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Kopech the latest MLB player with questionable Twitter history


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18 minutes ago, Jack Parkman said:

We should be, but we're not. We had people in this country who hated Obama not because of his politics, but because of the color of his skin. Look no further than the man occupying the Oval Office. He's only there because of racism. He played that card, as did Reagan. Racism is part of US identity, until we start having really harsh penalties for it. Like ostracism. Make someone who believes crazy shit like that isolated and destitute. There are still people who won't let me in their fucking workplace because they believe that the Sandy Hook shooter was autistic and that autistic people are inherently violent, when the science says the opposite is true. People will believe anything they say on TV and don't use their critical thinking skills. If there is one thing I appreciate the most about how I was raised it was the belief that you should question everything. However, that didn't work too well when I questioned my folks about why I should do things. Most of the time I got "that is what is socially acceptable so just do it" hahaha

This is the biggest bunch of BS I've ever heard

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2 minutes ago, ChiSox1917 said:

If you don't see the difference between offensiveness and racism, then there's no point in even discussing this.  Racism = hatred.  Offensiveness does not necessarily require hatred to occur.  

If you are trying to equate something as needing to rise to that level, that is exactly my point. We should be past this. 

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Just now, southsider2k5 said:

If you are trying to equate something as needing to rise to that level, that is exactly my point. We should be past this. 

Rise to what level?  Do you think the majority of the time the words used by Kopech are coming from a place of hatred in modern day usage?

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1 minute ago, southsider2k5 said:

You needed to find a better fitting outlet than Soxtalk because this isn't what we are about here.

I'm sorry.  But if someone says the person in the presidency is only there because of racism, than that is BS.  If you believe it is not, than you are a partisan hack.  I didn't bring politics into this, he did.  And what he said is absolute ignorance. 

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7 minutes ago, ChiSox1917 said:

If you don't see the difference between offensiveness and racism, then there's no point in even discussing this.  Racism = hatred.  Offensiveness does not necessarily require hatred to occur.  

Offensive words occur, and are only offensive because they were used to dehumanize, oppress or otherwise denigrate people that were minority groups. It comes from racism, ableism, and other forms of systemic societal segregation. If you don't understand that, I can't help you. 

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Just now, Jack Parkman said:

Offensive words occur, and are only offensive because they were used to dehumanize, oppress or otherwise denigrate people that were minority groups. It comes from racism, ableism, and other forms of systemic societal segregation. If you don't understand that, I can't help you. 

Fat people take offense at being called fat when they're walking around weighing 400 pounds.  People take offense at all things in todays society.  It needs to stop.  

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4 minutes ago, ChiSox1917 said:

I'm sorry.  But if someone says the person in the presidency is only there because of racism, than that is BS.  If you believe it is not, than you are a partisan hack.  I didn't bring politics into this, he did.  And what he said is absolute ignorance. 

I have seen your posts in this thread. Ignorance has been abundantly displayed. 

Like I said if you really need to words being talked about here to shape your vocabulary,  Soxtalk is not a good place for you. 

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1 minute ago, ChiSox1917 said:

Fat people take offense at being called fat when they're walking around weighing 400 pounds.  People take offense at all things in todays society.  It needs to stop.  

I would rather see people evolve past needing to display ignorance to feel good about themselves. 

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2 minutes ago, southsider2k5 said:

I have seen your posts in this thread. Ignorance has been abundantly displayed. 

Like I said if you really need to words being talked about here to shape your vocabulary,  Soxtalk is not a good place for you. 

Ignorance about what exactly?  Define the word.  You seem so sure of its meaning.  


Racism and Offensiveness have two different meanings.  Same with offensiveness and homophobia, or offensiveness and able-ism.  They are not synonyms.  


I'm not the one in this thread using them as such.  

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5 minutes ago, ChiSox1917 said:

Fat people take offense at being called fat when they're walking around weighing 400 pounds.  People take offense at all things in todays society.  It needs to stop.  

People need to stop being so judgmental. If people don't care about their health, that is their choice to shorten their lifespan. I'm severely overweight, but that has more to do with my physical disability than anything else. You don't know what people are dealing with. I love being active but I pay for it physically for 10-14 days every time I do it. Some people are caught between a rock and a hard place. You don't know what others are dealing with. I'm in my 30s and I have to use a cane to get around for a week after a 5+ hours on my feet

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Just now, Jack Parkman said:

People need to stop being so judgmental. If people don't care about their health, that is their choice to shorten their lifespan. I'm severely overweight, but that has more to do with my physical disability than anything else. You don't know what people are dealing with. I love being active but I pay for it physically for 10-14 days every time I do it. Some people are caught between a rock and a hard place. 

Then guess what.  You're fat.


I hope you don't take offense at that statement.  It is only a fact.  If you are overweight you are fat.  You may take offense at me saying it, but it does not come from a place of hatred towards you and I do not think any more or less of you because of it.  

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5 minutes ago, ChiSox1917 said:

Then guess what.  You're fat.


I hope you don't take offense at that statement.  It is only a fact.  If you are overweight you are fat.  You may take offense at me saying it, but it does not come from a place of hatred towards you and I do not think any more or less of you because of it.  

I don't take offense, I use it kind of in a self-deprecating manner. Doing that makes me feel better about myself because I hate the way I look and can't really do much about it. Humor cures a lot of ills. When I'm in pain I say stuff like "i've got to take my fat ass over to the couch" or something like that. I laugh about it otherwise I'd be even more miserable than I am most of the time. 

Also, using the word fat falls under the "otherwise denigrating people" category

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1 minute ago, Jack Parkman said:

I don't take offense, I use it kind of in a self-deprecating manner. Doing that makes me feel better about myself because I hate the way I look and can't really do much about it. Humor cures a lot of ills. 

I completely agree and that's the way I look at a lot of things.  More people need to take that mindset, not only about themselves but towards others as well.  People need to stop assuming the worst from their fellow man, because IMO the vast majority of racist, sexist, ableist, etc. claims come from people that automatically assume the worst about the person making a statement they find to be offensive.  

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4 minutes ago, ChiSox1917 said:

I completely agree and that's the way I look at a lot of things.  More people need to take that mindset, not only about themselves but towards others as well.  People need to stop assuming the worst from their fellow man, because IMO the vast majority of racist, sexist, ableist, etc. claims come from people that automatically assume the worst about the person making a statement they find to be offensive.  

There is a fine line between humor and making fun of something and being offensive. Most don't know how to walk it, and most cross the line, probably unknowingly, I'm of the ilk that think that self-deprecation is something that makes living in an undesirable or otherwise severely uncomfortable situation makes living in said situation and going on in life much easier to take. If we didn't laugh at ourselves, we'd all blow our brains out going through the rat race. 

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Just now, Jack Parkman said:

There is a fine line between humor and making fun of something and being offensive. Most don't know how to walk it, and most cross the line, probably unknowingly,. 

That's not my point.  My point is there is a difference between being offensive and being racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.  

Offensiveness is stating something that can be considered to be repugnant.  

Racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. come from a place of hatred or superiority towards others not in that group.  You can say something that some group may consider to be offensive, but does not mean that the statement jumps to the level of racism/sexism, etc.  

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7 minutes ago, ChiSox1917 said:

That's not my point.  My point is there is a difference between being offensive and being racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.  

Offensiveness is stating something that can be considered to be repugnant.  

Racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. come from a place of hatred or superiority towards others not in that group.  You can say something that some group may consider to be offensive, but does not mean that the statement jumps to the level of racism/sexism, etc.  

Most of the time there is no reason for someone to be offended unless you said something that fits category b. 90% of offensive comments are about those issues. Most people don't want to accept that there is an inherent societal bias, even to this day, against people who don't fit "the norm" which is a white, neurotypical, able-bodied male. For the record, I'm two of those things(white and male). The other two are where I'm different. This has given me a look into a biased culture in which I Probably otherwise wouldn't have noticed. It is easy to say nasty things about other people, until  you've walked in their shoes. 

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9 hours ago, southsider2k5 said:

Can we acknowledge that just because something happened in the past that doesn't make it OK today.  I just got done reading that one one point Thomas Jefferson's opinion was that the negro was somewhere below the white man, and somewhere above an ape.  Anyone else want to say that is OK because it was something that was accepted as truth at one point, even by the educated elite?  That doesn't make it OK to do that today, because we have become a bit more educated in 200+ years.

I am not sure why understanding that we should learn from these things is a bad thing.

We can but can we also acknowledge that a misused word is not the same as word such as negro ni**ger etc with dubious backgrounds to begin with.

Can we also recognize that changing from retarded to "mentally handicapped" or "developmentally challenged" or "special needs" is more designed to make ourselves feel better (ie look how far we've come) then change the root behavior that necessitated the change in the first place.

It sort of reminds me of an old ozzy ozzbourne reality tv show episode. They had a dog that constantly peed on the couch their solution was a new couch. What do you think the dog did as soon as the new couch arrived he peed on it. We can keep doing this euphemism thing forever doing nothing but making ourselves feel better or we can attack the ideas behind the misuse of the word itself.

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8 hours ago, ChiSox1917 said:

Fat people take offense at being called fat when they're walking around weighing 400 pounds.  People take offense at all things in todays society.  It needs to stop.  

I really don’t want to get into this, but people are obviously going to be offended if you ridicule them for their weaknesses or insecurities.  I don’t know how that would be surprising or wrong to anyone.  Not sure what point you’re trying to make here, but you’re kind of coming off as a total douchebag.

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At the end of the day, if in the 21st century you still are limited to the words in question and don't want to understand the bigger picture about what the impact is,  the problem isn't everyone else,  it is you not being willing to evolve and learn something new. Look at history, we learn and evolve.  We do better.

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10 hours ago, ChiSox1917 said:

Fat people take offense at being called fat when they're walking around weighing 400 pounds.  People take offense at all things in todays society.  It needs to stop.  

Another solution would be for people to grow up and not say offensive things in the first place. Opinions are like assholes. If someone is over weight does it really need to be pointed out? Is it pointed out because one thinks they are smart? Is it pointed out to be mean? Is it pointed out because one feels they have to express their free speech? My point is that it's pointless. People wouldn't be so easily offended if others learned to shut up about things that don't concern them. 

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