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Are you gay?

Wise Master Buehrle

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Now I've heard it all.. the white man was to blame for RK's problems. RK didn't do s*** to start that, right? Whatever.


BTW, was that an apology for your out of line reply to me?

Lets just talk about PK :D

Jason.. can you also confirm that I did not alter my post to Flash?



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a sociologial correction if I may to be dear M Go Blue brother -


"arabs" did not have slaves while white people where climbing trees.


The group that is defined as "arabic" came into being long after the origins of human history.


It is very fair to say that in every human civilization that has been studied, from its earliest literate inception and looking back to its pre literate days, slavery was practiced by every people, every civiliazation.


No one can claim any purity here. 


now, how did the white people climb trees?  They surely can't jump - how did they get into the trees? :lol:  :lol:


but trust me, if I catch our punting team out in the open, I may chase them all, regardless of ethnicity, class, or social status, up a tree and keep them there until January 2

I think there is some confusion, either you misunderstood me or I am misunderstanding you.


What I meant was, that the WASPs that roman is blaming were not the first to trade slaves. The famous middle passage that brought slaves to the new world was not the first slave trade.


If I am correct, the first group of people to have a full civilization were those in the middle east (that is where humanity came to be) and civilizations like Egypt had well documented slavery, before the people of northern europe had a society (that is where the tree reference comes in, because the white people of europe did not have elaborate society's yet)


Also the Nubians who would be even more african than the egyptians had slaves too, so like you said nobody can say they didn't practice a slave trade.


And make sure Finley stays in that tree for a very long time. :lol:

You are correct.

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Now I've heard it all.. the white man was to blame for RK's problems. RK didn't do s*** to start that, right? Whatever.


BTW, was that an apology for your out of line reply to me?

Lets just talk about PK :D

Jason.. can you also confirm that I did not alter my post to Flash?



Ya...it wasn't edited.

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this is a prayer group that ceased to pray for peace at soxtalk and is now praying that Jason gets lucky with Jessica Simpson --


and that Jessica turns out not to be the ex wife of OJ since that is not good for anyone's future! :lol:prayer-group-color.jpg

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I just read through this encoclypedia of crap or wasted bandwith as I should call it :lol:


Anyway, its my personal opinion that the post was never intended to be offending or anything along those lines. I thought of it as a pure joke. But thats my nature, I don't take many things seriously, especially jokes or tests on the internet. Usually I find them comical and look at the results and have a quick chuckle which is what I did when I saw this site.


Obvsiouly it led to so many different freaking things popping up and I don't know how the hell that happened. Is it my opinion that people caught frustrated over nothing...YES it is, but its their freaking right to get frustrated over that.


I can't say I undrestand where they are coming from, soley because I'm not in that situation. I don't have a quick solution to this or really any solution that would necessarily be sucessful.


People are allowed to say things on this board that at times upset and frustrate others, but thats a minimal consequence (IMO) to be able to speak your mind.


Anyway...I'm sorry for those that were offended and I'm also sorry for those that were throwing names back and forth at eachother, etc.


Lets all take some deep breaths...pop in your favorite cd or go watch the Red Sox-A's game.

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this is a prayer group that ceased to pray for peace at soxtalk and is now praying that Jason gets lucky with Jessica Simpson --


and that Jessica turns out not to be the ex wife of OJ since that is not good for anyone's future!  :lol:prayer-group-color.jpg

Preach On Brother :headbang

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I only read about half this thread, but I get the main jist of it. I get that many of you on here are gay and pushing the "It's OK to be gay" agenda, and it makes me want to :puke.


This thread started off SOOOOOOOOO innocently with a new poster posting a FUNNY url, and the resident gays (1 or 2 of which have the distinction of "moderator", I'd wager) got their panties in a bunch. Why? Because even though they proclaim they are proud of their lifestyle, they are IN REALITY self-hating and come from very unstable and f***ed up pasts. They, of course, will deny that and claim that being gay is "who they are", but the fact is that it's not what they HAVE to be, but due to their deep-seeded issues, they are either unwilling and/or incapable of being normal. Part of me feels sad for them, but another part of me makes me hope there's a hell so i don't have to be around them if/when I go to the big kingdom in the sky.


Ya know, ever since CW came out of the closet and started defending gays, this site has really gone to hell. And for whatever reason, MANY gays have joined this board in the past few months, and it's really making this site go downhill. I didn't post here for a long time, and I don't even know why I'm still around here. I guess I'm hoping against hope that it will change, but until the idiots with agendas leave, it's going to continue to get worse.


If you don't love f**s and bend over for them so they can give you AIDS, the homosexual moderators will ban you, and then 2 days later claim that they are proponents of free speech. If there's anything worse than a f*****, it's a hyopcrite, and unfortunately, many of the people on here are both.


:puke :puke :puke :puke :puke

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Hate is good. Hate fuels the mind and multiplies your inner rage a thousand-fold. It is precarious but it is constant. It touches you and makes your blood boil so fast and so hot that it becomes impossible to think of anything logical. It becomes impossible to reason out anything. It makes you primitive and unrelenting, furious and self-absorbed. It is an easy trait to learn.


Hate is good. It is directed towards someone, a group of people or everybody in general. If your hate is repressed, do not worry. You can keep it inside you for a while and release it with wild abandon on something or someone that doesn’t mind the attention. With hate, you can lash out and release all the inhibitions that keep your fragile mind in a constant state of frustration and not care of the consequences of your actions afterwards. It is a natural stress reliever.


Hate is good. It shows love in all its glory. For how can one truly hate without having loved at first? Hate is but a by-product of love. A love of your self, your ego, your family, your friends, your valuables, or perhaps your principles can be stripped away in a matter of seconds even though it takes months and years to create and nurture them. After this, what fills the obvious void within? Compassion? I think not. It is hate. It satisfies you and keeps you whole instead of making you feel distressed and alone.


Hate is good. It is easy to learn and hold on to. It can sustain loneliness and harden the self (although sometimes at the cost of the soul). It is better than missing or loving someone since you know that hate will never leave you and that those you learn to love eventually will. Hate is what I have, what I know. Hate is my enemy and my friend. Hate is good for those too weak to endure risk.

Hate is good for those too fragile to conquer the obstacles of love.

Hate is good for those without faith, without hope. Hate is good.

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I only read about half this thread, but I get the main jist of it.  I get that many of you on here are gay and pushing the "It's OK to be gay" agenda, and it makes me want to  :puke. 


This thread started off SOOOOOOOOO innocently with a new poster posting a FUNNY url, and the resident fudgepackers (1 or 2 of which have the distinction of "moderator", I'd wager) got their panties in a bunch.  Why?  Because even though they proclaim they are proud of their lifestyle, they are IN REALITY self-hating and come from very unstable and f***ed up pasts.  They, of course, will deny that and claim that being gay is "who they are", but the fact is that it's not what they HAVE to be, but due to their deep-seeded issues, they are either unwilling and/or incapable of being normal.  Part of me feels sad for them, but another part of me makes me hope there's a hell so i don't have to be around them if/when I go to the big kingdom in the sky.


Ya know, ever since CW came out of the closet and started defending gays, this site has really gone to hell.  And for whatever reason, MANY gays have joined this board in the past few months, and it's really making this site go downhill.  I didn't post here for a long time, and I don't even know why I'm still around here.  I guess I'm hoping against hope that it will change, but until the idiots with agendas leave, it's going to continue to get worse.


If you don't love f**s and bend over for them so they can give you AIDS, the homosexual moderators will ban you, and then 2 days later claim that they are proponents of free speech.  If there's anything worse than a f*****, it's a hyopcrite, and unfortunately, many of the people on here are both.


:puke :puke :puke :puke :puke

Here Clu, why not spend your time here




Seems like you're the only unstable one here, Clu. And MANY gays have joined the board? I guess I missed it when PRIDE made all their members become part of SoxTalk.


Funny, I don't remember the mods bending anybody over so they could f*** them in the ass and give them AIDS...just asking that people had decency in their posts. But then, you'd be one to equate the two.

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NOPE.  I cant believe it, I was a second away from leaving this thread and get called ignorant.  I dont agree with you Steff......but Im just going to leave so you can have your last word.  Havent people realized by now Romans some teenage punk who just wants to get a rise out of people.  I actually find hes cool to talk to when you look beyond the insults piled on him.

Well thank you flash.

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Let me put it this way.


In my opinion being gay is the same as being a specific race. Basically you shouldn't hold a race against someone nor should you hold being gay against them. Judge people on their personality and if they are nice/funny, etc.


As far as calling and accusing people of being gay...get over it. I don't understand the fascination of saying whose gay and who isn't. If people race's weren't so obvious would the entire world be so fascinated with saying what race someone is, etc and accusing them of it?


And Clu...I never ever have said anyone has to love gays or anything like that..but calling them out and ripping them based on their sexual preference ain't cool...just like it wouldn't be cool to call someone out based on their color.

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About the racism, just a final summary. RK was being a punk. But cops probably face a lot of punks. They shouldnt beat the crap out of any of them. And apu, you were right. The race riots were because of the cops acquitals, not the actualy beating. And as for the whole slavery thing, I remembered something from last year. The person who, in 1515, first suggested blacks for slavery because they fared better in the sun that the Indians, was a Spanish priest named Bartolome de Casas. So it wasnt even a white man after all... :o

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Secondly, maybe living in the south has had a great impact on your brain, but most civilized people do respect black people, after all we are all the same.


Then just because Rodney King was beat up did not give black people the right to turn south-central into a raging inferno.

I love black people. And where I am there are a lot of rednecks and neo-confederates. I can live with it tho. But honestly, I like black people more than white people and Im white.


And race riots were unjustified but they probably should have been expected. Ya just let four cops get away with beating the crap outta a brother. What did they expect? For all blacks to bend over for them? Hell no!

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