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anyone see that BS "feel sorry for us because 2 people are pirating our movies" propaganda before movies nowadays?


mathew said his father was a set designer, I wonder if he's finding it hard to get a job or anything like that?


I hate the movie industry almost as much as I hate the music industry. Stop charging 10 bucks a ticket and more people will go to the movies. Stop paying 20 million per film on an actor. How much could movie pirating steal away from movie profits?


the only movie I've seen pirated was "Spiderman"...and they freakin' gave that movie away if you bought a pack a cigerettes

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school of rock was excellent. Bruce Almighty was great. I'm impressed with the cleanliness of some of these films lately...despite their headliner actors/actresses


there are good movies out there...I just hate the "pity us" attitude.

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school of rock was excellent. Bruce Almighty was great. I'm impressed with the cleanliness of some of these films lately...despite their headliner actors/actresses


there are good movies out there...I just hate the "pity us" attitude.

Well they aren't going to parade Jim Carrey out there to say "oh I used to make $20 mil a pic, and now I only make $10 mil. Please don't pirate movies"


So of course they drag out the guys who have been underpaid by the same industry that is now exploiting them so that you feel sorry for them. Hopefully people see through this obvious BS.

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school of rock was excellent. Bruce Almighty was great. I'm impressed with the cleanliness of some of these films lately...despite their headliner actors/actresses


there are good movies out there...I just hate the "pity us" attitude.

Where ya been sox4life? it seems like you haven't been around since your spurs gave my Nets a flogging in the finals. Welcome back.


I agree some good movies have come out recently, I really enjoyed Pirates of the Carribean.


I also just bought the 20th anniversary edition of Scarface, that movie kicks major ass. :headbang

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All I'm saying is that my brother who works for a large university in Michigan is getting paid half the $(but still very well) he was making when he worked for Boss films(think "Matrix", "Bless the Child") for doing the same job(computer networking)



these industries have egocentric salaries that end up screwing them during economic flat points...that's the problem

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All I'm saying is that my brother who works for a large university in Michigan is getting paid half the $(but still very well) he was making when he worked for Boss films(think "Matrix", "Bless the Child") for doing the same job(computer networking)



these industries have egocentric salaries that end up screwing them during economic flat points...that's the problem

That kind of stuff is true in any industry. Look at baseball salaries over the last 3 years. They have come down. In 2000 no one would have said a word about Dick Grasso's paycheck, now it is a big deal. The airlines were hitting record high paychecks in the late 90's, now most of the industry is bankrupt...

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anyone see that BS "feel sorry for us because 2 people are pirating our movies" propaganda before movies nowadays?


mathew said his father was a set designer, I wonder if he's finding it hard to get a job or anything like that? 


I hate the movie industry almost as much as I hate the music industry. Stop charging 10 bucks a ticket and more people will go to the movies. Stop paying 20 million per film on an actor. How much could movie pirating steal away from movie profits?


the only movie I've seen pirated was "Spiderman"...and they freakin' gave that movie away if you bought a pack a cigerettes

Dad's a scenic Carpenter and no stealing movies doesn't hurt him one bit he laughed out loud when he saw that ad. I've never heard of a carpenter being paid based on how much a movie pulls in. I've gotten a lot of free movies. ;)

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