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Guido and Killa


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Me and Guido will be making our now yearly trek to LV Friday, October 24 to Monday, October 27. We'll be staying on the north end of the Strip at the StarDust where you'll be able to find us at the SportsBook for the Saturday/Sunday College/Pro football games where we are always making bets. If anyone from the boards is in LV and you ain't busy, drop a line here and maybe we can meet up with Sox fans from LV. PEACE! :headbang

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Me and Guido will be making our now yearly trek to LV Friday, October 24 to Monday, October 27. We'll be staying on the north end of the Strip at the StarDust where you'll be able to find us at the SportsBook for the Saturday/Sunday College/Pro football games where we are always making bets. If anyone from the boards is in LV and you ain't busy, drop a line here and maybe we can meet up with Sox fans from LV. PEACE!  :headbang

I'll be here bro.............. :cheers :headbang


Im pretty sure I'll be working by then, but I can swing out there and make a few bets and have a few beers............ :drink

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Speaking of bets........I was SURE the Red sox were gonna win today and wanted to bet on it, but I was too hungover to drag my lazy ass to the sports book............. :angry:  :bang  :bang  :bang  :nono

Beats what I did last year at a BlackJack table. Oakland was automatic over Arizona and, since I was winning at the BlackJack table, I didn't get my bet in on time. After losing all my winnings at the BlackJack table..... and an extra $200, I was kicking myself when Oakland won 38-0 or something like that :bang

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I eagerly await the stories of Guido verbally assaluting everyone in sight and getting kicked out of every gaming establishment on the Strip!

I hope to hear ANYTHING even closely resembling this summer's classic "I f***ing didn't say f***ing s***, motherf***er!" :lol: :lol:


Good luck harnassing in that Italian Lunatic!

and....ROLL 'EM HOT!!!!


Oh, yeah, and make sure you get your early longshot bet down on the LackHawks!!

:D ;)

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