until 2025. Same for Kopech.

Appreciate it

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17 minutes ago, Fan O'Faust said:

Wimpy is so much better than Stone at indulging Hawk on the things Hawk wants to talk about.  

To be fair, it's all about Hawk right now. Hawk would be crabby with Wimpy on a regular basis, too. I think Stone is really good.

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1 minute ago, sin city sox fan said:

MLB Network now showing bonus coverage of Shields no-no.....of course they had to wait til the Yankees made 3 outs before they switched over.

At least I get to listen in briefly to Hawk and Wimpy

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1 minute ago, sin city sox fan said:

MLB Network couldn't switch back to the Yankees game quick enough.   I think the ball had barely gotten back to the infield and the coverage was gone.

I think there's a licensing agreement they have to follow with these.

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Just now, Heads22 said:

I hardly call giving up your first two hits of the ball game in the 7th "imploding"

When I wrote that it was future tense. I know your eager to jump in my shit. Just give it a minute before you do.

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