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Are you gay?

Wise Master Buehrle

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I only read about half this thread, but I get the main jist of it.  I get that many of you on here are gay and pushing the "It's OK to be gay" agenda, and it makes me want to  :puke. 


This thread started off SOOOOOOOOO innocently with a new poster posting a FUNNY url, and the resident gays (1 or 2 of which have the distinction of "moderator", I'd wager) got their panties in a bunch.  Why?  Because even though they proclaim they are proud of their lifestyle, they are IN REALITY self-hating and come from very unstable and f***ed up pasts.  They, of course, will deny that and claim that being gay is "who they are", but the fact is that it's not what they HAVE to be, but due to their deep-seeded issues, they are either unwilling and/or incapable of being normal.  Part of me feels sad for them, but another part of me makes me hope there's a hell so i don't have to be around them if/when I go to the big kingdom in the sky.


Ya know, ever since CW came out of the closet and started defending gays, this site has really gone to hell.  And for whatever reason, MANY gays have joined this board in the past few months, and it's really making this site go downhill.  I didn't post here for a long time, and I don't even know why I'm still around here.  I guess I'm hoping against hope that it will change, but until the idiots with agendas leave, it's going to continue to get worse.


If you don't love f**s and bend over for them so they can give you AIDS, the homosexual moderators will ban you, and then 2 days later claim that they are proponents of free speech.  If there's anything worse than a f*****, it's a hyopcrite, and unfortunately, many of the people on here are both.


:puke :puke :puke :puke :puke

You are truly awesome clu. You got guts. Kudos to ya my friend... :headbang

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Jessica Simpson praying for Jason



i tried clicking next... :lolhitting

I think we need to pray a whole lot. I got a lot of confidence in my looks...but Jessica :headbang ...and no I don't give a damn about her personality :cheers

but what if shes gaaaaaay??

Trust me when I say this...all the better :D

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Jessica Simpson praying for Jason



i tried clicking next... :lolhitting

I think we need to pray a whole lot. I got a lot of confidence in my looks...but Jessica :headbang ...and no I don't give a damn about her personality :cheers

but what if shes gaaaaaay??

Trust me when I say this...all the better :D

:lolhitting :lolhitting :lolhitting

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I think all the admins and mods are being pretty damn nice in even letting this big arguement to continue....other places would just not allow any of this to happen.

I see MurcieOne is now on this thread so his might be canned for another 7 days. He was suspended last week for something far less worse then this.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
NOWONE here pays to post here..... we dont even burden you with ad banners or pop-ups....


who do i make a check out to.... :huh: .... id like to help you guys out and support this site for no other reasons but, the lack of pop ups, the upkeep of free speech, and so i can be constantly annoyed by all the scantly clothed women on here in everyones sigs, which are things i find well worth spending my extra cash on..... :rolleyes: ...... but really now.. who would i make a check out to???? ill be happy to send one someones way to help support the site.... :headbang it sure as hell beats supporting jr and the sox, which i realize is a lost cause...... :ph34r: :lol:

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who do i make a check out to.... :huh: .... id like to help you guys out and  support this site  for no other reasons but, the lack of pop ups, the upkeep of free speech, and so i can be constantly annoyed by all the scantly clothed women on here in everyones sigs, which are things i find well worth spending my extra cash on..... ;) ...... but really now.. who would i make a check out to???? ill be happy to send one someones way to help support the site....  :headbang  it sure as hell beats supporting  jr and the sox, which i realize is a lost cause...... :ph34r:  :lol:

Jason and Jessica Simpson Gage

California, USA

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You probably should read this article and enlighten yourself Roman.  I posted it earlier but I will do it again. 


key word is MAY... people MAY not be born gay...

I realize that, but I was more just directing this at clu and Roman who seem to be under the impression that gays choose their orientation. This has not been proven one way or the other.

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Heres what clu did to be suspended last week.....


I hate to play this card, but it is a feeling I have.......


If KW is indeed the GM, expect the next Sox manager to be a minority.



Do gays count as "minority"? If so, cw should fax in an application.



For this comment, I've suspended Clujer for seven days....


This was an uncalled for comment, and he's lucky he hasn't been banned... We try and keep Soxtalk a place where freespeech is practiced, however when that privilege is bent to the point where other people are hurt... action must be taken.


I hope that I never have to do this again, because I don't enjoy restricting anyone from this site that I've been working on, for over a year and a half.


Anyone who is angry by this action can come and talk to me, because I made this decision, and I will stick to it. You can e-mail me your comments at [email protected].

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I only read about half this thread, but I get the main jist of it.  I get that many of you on here are gay and pushing the "It's OK to be gay" agenda, and it makes me want to  :puke. 


This thread started off SOOOOOOOOO innocently with a new poster posting a FUNNY url, and the resident gays (1 or 2 of which have the distinction of "moderator", I'd wager) got their panties in a bunch.  Why?  Because even though they proclaim they are proud of their lifestyle, they are IN REALITY self-hating and come from very unstable and f***ed up pasts.  They, of course, will deny that and claim that being gay is "who they are", but the fact is that it's not what they HAVE to be, but due to their deep-seeded issues, they are either unwilling and/or incapable of being normal.  Part of me feels sad for them, but another part of me makes me hope there's a hell so i don't have to be around them if/when I go to the big kingdom in the sky.


Ya know, ever since CW came out of the closet and started defending gays, this site has really gone to hell.  And for whatever reason, MANY gays have joined this board in the past few months, and it's really making this site go downhill.  I didn't post here for a long time, and I don't even know why I'm still around here.  I guess I'm hoping against hope that it will change, but until the idiots with agendas leave, it's going to continue to get worse.


If you don't love f**s and bend over for them so they can give you AIDS, the homosexual moderators will ban you, and then 2 days later claim that they are proponents of free speech.  If there's anything worse than a f*****, it's a hyopcrite, and unfortunately, many of the people on here are both.


:puke :puke :puke :puke :puke

Wow, you are a real asshole. I don't know if there are homosexuals on this site or not, but I don't care. I don't think anyone should care. If someone is gay it is not my business to care and it is not your business to care.


I am sixteen, and I feel like I am 20 years older than you. Grow the f*** up, in grade school I called people gay, queer and f**, then I realized that it doesn't matter what someone else's preference is. So why don't you mature and stop acting like a 6th grade prick.


By the way I did a report last year on intravaneous drug use, and an overwhelming majority of AIDS sufferers are straight and get AIDS through their drug addiction.


Once again grow the f*** up. :dips***


I hope you are banned for life asshole, or I hope you just stop posting here as you implied you might. I have read several comments of yours that are very hateful, and many people may take offense to them.

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who do i make a check out to.... :huh: .... id like to help you guys out and  support this site  for no other reasons but, the lack of pop ups, the upkeep of free speech, and so i can be constantly annoyed by all the scantly clothed women on here in everyones sigs, which are things i find well worth spending my extra cash on..... :rolleyes:  ...... but really now.. who would i make a check out to???? ill be happy to send one someones way to help support the site....  :headbang  it sure as hell beats supporting  jr and the sox, which i realize is a lost cause...... :ph34r:  :lol:

Thanks Michelle, but its my pleasure to spend a little money each year to keep this thing going is well worth it. All you have to do is post and stay cool :headbang


We have a blast doing this and won't ever ask anything in return :cheers

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Seriously though, I'd talk to Jason about that. I'm am not about soliciting for cash. Unless you guys want us to...lol

well if yous need the support im glad to help out.....its not a problem and i can take it off my taxes...... ;) charity contrubitions.....or claim yous as dependents.....take your pick.... :lol:

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I only read about half this thread, but I get the main jist of it.  I get that many of you on here are gay and pushing the "It's OK to be gay" agenda, and it makes me want to  :puke. 


This thread started off SOOOOOOOOO innocently with a new poster posting a FUNNY url, and the resident gays (1 or 2 of which have the distinction of "moderator", I'd wager) got their panties in a bunch.  Why?  Because even though they proclaim they are proud of their lifestyle, they are IN REALITY self-hating and come from very unstable and f***ed up pasts.  They, of course, will deny that and claim that being gay is "who they are", but the fact is that it's not what they HAVE to be, but due to their deep-seeded issues, they are either unwilling and/or incapable of being normal.  Part of me feels sad for them, but another part of me makes me hope there's a hell so i don't have to be around them if/when I go to the big kingdom in the sky.


Ya know, ever since CW came out of the closet and started defending gays, this site has really gone to hell.  And for whatever reason, MANY gays have joined this board in the past few months, and it's really making this site go downhill.  I didn't post here for a long time, and I don't even know why I'm still around here.  I guess I'm hoping against hope that it will change, but until the idiots with agendas leave, it's going to continue to get worse.


If you don't love f**s and bend over for them so they can give you AIDS, the homosexual moderators will ban you, and then 2 days later claim that they are proponents of free speech.  If there's anything worse than a f*****, it's a hyopcrite, and unfortunately, many of the people on here are both.


:puke :puke :puke :puke :puke

Wow, you are a real asshole. I don't know if there are homosexuals on this site or not, but I don't care. I don't think anyone should care. If someone is gay it is not my business to care and it is not your business to care.


I am sixteen, and I feel like I am 20 years older than you. Grow the f*** up, in grade school I called people gay, queer and f**, then I realized that it doesn't matter what someone else's preference is. So why don't you mature and stop acting like a 6th grade prick.


By the way I did a report last year on intravaneous drug use, and an overwhelming majority of AIDS sufferers are straight and get AIDS through their drug addiction.


Once again grow the f*** up. :dips***


I hope you are banned for life asshole, or I hope you just stop posting here as you implied you might. I have read several comments of yours that are very hateful, and many people may take offense to them.

You tell em CW!!!! :rolleyes:

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well if yous need the support im glad to help out.....its not a problem and i can take it off my taxes...... ;)  charity contrubitions.....or claim yous as dependents.....take your pick.... :lol:

Dependents...I want your White Sox Season Tickets :D

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