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Just for fun I bought at around $100. I let it dip one time and then it went back to $120 so it seemed like a possible floor. Usually I would have been more patient, but trying to get the absolute floor is impossible.

Well see what happens, its just for fun. I didnt touch any of my real investment.

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18 minutes ago, Soxbadger said:

Just for fun I bought at around $100. I let it dip one time and then it went back to $120 so it seemed like a possible floor. Usually I would have been more patient, but trying to get the absolute floor is impossible.

Well see what happens, its just for fun. I didnt touch any of my real investment.

I wouldn't be surprised to see some dead cat bounce here, but I think the funeral planning should start.  Be careful.

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6 minutes ago, southsider2k5 said:

I wouldn't be surprised to see some dead cat bounce here, but I think the funeral planning should start.  Be careful.

The amount I put in is less than Ive made on a single long term position today. I basically just did it so that I can watch it on my all accounts screen. 

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Stocks in the Reddit thread for all intents & purposes are just speculative buys at this point. Can you buy and sell/time the market to make a profit. It reminds me of a lot of alt-coins in the crypto space. Can make and lose a ton of money, but has nothing to do much with actual fundamentals. Big psychology game. I wouldn't be surprised to see it bounce up a bit over the next few days, but at the end of the day it was a momentum trade & the momentum was robbed last week. That was the ultimate high & everything beyond that will just be spikes up, on the way down. 

If you're going to make a case, AMC might have one with raising shares to retire debt. I don't think the stock will do great, however with vaccines happening and people wanting to get back to normal I can see earnings being better than expected over the next few quarters leading to spikes that  may be exaggerated just because of this whole saga. Name recognition and memes go further than they used to.

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5 hours ago, BrianAnderson said:

Stocks in the Reddit thread for all intents & purposes are just speculative buys at this point. Can you buy and sell/time the market to make a profit. It reminds me of a lot of alt-coins in the crypto space. Can make and lose a ton of money, but has nothing to do much with actual fundamentals. Big psychology game. I wouldn't be surprised to see it bounce up a bit over the next few days, but at the end of the day it was a momentum trade & the momentum was robbed last week. That was the ultimate high & everything beyond that will just be spikes up, on the way down. 

If you're going to make a case, AMC might have one with raising shares to retire debt. I don't think the stock will do great, however with vaccines happening and people wanting to get back to normal I can see earnings being better than expected over the next few quarters leading to spikes that  may be exaggerated just because of this whole saga. Name recognition and memes go further than they used to.

But they’ve diluted their shares by 75%.   Sure, AMC will trade $15-22, but Cinemark and especially IMAX are better positioned.

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It is really with a lot of regret that I feel at this point it is inevitable that a lot of people are going to get crushed over the next few days. The whole idea of paper hands and diamond hands is foolish, there is only one type of hands and that is money hands. The entire point is to make money consistently. The GME event is a closer to a once in a lifetime event than a repeatable idea. The hedge funds are goliath and they beat them one time. The belief that somehow they havent been able to adjust or get out of their positions seems unlikely.

This is closer to gambling than trading, its basically no limit hold'em, where you have the smaller stack and the worse hand. I hope I am wrong as I think it would be fun to see a mass of people get a big payday. If it can stay between 100-150, maybe there is something. But I think its more likely it goes down 50%. 

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In a far less of a look than I would if I was investing real money I see $35 to $40 by April 1st. That's based on a few of the summaries I've read and a hunch that some will hang on. I'm interested in what some of you that took a deeper look are thinking. 

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It will all be a footnote in history. These type of events repeat themselves over history, however are just becoming more prevalent and frequent as technology becomes more widely available. Sharing info and building momentum is easier than ever. momentum and psychology work both ways. i agree with whoever noted the texas hold em analogy -- doesn't matter how good your hand is here, the deck is stacked against you here. Plus its much harder to organize millions of people to row in one direction than a handful with billions. These are all a fart in the wind. An expensive fart. 

If anything comes of this it's having people realize and wake up. It put finance on a lot of peoples radars. It put stocks on peoples radars. The amount of people who bought their first stock probably was through the roof. Unfortunately for most their first experience will be a bad one, but it's a step. 

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