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Wise Master Buehrle

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Not all whites are to blame, yes, but whites started slavery. Blacks were living peacefully amongst themselves in Africa and whites started kidnapping them. And some black people sure arent helping this s***. Like Jesse Jackson. He runs his mouth everytime any black kid is accused of s***. Somewhere in Illinois several blacks were expelled after being caught on camera beating the s*** out of people at a high school football game. But JJ couldnt just dismiss the rampaging teens as morons. He had to protest so vehemently that he was eventually arrested. So yes, there are troublesome blacks out there but white people started all this s*** with slavery...

Please, the arabs were practicing a slave trade back when white people were still climbing trees.

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And obviously you didn't understand the meaning - even though I put it there for you. Ignorant as in not understanding, not as in rude.

:lolhitting Lets be honest here steff, you did some sort of edit on that post. I can swear on a bible that you didnt have "as in not understanding" when I first read it. If you intention was to just say I misunderstood then I appreciate the subtleness on your part. I said I was leaving this thread but couldnt resist coming back to see what happened. Regardless, Roman has stopped talking so maybe this can die....

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Then just because Rodney King was beat up did not give black people the right to turn south-central into a raging inferno.

I think the reason they rioted was that the cops got acquitted if I remember correctly. [been a long weekend of no sleep and van trips to & from Iowa :lol:]


1549, I'd contend that there is not much institutionalized racism in the United States anymore like "Colored people only" water fountains etc. but there is still racist ideas that are still being preached. A few years ago at UIUC, the leader of the World Church of the Creator came here to speak [before getting thrown in jail for ordering a hit on a judge] When I was at home, a group came to a town near me [i think it was the American Nazi party but I'm not 100% sure] So there are still racist ideologies being spouted in this country. And even more recently there was at the College Republicans National Convention, some horrific garbage being sold there. Try these on for size: "No Muslims No Terrorism," "Bring back the blacklist," [featuring a picture of Spike Lee] "Mr. (?) and Mrs. (?) Rosie O'Donnell," [featuring a picture of Rosie O'Donnell and her partner] and just for good measure, "The Clinton Legacy," [featuring a picture of the burning World Trade Center]. Of course, a spokesperson for the College Republican National Committee denied all knowledge and pleaded ignorance (which wasn't much of a stretch): "We sold over 50 tables to vendors. We didn't monitor every single product of every single vendor." Really? Cool, then I'll go to the next convention and sell anti-Bush shirts.




I know that convention doesn't indict ALL Republicans, but I find it sickening that they would sell the "No Muslims No Terrorism" shirts etc. Racism is still something that is alive and well and I think a lot of it has to do with the culture of fear that has been inculcated in us. By any chance, 1549, have you seen the movie Bulworth?

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Exactly. Its when people like cw thought this thread was attacking them and so they got all uptight and claimed this was offensive when really it was only an immature prank. If they could have seen that it was a joke, this argument wouldnt exist...

your reading, research, and comprehension skil;ls need to impriove before you get to college.


I came very late to this conversation and did not say the things that you attribute to me.


And it is not for you to define what is a joke and what is not if your joke offends others. I can post a postcard - sold in dimestores in Georgia - of Leo Frank after he was lynched - the lynch mob is all laughing and the post card was sold as a sign of hilarity.


When a "joke" is made and others find it offensive, common courtesy and civility say, cease. Not "in your face, you sensitive twit." Take a lot of jokes that you tell with your buddies about women. Tell them to your mother. No, you wouldn't do that because you respect her (or she's beat the s*** out of out?)? There is such a thing as time and place.


The plea has been continual, lets stop posting things here that we know are purely offensive and in fact are posted only to be offensive. This is supposed to be a community. A community survives by respecting each other. I think it is very fair that we know what "jokes" are going to offend, so cease offending. (That would also be Biblical.)


Ironic that the original post in this thread which had the "joke" was inadverent and the poster has apoligized and asked for the thread to if deleted. Do I honor that request from the the thread originator? No, because if I did, those who wish to use that inadverent offensive joke to be purposely offensive would cry like senstive babies about other people being sensitve.

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I think the reason they rioted was that the cops got acquitted if I remember correctly. [been a long weekend of no sleep and van trips to & from Iowa  :lol:]

Not only the acquital, but another case involving a Korean shop keeper found innocent of killing a black customer who was stealing items. It might of happened a month or so before the '92 riots but it only added to the tension with the police.

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Please, the arabs were practicing a slave trade back when white people were still climbing trees.

a sociologial correction if I may to be dear M Go Blue brother -


"arabs" did not have slaves while white people where climbing trees.


The group that is defined as "arabic" came into being long after the origins of human history.


It is very fair to say that in every human civilization that has been studied, from its earliest literate inception and looking back to its pre literate days, slavery was practiced by every people, every civiliazation.


No one can claim any purity here.


now, how did the white people climb trees? They surely can't jump - how did they get into the trees? :lol: :lol:


but trust me, if I catch our punting team out in the open, I may chase them all, regardless of ethnicity, class, or social status, up a tree and keep them there until January 2

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:lolhitting Lets be honest here steff, you did some sort of edit on that post. I can swear on a bible that you didnt have "as in not understanding" when I first read it.  If you intention was to just say I misunderstood then I appreciate the subtleness on your part.  I said I was leaving this thread but couldnt resist coming back to see what happened.  Regardless, Roman has stopped talking so maybe this can die....

Sorry no. I did not edit anything. That's exactly what I typed the first time. I'm sure Jason or someone can confirm.

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I think the reason they rioted was that the cops got acquitted if I remember correctly. [been a long weekend of no sleep and van trips to & from Iowa  :lol:]


1549, I'd contend that there is not much institutionalized racism in the United States anymore like "Colored people only" water fountains etc. but there is still racist ideas that are still being preached.  A few years ago at UIUC, the leader of the World Church of the Creator came here to speak [before getting thrown in jail for ordering a hit on a judge]  When I was at home, a group came to a town near me [i think it was the American Nazi party but I'm not 100% sure]  So there are still racist ideologies being spouted in this country.  And even more recently there was at the College Republicans National Convention, some horrific garbage being sold there.  Try these on for size: "No Muslims No Terrorism," "Bring back the blacklist," [featuring a picture of Spike Lee] "Mr. (?) and Mrs. (?) Rosie O'Donnell," [featuring a picture of Rosie O'Donnell and her partner] and just for good measure, "The Clinton Legacy," [featuring a picture of the burning World Trade Center]. Of course, a spokesperson for the College Republican National Committee denied all knowledge and pleaded ignorance (which wasn't much of a stretch): "We sold over 50 tables to vendors. We didn't monitor every single product of every single vendor." Really? Cool, then I'll go to the next convention and sell anti-Bush shirts.




I know that convention doesn't indict ALL Republicans, but I find it sickening that they would sell the "No Muslims No Terrorism" shirts etc.  Racism is still something that is alive and well and I think a lot of it has to do with the culture of fear that has been inculcated in us.  By any chance, 1549, have you seen the movie Bulworth?

I am not trying to say that racism no longer exists in the United States, because there are many people who can not accept the fact that people, who look, or think differently are equal. What I meant, was that a strong majority of the people in this country no longer see color, religion, preferance, or things of that nature as a barrier. Certaintly though, those like the KKK and american nazi's think differently than the strong majority.


I think the biggest barrier between people during conversations now is politcal beliefs more than anything, especially now during a time of great uncertainty over seas. I was at a service memorializing the 1 year anniversary of my neighbors passing. She died young and has kids my age, and since I am going through a similar situation, I have gotten to know this family. I know the family is very liberal, but this was a memorial service for friendly talk about this woman, and for sharing stories, poems, pictures, etc. But the womans father showed up wearing a large oversized button on his suit that said "he lied, they died", though I did not say anything, I thought it was completely out of place.


I have not seen the movie 'bulworth' is it good?

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a sociologial correction if I may to be dear M Go Blue brother -


"arabs" did not have slaves while white people where climbing trees.


The group that is defined as "arabic" came into being long after the origins of human history.


It is very fair to say that in every human civilization that has been studied, from its earliest literate inception and looking back to its pre literate days, slavery was practiced by every people, every civiliazation.


No one can claim any purity here. 


now, how did the white people climb trees?  They surely can't jump - how did they get into the trees? :lol:  :lol:


but trust me, if I catch our punting team out in the open, I may chase them all, regardless of ethnicity, class, or social status, up a tree and keep them there until January 2

I think there is some confusion, either you misunderstood me or I am misunderstanding you.


What I meant was, that the WASPs that roman is blaming were not the first to trade slaves. The famous middle passage that brought slaves to the new world was not the first slave trade.


If I am correct, the first group of people to have a full civilization were those in the middle east (that is where humanity came to be) and civilizations like Egypt had well documented slavery, before the people of northern europe had a society (that is where the tree reference comes in, because the white people of europe did not have elaborate society's yet)


Also the Nubians who would be even more african than the egyptians had slaves too, so like you said nobody can say they didn't practice a slave trade.


And make sure Finley stays in that tree for a very long time. :lol:

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a sociologial correction if I may to be dear M Go Blue brother -


"arabs" did not have slaves while white people where climbing trees.


The group that is defined as "arabic" came into being long after the origins of human history.


It is very fair to say that in every human civilization that has been studied, from its earliest literate inception and looking back to its pre literate days, slavery was practiced by every people, every civiliazation.


No one can claim any purity here. 


now, how did the white people climb trees?  They surely can't jump - how did they get into the trees? :lol:  :lol:


but trust me, if I catch our punting team out in the open, I may chase them all, regardless of ethnicity, class, or social status, up a tree and keep them there until January 2

I think there is some confusion, either you misunderstood me or I am misunderstanding you.


What I meant was, that the WASPs that roman is blaming were not the first to trade slaves. The famous middle passage that brought slaves to the new world was not the first slave trade.


If I am correct, the first group of people to have a full civilization were those in the middle east (that is where humanity came to be) and civilizations like Egypt had well documented slavery, before the people of northern europe had a society (that is where the tree reference comes in, because the white people of europe did not have elaborate society's yet)


Also the Nubians who would be even more african than the egyptians had slaves too, so like you said nobody can say they didn't practice a slave trade.


And make sure Finley stays in that tree for a very long time. :lol:

not to quibble - I think the development of civilization iss far older and eastern and not arab than you are suggesting but the middle east in the 10th-20th centuries BCE is an area of mine that I study a lot.


But I know what you mean. The enslavement of the native Americans by the first european explorers resulted in the entire elimination of cultures and peoples by disease, inhumanity, and violence, which created an insatiable need for a new source of slaves. No one has anything good to say about themselves. We have all sinned.


and hey, Go Blue, Findley is the one we love! It is Rivas who did the run and punt numbers. Findley is ok. His blockers should be sitting in the stands for all the good they ahve done.

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I am not trying to say that racism no longer exists in the United States, because there are many people who can not accept the fact that people, who look, or think differently are equal.  What I meant, was that a strong majority of the people in this country no longer see color, religion, preferance, or things of that nature as a barrier.  Certaintly though, those like the KKK and american nazi's think differently than the strong majority.


I think the biggest barrier between people during conversations now is politcal beliefs more than anything, especially now during a time of great uncertainty over seas.  I was at a service memorializing the 1 year anniversary of my neighbors passing.  She died young and has kids my age, and since I am going through a similar situation, I have gotten to know this family.  I know the family is very liberal, but this was a memorial service for friendly talk about this woman, and for sharing stories, poems, pictures, etc.  But the womans father showed up wearing a large oversized button on his suit that said "he lied, they died", though I did not say anything, I thought it was completely out of place.


I have not seen the movie 'bulworth' is it good?

Yes, I concur that the vast majority of people do their best to combat the distinctions about race that are being made.


A lot of what goes for political discourse in this country has been taken over by Chris "The Screamer" Matthews, Bill "Shut Up" O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Michael Ledeen, Joe "Dead Intern" Scarborough, Michael "I Can't Always Get Things in Chronological Order but Still Have Good Info About Corporations that Do Something Wrong" Moore etc. leaving people like the Howard Zinns, the Noam Chomskys, etc. out of the political debate.


The shows do not talk about the policy at hand but just icon, icon icon...And the amount of media research into stories in this country is just pitiful. [bBC journalist Greg Palast broke the story about the 57000+ voters removed in Florida's rolls in 2000; ABC shares stories and video with the BBC for free and Greg had the lists, had the documents from insiders in the Florida elections office, admissions from DBT Choicepoint, etc. yet ABC's only research was calling Jeb Bush and they dismissed the story when Bush said it wasn't true.]


As for Bulworth, I thought it was both f***ing hysterical and really really powerful. It's basically about a Congressman [Warren Beatty] and he is depressed and suicidal because he has an ex-wife and he's a disillusioned Democrat. So he makes a deal with this insurance lobbyman for a $10 million life insurance policy that pays to his daughter. Then Bulworth puts a hit out on himself because he just wants to get his daughter the cash. But as he thinks about how he's gonna die, he just starts speaking his mind about politics in various forums on the eve of the Congressional primary. I highly suggest it.

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I'd like a policy that we will discuss gay topics no more because it gets too vehement, the disagrrement is too great, it gets too passionate and ends in personal attacks and deelpy hurt feelings, and we will decide for the good of the soxtalk community that it will be one issue we will leave off soxtalk becaue it not only divides and also it does so in a most harmful, hurtfull way.

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