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if you think wsi is not retarded


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the site has been mentioned a few times on local radio stations if that counts as popularity.

I first found out about this site (and white sox interactive) off a caller on the Dave Wills post game show on ESPN 1000.


The major reason I didn't sign up for WSI at first was my computer couldnt show me the image verification picture needed during registration. Even though this site was my second choice, it ultimately was the better one. Great site for when you have to vent frustration, or just to talk about anything without looking over your shoulder. Its like a small sox community where almost everyone knows each other.

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has WSI ever been quoted in ESPN magazine? :headbang

I still find it odd out of my 30 minute convo they took the one line that I mentioned the Cubs in.....especially since I'm probably one of the very very very few Sox fans that is actually rooting for the Cubs right now.


Either way it was so cool...I bought three of those magazines...its my claim to fame :headbang

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I still find it odd out of my 30 minute convo they took the one line that I mentioned the Cubs in.....especially since I'm probably one of the very very very few Sox fans that is actually rooting for the Cubs right now.

WHY are you just curious?

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I still find it odd out of my 30 minute convo they took the one line that I mentioned the Cubs in.....especially since I'm probably one of the very very very few Sox fans that is actually rooting for the Cubs right now.


Either way it was so cool...I bought three of those magazines...its my claim to fame  :headbang

which magazine is that one again??

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I still find it odd out of my 30 minute convo they took the one line that I mentioned the Cubs in.....especially since I'm probably one of the very very very few Sox fans that is actually rooting for the Cubs right now.


Either way it was so cool...I bought three of those magazines...its my claim to fame  :headbang

which magazine is that one again??

Whichever one it was that rated the franchises.

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I still find it odd out of my 30 minute convo they took the one line that I mentioned the Cubs in.....especially since I'm probably one of the very very very few Sox fans that is actually rooting for the Cubs right now.


Either way it was so cool...I bought three of those magazines...its my claim to fame  :headbang

which magazine is that one again??

Umm...February 3rd, 2003 ESPN Magazine.

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WSI was just awful. It was fun at first, but they turned soppy. I remember my last post, and what a lost post it was. It felt so good to let all that s*** off my chest. It was in the thread about problems at WSI with the new rules and such. It came out August 2002. I actually went to WSI a few weeks ago and searched for it and found it. My post still makes me laugh. Everybody kept b****ing. I'm glad a lot of the good people at WSI came over here. That reminds me, whatever happened to Kempers? Is he not posting at all anymore? I saw he signed up here, but hardly posted.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
WSI was just awful. It was fun at first, but they turned soppy. I remember my last post, and what a lost post it was. It felt so good to let all that s*** off my chest. It was in the thread about problems at WSI with the new rules and such. It came out August 2002. I actually went to WSI a few weeks ago and searched for it and found it. My post still makes me laugh. Everybody kept b****ing. I'm glad a lot of the good people at WSI came over here. That reminds me, whatever happened to Kempers? Is he not posting at all anymore? I saw he signed up here, but hardly posted.

wow kepmers now theres a blast from the past..........

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What did the article in Espn magazine say about us?  Im really curious.  I was under the impression the Soxtalk.com community was a fairly small one, thats kind of cool but very unexpected they mentioned us.

They interviewed me about the White Sox and I'm quoted saying how Reinsdorf was the worse owner in baseball. Of course this probably won't be good when I go an interview for the gm position in a few years, lol.

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the site has been mentioned a few times on local radio stations if that counts as popularity.

Sure it does. But WSI gets way more media coverage. Due of course to the media members. This site will never have mainstream media members.

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They interviewed me about the White Sox and I'm quoted saying how Reinsdorf was the worse owner in baseball.  Of course this probably won't be good when I go an interview for the gm position in a few years, lol.

Well at least ur tellin it like it is. Though it could be worse, think Bill Wirtz.

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i was banned there for a while. then i asked west and daver to be let back in because i wanted to post again, and i did for a little while. and everytime i would say something, george would try to bait me into blowing up at him so he would have an excuse to ban me again. but i didn't take the bait and it just made him look like the tool that he is. so when i wouldn't give in and fall for his bulls***, they got a new idea, which was to take my IP and make it so whenever I went to the site the server for the message board would take forever and then finally time out. it would give me a message like THE SERVER IS TOO BUSY, TRY AGAIN LATER. i knew this wasn't the case because at the same time other people were getting on and posting. also, whenever i tried the site on a different computer it would work.


the bottom line is that george is a little b**** who can't stand someone who doesn't go along with his mob mentality. the last post i made there was in regard to nellie_fox feeling like no matter what he said he couldn't be right, because george would just pick his post apart word for word and take it out of context. i said something like "you aren't the only one who feels like that around here, it is a losing battle" etc.


i never said anything really inflammatory after coming back from being banned, i never attacked a mod, or anyone else for that matter, and yet george still had to be an asshole about it and pull his little bulls*** tricks. they couldn't even say something out in the open, he had to be a spineless pieces of rat s*** but hey if he really wants me gone that bad i must have hit too close to home. and i specifically say george because he is the only one over there who really hated me. west is a good guy, voodoo and daver can be jerks at times, but they are good people too and they treated me fine during that small time i was back there.


why i even make this post i dont know, i just want people to know how slimy and underhanded george is. i hope he rots in hell.

f*** that site and f*** their scumbag moderators. If you aren't part of their little clique over there then your name is mud. At least here at Soxtalk we are all equals and you don't have to have your nose in a moderators ass to speak your peace.

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