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if you think wsi is not retarded


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i was banned there for a while. then i asked west and daver to be let back in because i wanted to post again, and i did for a little while. and everytime i would say something, george would try to bait me into blowing up at him so he would have an excuse to ban me again. but i didn't take the bait and it just made him look like the tool that he is. so when i wouldn't give in and fall for his bulls***, they got a new idea, which was to take my IP and make it so whenever I went to the site the server for the message board would take forever and then finally time out. it would give me a message like THE SERVER IS TOO BUSY, TRY AGAIN LATER. i knew this wasn't the case because at the same time other people were getting on and posting. also, whenever i tried the site on a different computer it would work.


the bottom line is that george is a little b**** who can't stand someone who doesn't go along with his mob mentality. the last post i made there was in regard to nellie_fox feeling like no matter what he said he couldn't be right, because george would just pick his post apart word for word and take it out of context. i said something like "you aren't the only one who feels like that around here, it is a losing battle" etc.


i never said anything really inflammatory after coming back from being banned, i never attacked a mod, or anyone else for that matter, and yet george still had to be an asshole about it and pull his little bulls*** tricks. they couldn't even say something out in the open, he had to be a spineless pieces of rat s*** but hey if he really wants me gone that bad i must have hit too close to home. and i specifically say george because he is the only one over there who really hated me. west is a good guy, voodoo and daver can be jerks at times, but they are good people too and they treated me fine during that small time i was back there.


why i even make this post i dont know, i just want people to know how slimy and underhanded george is. i hope he rots in hell.

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WHAT THE f***!!!!!!!!!!!!!


THE SAME EXACT s*** HAS HAPPENED TO ME SINCE I WAS KICKED OFF OF WSI LAST MONTH!!!!! Everytime I tried to get on the site it says the server is busy. There has to be some kind of way around this.


Say what you want about not posting there if you dont like it, Im going to cause a alot of s*** in there tomorrow when I go to school. That f***er voodoochile is going to have a fun time when I create new screen names under my schools server.


And like you spiff, all I did was disagree with Voodchile (dont know the guys real name) and he kicked me off. Some people in here (Yasny, witesoxfan) might remember I posted a similar story earlier in Sept. about being kicked off under my screen name Dmarte123.

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yeah I don't even know why they bother having a message board. if they wanted to be able to spout their opinions without letting people disagree they should have just made a weblog, it would have been a hell of a lot cheaper. or maybe they want to give the impression that you can disagree with them to the new people? it's hardly white sox INTERACTIVE. more like white sox YOU BETTER AGREE WITH ME.

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yeah I don't even know why they bother having a message board. if they wanted to be able to spout their opinions without letting people disagree they should have just made a weblog, it would have been a hell of a lot cheaper. or maybe they want to give the impression that you can disagree with them to the new people? it's hardly white sox INTERACTIVE. more like white sox YOU BETTER AGREE WITH ME.

Spiff they do that to everyone they dont like. Voodoo and daver were the ones that baited me, I just laughed at voodoo for trying to bait me and he banned me. Its kinda comical though, they actually think theyre important lmao.....the sad thing is you are actually letting those fools alter your state of mind. Theyre just loser geeks, why care?

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3 WSI bans in this thread alone......I thought I was the only one. :headbang.


I wonder if people from WSI are reading this. If they are, then :fyou Some day, the revolution will come to overthrow the moderators at WSI. There will be so many bannings that nobody will be left to talk to....then Voodoochile and his b****es will have to ban themselves.

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3 WSI bans in this thread alone......I thought I was the only one.  :headbang


I wonder if people from WSI are reading this.  If they are, then  :fyou Some day, the revolution will come to overthrow the moderators at WSI.  There will be so many bannings that nobody will be left to talk to....then Voodoochile and his b****es will have to ban themselves.

Dude theres probably at least 15 banned wsi posting here..............

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It really sucks that all White Sox fans can't just pull together, and not be in a few different castes.


But there are stupid fans for every team.

Its more then White Sox fans pulling together on this topic. I said something on WSI that Voodoochile didnt agree with; even remarked that he would make my first post my last. What kind of dusche bag says something like that? So when I respond to him saying that he inappropriately singled me out over others who wrote about the same thing he kicked me off.


I hope your refering to those guys as the "stupid fans." I dont go into message boards looking to swear, or insult others opinions. So when Im kicked off for making a comment that doesnt affect either of these aspects Im going to be upset. This commradory that Sox fans had sure was upheld in that instance. Seemed to me like the moderator wanted to prove to everyone that nobody dare question him.


And whats better about writing this thread, is that none of whats said will end up on WSI. Dont believe that "They have better things to talk about" or "They dont care"....its probably because if anyone would bring up the topic of a other sites problems with WSI that person would get the Ax.


Long live Sox talk :usa

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It really sucks that all White Sox fans can't just pull together, and not be in a few different castes.


But there are stupid fans for every team.

Its more then White Sox fans pulling together on this topic. I said something on WSI that Voodoochile didnt agree with; even remarked that he would make my first post my last. What kind of dusch bag says something like that? So when I respond to him saying that he inappropriately singled me out over others who wrote about the same thing he kicked me off.


I hope your refering to those guys as the "stupid fans." I dont go into message boards looking to swear, or insult others opinions. So when I make a comment that doesnt affect either of these aspects Im going to be upset. This commradory that Sox fans had sure was upheld in that instance. Seemed to me like the moderator wanted to prove to everyone that nobody dare question him.


And whats better about writing this thread, is that none of whats said will end up on WSI. Dont believe that "They have better things to talk about" or "They dont care"....its probably because if anyone would bring up the topic of a other sites problems with WSI that person would get the Ax.


Long live Sox talk :usa

Yes, I was talking about WSI being stupid, not you.

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It really sucks that all White Sox fans can't just pull together, and not be in a few different castes.


But there are stupid fans for every team.

Its more then White Sox fans pulling together on this topic. I said something on WSI that Voodoochile didnt agree with; even remarked that he would make my first post my last. What kind of dusche bag says something like that? So when I respond to him saying that he inappropriately singled me out over others who wrote about the same thing he kicked me off.


I hope your refering to those guys as the "stupid fans." I dont go into message boards looking to swear, or insult others opinions. So when Im kicked off for making a comment that doesnt affect either of these aspects Im going to be upset. This commradory that Sox fans had sure was upheld in that instance. Seemed to me like the moderator wanted to prove to everyone that nobody dare question him.


And whats better about writing this thread, is that none of whats said will end up on WSI. Dont believe that "They have better things to talk about" or "They dont care"....its probably because if anyone would bring up the topic of a other sites problems with WSI that person would get the Ax.


Long live Sox talk :usa

LOL good ol voodoo..................... :lol:

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It really sucks that all White Sox fans can't just pull together, and not be in a few different castes.


But there are stupid fans for every team.

Its more then White Sox fans pulling together on this topic. I said something on WSI that Voodoochile didnt agree with; even remarked that he would make my first post my last. What kind of dusche bag says something like that? So when I respond to him saying that he inappropriately singled me out over others who wrote about the same thing he kicked me off.


I hope your refering to those guys as the "stupid fans." I dont go into message boards looking to swear, or insult others opinions. So when Im kicked off for making a comment that doesnt affect either of these aspects Im going to be upset. This commradory that Sox fans had sure was upheld in that instance. Seemed to me like the moderator wanted to prove to everyone that nobody dare question him.


And whats better about writing this thread, is that none of whats said will end up on WSI. Dont believe that "They have better things to talk about" or "They dont care"....its probably because if anyone would bring up the topic of a other sites problems with WSI that person would get the Ax.


Long live Sox talk :usa

LOL good ol voodoo..................... :lol:

Everytime you mention Voodoo I think of how you'd call Brando Voodo :D


Speaking of Brando...I hope his acting is going good.

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Say what you want about not posting there if you dont like it, Im going to cause a alot of s*** in there tomorrow when I go to school.  That f***er voodoochile is going to have a fun time when I create new screen names under my schools server.

HEY good thinkin, ill try that tommorrow ill do anything to piss Voo Doo or Daver off, them b****es f*** em :fyou


THANKS for the idea

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I've got to give this board and the mods a lot of credit. Often times boards or mailing lists turn into power trips for the people who run them. I used to be on an emailing list of The Score fans, run by some prick named Paul. Anyway, he became a real power monger. One time I asked if anyone knew the results of the Kennedy Cup high school hockey finals. Knowing no one else would want to be reading about it, I asked for any info to be mailed directly to me privately. This Paul guy writes me and tells me no one gives a s*** about high school hockey and to keep it off his list. I simply responded that I knew that and that was why I asked for it to be sent to me privately. I couldn't leave it at that and said that if no one cares about high school hockey, certainly no one wants to read his ridiculous posts about how many quarts of vomitus he spewed out after his drinking binge the night before. That got me kicked.

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Just wondering, I have been to WSI once or twice, didnt care for the way it was set up, and stuff, but which one is honestly more popular? Just wondering.

WSI wins a "popularity contest" due to it's media coverage. About the same activity though.

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keep in mind WSI has been around twice as long as us and was really the first White Sox site outside of the official one, while we were the 4th or 5th one, so they had a significant head start.


we were in ESPN the Magazine and I have no idea where the link is to it. All I have is the magazine itself.


the site has been mentioned a few times on local radio stations if that counts as popularity.

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keep in mind WSI has been around twice as long as us and was really the first White Sox site outside of the official one, while we were the 4th or 5th one, so they had a significant head start.


we were in ESPN the Magazine and I have no idea where the link is to it.  All I have is the magazine itself.


the site has been mentioned a few times on local radio stations if that counts as popularity.

I've been writing the web address in the bathrooms and stalls at my school for years... :D

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