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FIFA World Cup Russia 2018

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22 minutes ago, Bazox said:



I don't they are crap , they'll get a good drubbing by a more direct team .

Agreed. Spain lost this game, and I knew it was going to happen, too. We all laugh about the refs, but remember that this is still Russia, the folks who gave you the "urine glory hole" in the Sochi olympics.

What's worse is that Spain had as good a chance as any to make the final, but for this turd of a game. 

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4 hours ago, Two-Gun Pete said:

OK, I'm game: 

1. Exactly what about Russia's national team is noteworthy, memorable, or worth watching?

2. You b**** about tiki-taka, but what about Russia's playing style is in any way appealing?

[And before you answer, remember that we are all finite beings, with indeterminate and limited time left on Earth.]

As a neutral fan, I'd rather watch quality, because I don't have all day and all night to watch a bus-parking operation. If I wanted that, I can always go to Toyota Park for a fire game. Life is short. Watch quality, rather than some ginned-up media meme, I say.

To each their own, but I don't find Spain's style of play quality on the eyes. Russia's not a good team but I'll choose the home team with a story over the good team that puts you to sleep any day of the week. 

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7 hours ago, zenryan said:

Thank goodness Spain is out. They’re as exciting as the Portugal vs Mexico match on The Simpson’s. 

I suppose you're not wrong but Russia parking the bus for a possible 120 minutes isn't very fun either. Hope Croatia can finish them off.

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16 hours ago, LittleHurt05 said:

Russia's not a good team but I'll choose the home team with a story over the good team that puts you to sleep any day of the week. 

So, you admit that Russia sucks, & that you buy into whatever story Fox feeds you as a fan?


Look, I'm not picking on you, but this ain't Loyola w/Sr. Jean. What makes games "boring" is when teams can't/won't come forward.


Bus-parking operations is what non-soccer fans and baby boomers think of when they b**** about soccer. THAT is exactly what Russia is right now.

No one will look back with fondness on their deathbed, thinking, "man that Russia team was good, I'm glad I spent hours of my finite time on earth watching them pack the back." At least, no neutrals or non-Russian fans.

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5 minutes ago, Two-Gun Pete said:

So, you admit that Russia sucks, & that you buy into whatever story Fox feeds you as a fan?


Look, I'm not picking on you, but this ain't Loyola w/Sr. Jean. What makes games "boring" is when teams can't/won't come forward.


Bus-parking operations is what non-soccer fans and baby boomers think of when they b**** about soccer. THAT is exactly what Russia is right now.

No one will look back with fondness on their deathbed, thinking, "man that Russia team was good, I'm glad I spent hours of my finite time on earth watching them pack the back." At least, no neutrals or non-Russian fans.

What an odd thing to get all high and mighty about.

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2 minutes ago, southsider2k5 said:

Life IS short, why get all pissy about who someone is rooting for in the World Cup?

As a fan of the game with no rooting interest, I find rooting for Russia to be the equivalent of rooting for a win streak and plenty of bunts by this Sox team.

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Japan fought like braves. Despite being under-talented compared to  Belgium @  pretty much every position, they tried to actually play soccer. They didn't hide by parking a bus in front of their goal.

Full credit to them, no shame in coming up short to one off the top sides in this tournament.

Russia have cowardice & the refs to thank for their advancement. Id rather watch Japan play than watch Russia cower any day...


Edited by Two-Gun Pete
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