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1 hour ago, Chisoxfn said:

That was quick.  I can appreciate taking the chance and now they have clearly decided they won't be moving forward with him and I'm presuming want to focus the minutes on other players.  

The Bulls have so many talented players not getting minutes right now. 


And to be clear I don’t like Parker and though it was funny anyone was excited about him but the guys on the bench who will be getting his minutes suck. 

Edited by whitesoxfan99
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2 hours ago, whitesoxfan99 said:

The Bulls have so many talented players not getting minutes right now. 


And to be clear I don’t like Parker and though it was funny anyone was excited about him but the guys on the bench who will be getting his minutes suck. 

Aren’t the minutes mainly going to carter, Lauri and Portis? I suppose Lopez too but I presume it is more to make sure those guys plus dunn, Lavine and Hutch all play with each other without worrying about the high number of shots Jabari will put up?

bulls defense and effort looked superb today. Lauri needs to step up...only a few games but he hasn’t looked as good at getting to the basket this year. Needs to stop just jacking threes and getting more involved down low...make the d really work.

Forgot how good Dunn is defensively. 

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36 minutes ago, Jack Parkman said:

Nah, he'd just give LeBron many rounds of verbal fellatio. 

The last time J4L was wrong was the Melo knicks like 7 years ago.   He pretty much hit the nail on the head in regards to offense in the nba, LeBron, golden state, Russ, etc 

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1 hour ago, Quinarvy said:

Ok, I'm finally on the fire Paxson as well train. Usually I've just wanted Gar gone, but they need to clean house.

I figured the timing of the report wasn't too good given they were probably going to move him. This hurts there leverage, to extent they have any.  

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1 hour ago, Quinarvy said:

Ok, I'm finally on the fire Paxson as well train. Usually I've just wanted Gar gone, but they need to clean house.

For all of you saying they should fire Pax because of them deciding Parker isn't a fit...you probably should go back and look at your posts of excitement regarding the signing of Parker in the 1st place. It was always a lottery ticket with a high probability of being a one year deal. Unless Jabari was able to be way more explosive, a further year removed from his injury, there would have been very little reason to keep him on a 2nd year @ 20M per year.  

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By the way....not everyone in the national media immediately thinks Boylan and the Bulls coaching tactics are disastrous.  NBA TNT crew was not a big fan of the Bulls player (at least those who partook). It was a weak weak performance for the report to get as far as it did.  

On the Magic telecast last night, they mentioning they hadn't seen a Bulls team play that hard since the Thib era.  I have no idea if it will remain, but damn did they look lightyears better defensively last night.  


Rachel Nichols and Stephen Jackson also pointed the finger in the players direction. This is not to indemnify Boylan for all his antics cause he did go to far, but the extreme outrage on this board and from Bulls fans is absurd.  

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41 minutes ago, Tony said:

There is about 35 other reasons Pax should have already been shitcanned. 

I know no one believes this...but in 11 of Paxsons's first 14 full seasons as a GM/President, the Bulls made the playoffs. And if you extend that out and count last years tank season, it would be 11 of his first 15 seasons.  Yes, there are issues, but take a step back and if you put on your head as owner of the franchise, there is a lot to like about that sort of track record, especially when you think of the stench in culture that he inherited (post Jordan era).

Rebuilding a team is not easy and Pax essentially has already done two rebuilds...one the original team post Krause and then the conversion to Rose and theoritically a mini conversion to the Butler era (post-season play but the least successful of the 3 as it ended with a full tear down).  Now this is a 4th wave in the future.  Sure he had issues with some of the coaches, but over 15 years, you kind of expect that to happen.  Big picture, regardless of if this rebuild works or doesn't, I still view Paxson as having been a very successful front office exec.  

Very few franchises have been ran better than the Bulls over that time. 

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52 minutes ago, Chisoxfn said:

For all of you saying they should fire Pax because of them deciding Parker isn't a fit...you probably should go back and look at your posts of excitement regarding the signing of Parker in the 1st place. It was always a lottery ticket with a high probability of being a one year deal. Unless Jabari was able to be way more explosive, a further year removed from his injury, there would have been very little reason to keep him on a 2nd year @ 20M per year.  

for the record, I thought it was a bad signing.

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53 minutes ago, Chisoxfn said:

For all of you saying they should fire Pax because of them deciding Parker isn't a fit...you probably should go back and look at your posts of excitement regarding the signing of Parker in the 1st place. It was always a lottery ticket with a high probability of being a one year deal. Unless Jabari was able to be way more explosive, a further year removed from his injury, there would have been very little reason to keep him on a 2nd year @ 20M per year.  


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On 7/16/2018 at 10:33 AM, bmags said:

Even though the year 2 option softened the blow, I still just can't get over that 2 years after the bulls put together one of the most obviously flawed, poorly constructed units with FA pieces (Surrounding Butler with two clog the lane, heavy usage players in Wade/Rondo), they go right back to the well. The bulls ended the offseason by saying they were building around Markannen. A stretch four with surprising athleticism that is still developing on defense.

So what's the plan to help develop those skills? Apparently surrounding him with 2 high-usage players, one that has already shown does not play particularly nicely with Markannen, who are both horrendous defensively.

This maybe could have made more sense if they had not drafted WCJ and felt more comfortable playing Markannen at the 5, Parker at 4, and maybe drafted a kevin knox at the 3 whose athleticism hopefully plays up into defense. Instead with this Dunn, Lavine, Parker, Lauri, WCJ, even if Lauri and WCJ are adequate to slightly bad when defending on the perimeter (which i think is reasonable for big men, not be hugely exploited but not necessarily good), teams will have 4 plus matchups that can be created on the switch. I just don't get it.

Will they really have a better understanding of how to use WCJ and Markannen after this year? I'm not sure this advanced anything. If Parker plays great, he's still going to be a two-time injured player whom you should be cautious to build around.

Poorly constructed roster.

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On 7/14/2018 at 9:37 AM, bmags said:

I’m surprised people are positive on this. The team fit is horrendous, and we once again appear to be paying premium prices in remarkably down market.

how many teams even have cap space right now? 

If hes great, you have him on a short deal and are not guaranteed to keep him.

If he’s bad you both:

- lost opportunities to acquire assets with the cap space as well as opportunity to sign additional max player next year

- frankly hurt the development of Lauri/Carter as adding another high usage poor defending player to the mix both reduces their roles and could push them in bad habits.

had we let Lavine walk and signed Parker at 12/13 per it would have been interesting. Signing both together and at rumored 20 mill, just makes me sad.

for about a one week period, when I realized just how clean the bulls books were and how they could use that and getting a nice player on WCJ after getting screwed on draft position, I thought bulls were gonna do this right, we’re being disciplined.

Then the Lavine offer came in.

The kicker is going to be when they sign Portis to an extension to be their 4th PF, further chipping away at the thought this FO wouldn’t screw this up.

if staying in playoffs was so important I’d rather they just had kept Butler.

decent take. 

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