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Kopech the latest MLB player with questionable Twitter history


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11 hours ago, ChiSox1917 said:

Then guess what.  You're fat.


I hope you don't take offense at that statement.  It is only a fact.  If you are overweight you are fat.  You may take offense at me saying it, but it does not come from a place of hatred towards you and I do not think any more or less of you because of it.  

You don't think he knows that? What's the point of anyone else reminding him of something he struggles with, other than to be an ass? 

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3 hours ago, southsider2k5 said:

At the end of the day, if in the 21st century you still are limited to the words in question and don't want to understand the bigger picture about what the impact is,  the problem isn't everyone else,  it is you not being willing to evolve and learn something new. Look at history, we learn and evolve.  We do better.

It isn't evolving and there are somethings I'm not willing to move from. Also at sometime someplace I am going to say something that is offensive to someone I've accepted that fact and I've been offended many times in the past as well.

It's part of life. It's part of being an adult. It's part of having difficult conversations with people.

It moves well beyond just words as well. I find that people anymore are unwilling to expose themselves to ideas they deem personally offensive and consider that they maybe wrong. That once again is not evolution. It's actually a big part of what is tearing the USA apart.


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4 hours ago, southsider2k5 said:

And circling back to post 1 here, Michael Kopech seems to now understand things better at 22 than he did at 17, and that is what you want to see.

Of course he does.  He’s been in the world a bit now.  There’s a reason alcohol, tobacco, voting, owning firearms etc aren’t available to minors.  Our national law of 18 basically says, “people younger than 18 are stupid and we don’t trust them with sensitive stuff.  We expect them to be rather insensitive with sensitive material, therefore they will not lawfully have access to various sensitive items.”

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41 minutes ago, wrathofhahn said:

It isn't evolving and there are somethings I'm not willing to move from. Also at sometime someplace I am going to say something that is offensive to someone I've accepted that fact and I've been offended many times in the past as well.

It's part of life. It's part of being an adult. It's part of having difficult conversations with people.

It moves well beyond just words as well. I find that people anymore are unwilling to expose themselves to ideas they deem personally offensive and consider that they maybe wrong. That once again is not evolution. It's actually a big part of what is tearing the USA apart.


The unwillingness of a large portion of the country to grow up and evolve is exactly what is wrong with this country today. I would totally agree with that.

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1 hour ago, southsider2k5 said:

The unwillingness of a large portion of the country to grow up and evolve is exactly what is wrong with this country today. I would totally agree with that.

The lack of tolerance is a two way street it's also weird how some of the people who claim to be the most tolerant are the least tolerant of diverging views.

I also think we've sort of lost the ability to put things into context. Was what Kopech said unacceptable? Yes. Is it something that you would find on any 17 year old twitter feed (regardless of race)? For sure. Was what he said with malice? No. Those are all important points but it seems like if someone says something context never matters. People aren't interested in finding out your meaning or what you meant it's more about a word that happens to trigger them.

Then the mob attacks you regardless of what you meant infact in many ways they are purposely ignorant to what the original attention was. To me that isn't evolution. That is frontier justice. It's why I'm very protective of my privacy and why I don't have a twitter presence or use facebook someone at work actually asked me the other day are you on facebook to friend me. So let me get this straight I'll friend them and give them access to my feed then if we have a falling out they'll be able to go over all my history like what happened with Kopech?

Hell no. I have a linkdn page for my career thats it.

Edited by wrathofhahn
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46 minutes ago, wrathofhahn said:

The lack of tolerance is a two way street it's also weird how some of the people who claim to be the most tolerant are the least tolerant of diverging views.

I also think we've sort of lost the ability to put things into context. Was what Kopech said unacceptable? Yes. Is it something that you would find on any 17 year old twitter feed (regardless of race)? For sure. Was what he said with malice? No. Those are all important points but it seems like if someone says something context never matters. People aren't interested in finding out your meaning or what you meant it's more about a word that happens to trigger them.

Then the mob attacks you regardless of what you meant infact in many ways they are purposely ignorant to what the original attention was. To me that isn't evolution. That is frontier justice. It's why I'm very protective of my privacy and why I don't have a twitter presence or use facebook someone at work actually asked me the other day are you on facebook to friend me. So let me get this straight I'll friend them and give them access to my feed then if we have a falling out they'll be able to go over all my history like what happened with Kopech?

Hell no. I have a linkdn page for my career thats it.

I do also think that the ability to put things into context has been loss.  We literally have people upset because they can't use a few specific words as insults even though it used to be OK.  I mean dang, that is some true suffering for the cause right there.  That is almost on a level with multigenerational poverty, gay-bashing, and racism.

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46 minutes ago, southsider2k5 said:

I do also think that the ability to put things into context has been loss.  We literally have people upset because they can't use a few specific words as insults even though it used to be OK.  I mean dang, that is some true suffering for the cause right there.  That is almost on a level with multigenerational poverty, gay-bashing, and racism.

Who decides what is OK? The mob? There are some words that should never be uttered for obvious reasons but for others it's not so simple. I don't want the mob deciding what I can and cannot say but more importantly I don't want them trying to prevent me from saying it.

Why is it even their business how I speak to others. Who gave them the moral authority to judge someone else? Do SJW get some sort of moral badge when they join twitter?

You mentioned earlier that a large majority of the country refuses to evolve isn't that their own business? It's partly why Trump got elected the silent majority got tired of other people sticking their nose in their business and being told of what they could and couldn;t say.

Don't get me wrong I'm not defending what was said but I won't defend the outrage either. To me those people are 10x worse then Kopech. For most of them it isn't even about the cause it's more some sort of weird 21st century preening and ego stroking some sort of here look at me I'm so 'evolved'.

Meanwhile if you saw an old lady would you help her cross the street? Open the door for them? Help them struggle with groceries?Do you donate to the local foodbank? Sick kids? Do you give your time and help your neighbor by plowing their laneway? Do you help take care of your family disabled child noone else wants? Those are the type of things that actually matter like the other poster mentioned it earlier.

As James 2:18 says: But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. Edited by wrathofhahn
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4 minutes ago, wrathofhahn said:

Who decides what is OK? The mob? There are some words that should never be uttered for obvious reasons but for others it's not so simple. I don't want the mob deciding what I can and cannot say but more importantly I don't want them trying to prevent me from saying it.

Why is it even their business how I speak to others. Who gave them the moral authority to judge someone else? Do SJW get some sort of moral badge when they join twitter?

You mentioned earlier that a large majority of the country refuses to evolve isn't that their own business? It's partly why Trump got elected the silent majority got tired of other people sticking their nose in their business and being told of what they could and couldn;t say.

Don't get me wrong I'm not defending what was said but I won't defend the outrage either. To me those people are 10x worse then Kopech. For most of them it isn't even about the cause it's more some sort of weird 21st century preening and ego stroking some sort of here look at me I'm so 'evolved'.

Meanwhile if you saw an old lady would you help her cross the street? Open the door for them? Help them struggle with groceries?Do you donate to the local foodbank? Sick kids? Do you give your time and help your neighbor by plowing their laneway? Do you help take care of your family disabled child noone else wants? Those are the type of things that actually matter like the other poster mentioned it earlier.

As James 2:18 says: But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.

There is so much irrelevant in this post. This is pretty much all excuses and enabling.

Yes. We live in a society.  As a group we decide what is ok and what is not. What it amounts to is that some feel like there should be no consequences for their actions. 

If you need to call someone a f@g to feel funny or smart,  that is your right. But it is the rest of our right to see it for what it is.  Don't cry because there are consequences for your actions. 

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55 minutes ago, southsider2k5 said:

There is so much irrelevant in this post. This is pretty much all excuses and enabling.

Yes. We live in a society.  As a group we decide what is ok and what is not. What it amounts to is that some feel like there should be no consequences for their actions. 

If you need to call someone a f@g to feel funny or smart,  that is your right. But it is the rest of our right to see it for what it is.  Don't cry because there are consequences for your actions. 

I think there's a lot of truth in his post.  Don't get what you're saying about excuses either.  It's your opinion...and you're entitled to it...but I agree with most of what wrath said. What it amounts to is certain groups feel they should be the moral authority.   I'm not advocating people walk around insulting people...that's not right obviously.  But the outrage machine has gotten ridiculous.  Who gets to decide what is appropriate for everyone?  Things like a group all of a sudden now deciding that anything even remotely connecting to the Confederacy is completely offensive (and the biggest whiners are white lol).  Anymore...it's a mob posse mentality with everything.  LIke wrath said...it's part of what got Trump elected whether people want to see it or not.  Of course that's just my opinion.  I don't advocate walking about calling people f**s by any means....or using the N word (even tho it's perfectly acceptable for blacks to use it)...but when you have people trying to be the moral authority what people can say to their friends in private (I get twitter isn't private)...that's gotten a little ridiculous. 

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Just now, Wanne said:

I think there's a lot of truth in his post.  Don't get what you're saying about excuses either.  It's your opinion...and you're entitled to it...but I agree with most of what wrath said. What it amounts to is certain groups feel they should be the moral authority.   I'm not advocating people walk around insulting people...that's not right obviously.  But the outrage machine has gotten ridiculous.  Who gets to decide what is appropriate for everyone?  Things like a group all of a sudden now deciding that anything even remotely connecting to the Confederacy is completely offensive (and the biggest whiners are white lol).  Anymore...it's a mob posse mentality with everything.  LIke wrath said...it's part of what got Trump elected whether people want to see it or not.  Of course that's just my opinion.  I don't advocate walking about calling people f**s by any means....or using the N word (even tho it's perfectly acceptable for blacks to use it)...but when you have people trying to be the moral authority what people can say to their friends in private (I get twitter isn't private)...that's gotten a little ridiculous. 

This is not new. This has literally happened since the dawn of man. People have gotten together and decided that certain things aren't really acceptable. And let's quit pretending this is one sided. Who decided that kneeling for the national anthem is worth shaming, but flying the flag of the country who committed treason and fought the US isn't?  Damn those social justice warriors!

Again you can do what you want,  but so can everyone else. Your actions aren't exempt from consequences just because people did stupid stuff in the past.

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3 hours ago, wrathofhahn said:

The lack of tolerance is a two way street it's also weird how some of the people who claim to be the most tolerant are the least tolerant of diverging views.

I also think we've sort of lost the ability to put things into context. Was what Kopech said unacceptable? Yes. Is it something that you would find on any 17 year old twitter feed (regardless of race)? For sure. Was what he said with malice? No. Those are all important points but it seems like if someone says something context never matters. People aren't interested in finding out your meaning or what you meant it's more about a word that happens to trigger them.

Then the mob attacks you regardless of what you meant infact in many ways they are purposely ignorant to what the original attention was. To me that isn't evolution. That is frontier justice. It's why I'm very protective of my privacy and why I don't have a twitter presence or use facebook someone at work actually asked me the other day are you on facebook to friend me. So let me get this straight I'll friend them and give them access to my feed then if we have a falling out they'll be able to go over all my history like what happened with Kopech?

Hell no. I have a linkdn page for my career thats it.

Troubling that so many are anxious to make excuses from him. The same people who resent having to watch what they say or being called out on it. Do no expect tolerance for divisive comments and beliefs. The young men who post comments like Kopech often reflect their upbringing. They may or may not move beyond those beliefs. 

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50 minutes ago, southsider2k5 said:

There is so much irrelevant in this post. This is pretty much all excuses and enabling.

Yes. We live in a society.  As a group we decide what is ok and what is not. What it amounts to is that some feel like there should be no consequences for their actions. 

If you need to call someone a f@g to feel funny or smart,  that is your right. But it is the rest of our right to see it for what it is.  Don't cry because there are consequences for your actions. 

As a group you elected Trump are you willing abide to his standard of decency (or lack thereof)? If not then why should anyone abide by yours?

And I never mentioned the word f**. There is so much more then that going on here the standard used to be at least growing up is that we abstained from offensive language we all know what it is you mentioned one earlier now that is no longer good enough we need to speak in such a way someone somewhere might not construe the context as being offensive.

We now need safe spaces, trigger warnings, and micro aggression labeling.

For example:  Jeannie Suk, a professor at Harvard Law School, cited an example where a student had asked a colleague “not to use the word 'violate’ – as in 'does this conduct violate the law’ – because the term might trigger distress”.

At Brown University – the New York Times reported students set up a “safe space” that offered calming music, cookies, Play-Doh and a video of frolicking puppies to help students cope with a discussion on how colleges should handle sexual assault.

This mindset seeps into society even further then that. You mentioned how you want people to evolve how is that supposed to happen if they are shamed into silence rather then have both belief systems questioned in the public square? You think that gives rise to some sort of 'evolution' pushing down one side only gives rise to a lack of empathy and an attempt to push you down as well.




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41 minutes ago, southsider2k5 said:

This is not new. This has literally happened since the dawn of man. People have gotten together and decided that certain things aren't really acceptable. And let's quit pretending this is one sided. Who decided that kneeling for the national anthem is worth shaming, but flying the flag of the country who committed treason and fought the US isn't?  Damn those social justice warriors!

Again you can do what you want,  but so can everyone else. Your actions aren't exempt from consequences just because people did stupid stuff in the past.

Nobody is pretending anything....but to chastise a kid who was 17 and said some stupid crap is laughable.  And if people want to hang him in judgement...knock yourselves out.  I find it pathetic.  Good luck in your ivory tower. But you are right...there are consequences.  Last election should have told you that.  Maybe read up on David...he wasn't a saint by any means...but he was still a favorite of the son of man (if you believe any of that stuff).  There's a good lesson in there.     There's laws...then there's morality.  One is absolute.  The other is subjective depending on what side of the road you stand on.  I'm the last person that should be judging anybody...I wish more would look in the mirror and think the same thing.

As for the Confederate thing...I find it strange that after a 150+ years all of a sudden....NOW it's considered offensive to some.  People in the south will always disagree with you.  Just because they embrace their past...people want to deem them at racists.  Some still are I'm sure...but it's idiotic to try and wipe out history like that.  But whatev...just my 2¢.

Edited by Wanne
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Just now, wrathofhahn said:

As a group you elected Trump are you willing abide to his standard of decency (or lack thereof)? If not then why should anyone abide by yours?

And I never mentioned the word f**. There is so much more then that going on here the standard used to be at least growing up is that we abstained from offensive language we all know what it is you mentioned one earlier now that is no longer good enough we need to speak in such a way someone somewhere might not construe the context as being offensive.

We now need safe spaces, trigger warnings, and micro aggression labeling.

For example:  Jeannie Suk, a professor at Harvard Law School, cited an example where a student had asked a colleague “not to use the word 'violate’ – as in 'does this conduct violate the law’ – because the term might trigger distress”.

At Brown University – the New York Times reported students set up a “safe space” that offered calming music, cookies, Play-Doh and a video of frolicking puppies to help students cope with a discussion on how colleges should handle sexual assault.

This mindset seeps into society even further then that. You mentioned how you want people to evolve how is that supposed to happen if they are shamed into silence rather then have both belief systems questioned in the public square? You think that gives rise to some sort of 'evolution' pushing down one side only gives rise to a lack of empathy and an attempt to push you down as well.




GMAB. I mean can we at least quit pretending that this is one sided somehow? Like Trump's cult isn't attempting forced patriotism upon people, and shaming the NFL into it? Like they aren't shaming people into not hiring Colin Kaepernick an ruining the lives of anyone who states things they don't like about Donald Trump?

Yes I believe it is a good thing that we do things like try to stop sexual assault before it happens and not shame its victims as slurs who were asking for it. Didn't think this was a bad thing.

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1 minute ago, Wanne said:

Nobody is pretending anything....but to chastise a kid who was 17 and said some stupid crap is laughable.  And if people want to hang him in judgement...knock yourselves out.  I find it pathetic.  Good luck in your ivory tower. But you are right...there are consequences.  Last election should have told you that.  Maybe read up on David...he wasn't a saint by any means...but he was still a favorite of the son of man (if you believe any of that stuff).  There's a good lesson in there.     There's laws...then there's morality.  One is absolute.  The other is subjective depending on what side of the road you stand on.  I'm the last person that should be judging anybody...I wish more would look in the mirror and think the same thing.

The cool lesson about David? He begged forgiveness and changed his evil ways, which is the entire point here.

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3 minutes ago, southsider2k5 said:

GMAB. I mean can we at least quit pretending that this is one sided somehow? Like Trump's cult isn't attempting forced patriotism upon people, and shaming the NFL into it? Like they aren't shaming people into not hiring Colin Kaepernick an ruining the lives of anyone who states things they don't like about Donald Trump?

Yes I believe it is a good thing that we do things like try to stop sexual assault before it happens and not shame its victims as slurs who were asking for it. Didn't think this was a bad thing.

Trump's cult lol....  So if you voted for him...you're in a cult?  Geezus...idiocy like that is what got him elected in the first place.  But glad we went off the rails here. 

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