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Sarah Sanders denied food


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Did you see that Sarah Sanders and her family members (including small kids) were denied food at a Virginia restaurant because the owner was offended she works for Trump? Me sees a double standard here.

There's absolutely been NO OUTRAGE. Meanwhile, the much-publicized case of the store owner who wouldn't serve (bake a cake) the gay couple that wanted to buy a wedding cake for their wedding received coverage every day or week for 2 years. ... Hmmm, that went to the courts. Sanders was denied the same type of service. She and her family wanted dinner. What if she claims it caused terrible distress to one of her kids that was hungry?

Again, I'm not saying Donnie Trump is good (anybody with a brain knows our president is a clown and all that) but .... what's the difference in the cases, folks? Should Sarah Sanders take this to court?? If not why not? And why does the left never back the right in any instance? 

And yes I started a new thread on this. Shoot me for trying to contribute to the board.


Edited by greg775
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2 hours ago, greg775 said:

Did you see that Sarah Sanders and her family members (including small kids) were denied food at a Virginia restaurant because the owner was offended she works for Trump? Me sees a double standard here.

There's absolutely been NO OUTRAGE. Meanwhile, the much-publicized case of the store owner who wouldn't serve (bake a cake) the gay couple that wanted to buy a wedding cake for their wedding received coverage every day or week for 2 years. ... Hmmm, that went to the courts. Sanders was denied the same type of service. She and her family wanted dinner. What if she claims it caused terrible distress to one of her kids that was hungry?

Again, I'm not saying Donnie Trump is good (anybody with a brain knows our president is a clown and all that) but .... what's the difference in the cases, folks? Should Sarah Sanders take this to court?? If not why not? And why does the left never back the right in any instance? 

And yes I started a new thread on this. Shoot me for trying to contribute to the board.


When I read this story, I thought of two words: 


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47 minutes ago, The Beast said:

When I read this story, I thought of two words: 


They cared about the cake story for years. Same denial of service. But nobody cares cause everybody hates Trump and everybody associated with Trump.

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OMG did you see the great Ben Shapiro's tweet tonight? Folks, there is a genius on soxtalk named Greg. I posted mine way before his Tweet. 


Ben ShapiroVerified account @benshapiro
1. It's terrible if a Christian baker won't use his services for the benefit of a same-sex wedding. 2. It's awesome if a Leftist restaurant order refuses service to a Republican public official. Pick one.
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6 hours ago, BlackSox13 said:




3 hours ago, greg775 said:

Did you see that Sarah Sanders and her family members (including small kids) were denied food at a Virginia restaurant because the owner was offended she works for Trump? Me sees a double standard here.

There's absolutely been NO OUTRAGE. Meanwhile, the much-publicized case of the store owner who wouldn't serve (bake a cake) the gay couple that wanted to buy a wedding cake for their wedding received coverage every day or week for 2 years. ... Hmmm, that went to the courts. Sanders was denied the same type of service. She and her family wanted dinner. What if she claims it caused terrible distress to one of her kids that was hungry?

Again, I'm not saying Donnie Trump is good (anybody with a brain knows our president is a clown and all that) but .... what's the difference in the cases, folks? Should Sarah Sanders take this to court?? If not why not? And why does the left never back the right in any instance? 

And yes I started a new thread on this. Shoot me for trying to contribute to the board.


I really don’t care, do you?

Were you outraged when the bakery refused Joe Biden several years ago? Were you outraged over the gay wedding cake? I don’t agree with her being denied, although she is a liar, and very rude to several in the press. She chooses to be what she is. A gay person doesn’t choose to be gay. Yet it’s OK not to serve them. 

I personally think the restaurant should have served her, but for the right to be angry they did not is hysterical considering their previous reactions.

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Sarah broke the law tweeting about it.  I thought she mentioned something about the Bible and laws the other day. Maybe her kids need to be taken away. Hopefully in a couple of months they will be able to find them, but the law is the law. 

Edited by Dick Allen
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8 hours ago, greg775 said:

They cared about the cake story for years. Same denial of service. But nobody cares cause everybody hates Trump and everybody associated with Trump.

I don’t agree that the gay couple or Sanders getting denied service, but if the gay couple lost in court and the baker won, I’m okay if Sanders doesn’t get served and the woman from DHS gets heckled at a Mexican restaurant. It’s the owner’s and customer’s freedom to do what they want.

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Former Arkansas Republican governor Mike Huckabee is facing allegations of racism after he tweeted a photo on Saturday of five men who appear to be using hand signs associated with the MS-13 gang with the caption, "Nancy Pelosi introduces her campaign committee for the take back of the House." 

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This will really get Greg riled up....


Yet, according to (ethics chief) Walter Shaub, using Sanders’ official WH account (@PressSec) broke government ethics rules.

“Sarah, I know you don’t care even a tiny little bit about the ethics rules, but using your official account for this is a clear violation of 5 CFR 2635.702(a),” Shaub wrote. “It’s the same as if an ATF agent pulled out his badge when a restaurant tried to throw him/her out.”

He added that she also broke the endorsements ban rule too because she “used her official govt account to condemn a private business for personal reasons.”

Sanders used her official govt account to condemn a private business for personal reasons. Seeks to coerce business by using her office to get public to pressure it. Violates endorsements ban too, which has an obvious corollary for discouraging patronage. Misuse reg covers both.

Opening sentences of 5 CFR 2635.702 cover both; 702(a) gives example of coercion; 702(c) gives example of endorsement. Also 2635.101(b)(8) bars preferential treatment, with obvious corollary for singling out. She can lob attacks on her own time but not using her official position or government Twitter account.



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39 minutes ago, caulfield12 said:

Former Arkansas Republican governor Mike Huckabee is facing allegations of racism after he tweeted a photo on Saturday of five men who appear to be using hand signs associated with the MS-13 gang with the caption, "Nancy Pelosi introduces her campaign committee for the take back of the House." 

Mike Huckabee? Racism? No way! 

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This one is a slippery slope. While a business owner can deny service for nondiscriminatory reasons, when you allow this it makes it easier to hide discrimination.

In Chicago bars will arbitrarily enforce dress code sometimes in a way to discriminate. I think what happened here can be used as a way to defend that behavior. 

I personally think the owner should have separated their personal feelings from their job and served her. After they could have posted about how they treated her with kindness and respect despite their differences. And end it humorously with something like "we can all agree that its damn fine food."

I know it's hard that way to act in these times and even I fall victim (like how I acted toward bighurt in the immigration thread but I hope he saw when we were in the nba thread I kept that shit out and we cordially kept it to basketball.)

Maybe we can get there again. Where we fight bitterly about politics but still can agree on other things. I'm not going to play the who started it game, but I will say we have to individually try and end it.

Instead it just perpetuates the cycle that the people with real power want. Were so distracted by little things we can't band together on things like healthcare etc. 


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2 hours ago, caulfield12 said:

This will really get Greg riled up....


Yet, according to (ethics chief) Walter Shaub, using Sanders’ official WH account (@PressSec) broke government ethics rules.

“Sarah, I know you don’t care even a tiny little bit about the ethics rules, but using your official account for this is a clear violation of 5 CFR 2635.702(a),” Shaub wrote. “It’s the same as if an ATF agent pulled out his badge when a restaurant tried to throw him/her out.”

He added that she also broke the endorsements ban rule too because she “used her official govt account to condemn a private business for personal reasons.”

Sanders used her official govt account to condemn a private business for personal reasons. Seeks to coerce business by using her office to get public to pressure it. Violates endorsements ban too, which has an obvious corollary for discouraging patronage. Misuse reg covers both.

Opening sentences of 5 CFR 2635.702 cover both; 702(a) gives example of coercion; 702(c) gives example of endorsement. Also 2635.101(b)(8) bars preferential treatment, with obvious corollary for singling out. She can lob attacks on her own time but not using her official position or government Twitter account.



If Sanders broke the law, arrest her. But I see no difference between this and the case of the baker not baking the cake. The difference is in the reaction. People think it's OK even heroic of the restaurant owner to deny Sanders and her family over political beliefs. If this was a somebody on the left getting denied or a minority family, the restaurant might have to close its doors from bad publicity and protests. Sanders should have used her own twitter account to blast the restaurant further. But if she broke the law tweeting, then arrest her ASAP and let her have her day in court. Meanwhile, she should sue the restaurant owner promptly.

Where's the outrage for Sanders' little kids BTW? What did they do to get denied food? Poor little kids had to experience the ugliness of life in being shown the door. Legally I think it's OK for the baker to deny the couple their cake and OK for the restaurant owner to kick the Sanders family to the curb because of freedom of expression, but I do think if there's outrage over the baker there should be equal outrage here.

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Wow Historic Downtown Lexington Virginia put out a statement concerning the actions of the Red Hen restaurant owner. Interesting that one person can bring so much publicity to a town. This restaurant owner has opened herself up to boycotts and stuff like that. So she needs to put out a statement. Will they serve any Trump supporters at all? Or will they only deny "famous" Trump supporters. Are all Republicans denied service or again, just "famous" Republicans? 


"We do not condone the actions of Stephanie Wilkinson, owner of the Red Hen Restaurant and Director of Main Street Lexington.

The negative impact and nasty backlash towards our little community is downright appalling.

Please do not condemn our town for one persons actions.

To The People, Mr. President Trump & Secretary Sarah Sanders we sincerely apologize for the poor behavior and decision of ONE PERSON!

If you feel the need to express your negative comments, please re-direct them to Stephanie Wilkinson directly. Thank You 1f642.png

Lexington's downtown is a thriving collection of shops and restaurants housed in restored buildings with brick sidewalks and old fashioned lantern street lamps that serve the many visitors and tourists that come here all year long. Enjoy this short video highlighting some of the many great places to visit."

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17 hours ago, greg775 said:

OMG did you see the great Ben Shapiro's tweet tonight? Folks, there is a genius on soxtalk named Greg. I posted mine way before his Tweet. 


Ben ShapiroVerified account @benshapiro
1. It's terrible if a Christian baker won't use his services for the benefit of a same-sex wedding. 2. It's awesome if a Leftist restaurant order refuses service to a Republican public official. Pick one.

Sexuality is a protected class, political beliefs are not.

It's not hard Greg.

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Something about the Founding of our country, separation of church and state, fleeing from religious persecution from the Anglicans, etc.

Of all people who are sensitive to the slights suffered by Christians every day, you would think we would be more sensitive to the majority religion in the US trying to impose its view/s on the rest of the country.

For example, this story:


Greg, should a Christian pharmacist be allowed to keep his job after refusing to prescribe a medicine for inducing the end of a pregnancy after suffering a terribly traumatic (ask any woman or mother) miscarriage?  The irony is she wasn’t even attempting to terminate a viable pregnancy, the fetus no longer had a heart beat and couldn’t stay in her uterus without endangering the health of the baby.

It’s stories like this or the oddlers separated from their mothers that will get the GOP soundly beaten in the fight for the women’s vote.

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The real reason Sanders was asked to leave...


I feel that denying service to a person is instinctively troubling. For many, it may conjure up laws that banned blacks from being served at restaurants before the Civil Rights Act and the current campaign by some on the right to turn away same-sex couples who want professional services for their weddings. Or even a gun range owner who declared that no Muslims were allowed on the premises. 
But the situations with Sanders and even Nielsen are not even in the same universe as these discriminatory examples. No one is targeting them for their race, religion or sexual orientation. The backlash is because they have freely chosen to be a part of the Trump administration and have personally defended Trump's policies. In fact, Nielsen has served up lies while championing Trump's family separation policies while Sanders even invoked the Bible, telling reporters, "it is very biblical to enforce the law." 
I understand why some people targeted high-profile Trump administration officials, but I am concerned about what will we see in response. Newton's third law of motion -- "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction" -- applies not just to physics, but perfectly to our hyperpartisan nation. Given our politics today, that law should actually be updated to: "For every action, there's an overreaction." 
How long until Trump's fans counter by hanging signs in their stores, restaurants and bars that read "No liberals allowed" or "Trump supporters only." I bet that would play well in certain red states. And would progressives in blue states respond in kind?
From a legal point of view, a person can be asked to leave a privately owned establishment because of their political views. For example, In April, a judge in New York City dismissed a lawsuit by a Trump supporter who wore a "Make American Great Again" hat to a bar and was asked to leave. 
But applying this to the average American divides us even more as a nation and makes it less likely that we can ever return to being the United States of America. 
Going forward, it's likely that we will see more people speak out against Trump officials who publicly defend his cruel policies. The reality is that for many, the stakes are simply too high to remain silent as Trump attempts to radically transform our nation from the United States into Trumpistan.


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3 hours ago, caulfield12 said:

Something about the Founding of our country, separation of church and state, fleeing from religious persecution from the Anglicans, etc.

Of all people who are sensitive to the slights suffered by Christians every day, you would think we would be more sensitive to the majority religion in the US trying to impose its view/s on the rest of the country.

For example, this story:


Greg, should a Christian pharmacist be allowed to keep his job after refusing to prescribe a medicine for inducing the end of a pregnancy after suffering a terribly traumatic (ask any woman or mother) miscarriage?  The irony is she wasn’t even attempting to terminate a viable pregnancy, the fetus no longer had a heart beat and couldn’t stay in her uterus without endangering the health of the baby.

 It’s stories like this or the oddlers separated from their mothers that will get the GOP soundly beaten in the fight for the women’s vote.

I think if the doctor prescribed this drug, the pharmacist should be obligated to fork over the prescription. Didn't the pharmacist take an oath to follow through with doctor's orders? I don't think the pharm guy can play God. He has to fork over the prescription or lose his license I'd say. But back to Sanders ... what do you all say to the downtown businesses being furious with the owner of the restaurant?? They are making their town look like intolerant, mean people. Could hurt tourism all because of an extremely left restaurant owner. I mean she coulda served the Sanders party and blasted them on Twitter while they were there or after they left. I think Sarah Sanders showed class in just getting up and leaving. She comes across very badly running those press conferences every day, sure, but I think those press conferences are a joke. The way I see it ... if Trump won't come to update the media on stuff, then just don't have the daily pressers. Who needs some spokesperson spouting how Trump allegedly feels about stuff. Very worthless to me. That'd be like Bob Knight sending some third assistant to his press conferences when he was head coach ... oh wait he did used to do that.

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1 hour ago, greg775 said:

I think if the doctor prescribed this drug, the pharmacist should be obligated to fork over the prescription. Didn't the pharmacist take an oath to follow through with doctor's orders? I don't think the pharm guy can play God. He has to fork over the prescription or lose his license I'd say. But back to Sanders ... what do you all say to the downtown businesses being furious with the owner of the restaurant?? They are making their town look like intolerant, mean people. Could hurt tourism all because of an extremely left restaurant owner. I mean she coulda served the Sanders party and blasted them on Twitter while they were there or after they left. I think Sarah Sanders showed class in just getting up and leaving. She comes across very badly running those press conferences every day, sure, but I think those press conferences are a joke. The way I see it ... if Trump won't come to update the media on stuff, then just don't have the daily pressers. Who needs some spokesperson spouting how Trump allegedly feels about stuff. Very worthless to me. That'd be like Bob Knight sending some third assistant to his press conferences when he was head coach ... oh wait he did used to do that.

See article above.

This was actually a Clinton voting county, fwiw.  In her mind, serving Sanders would have cost her even more business with the Left-leaning crowd when word got out, and also the respect of her employees.

At any rate, it’s dangerous for any business in this environment.  Papa John miscalculated badly on the whole NFL situation (initially siding with Trump, then backtracking), and it cost him his company (sure, still controlling interest but no longer the public face.)

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22 hours ago, greg775 said:

Where's the outrage for Sanders' little kids BTW? What did they do to get denied food? Poor little kids had to experience the ugliness of life in being shown the door. 

I don't think this family has nearly learned the lesson about how ugly this world can be. I think what we need to do is have armed individuals separate them forcibly from their parents, move both groups to isolated rooms, leave the kids contained in areas surrounded by metal interlock fencing for several days (Mrs. Huckabee-Sanders is ok with this as long as you don't call them cages), deny any requests by the parents for information on where their kids are, send those kids on a cross country flight or two, keep them detained for a period of weeks, and maybe let them speak to her again in a month or two. 

After all, which ugliness got your attention, all that, or this?

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