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Explosive Devices Sent to Clintons, Soros and Obama


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52 minutes ago, Jenksismyhero said:

Where did I say that?

You didn’t, but that is what we are all supposed to believe. It wouldn’t have even been a thought had Kellyanne not brought it up. Now a lot of people say she has a point. She doesn’t , especially if she continues to say POTUS’ words are irrelevant.

Edited by Dick Allen
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51 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

You didn’t, but that is what we are all supposed to believe. It wouldn’t have even been a thought had Kellyanne not brought it up. Now a lot of people say she has a point. She doesn’t , especially if she continues to say POTUS’ words are irrelevant.

Your logic is kinda twisted here. It is definitely true that people are influenced by any number of media channels, and for some, stuff like The Daily Show may be their biggest regular dose of political news. So it makes a difference. But no one is saying they are some big bad beast, except the Trump apologists and his own Administration.


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Therein lies the problem.

Do we fault The Onion or similar satirical sites when large numbers of Trump followers can't distinguish between fact and fiction/conspiracy?

Let's face it, there's a huge development over the last 30-40 years in terms of Democrats trending more and more in the direction of college-educated women (of any color) and Republicans increasing mainly in the number of non college-educated males (who are the ones MOST likely to plan and execute a violent attack on American soil).

Seriously, when's the last attack where more than 10 or even 5 people were killed by a female in the US?

The solution is what, exactly?


Edited by caulfield12
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Trump shocks with racist new ad days before midterms



Honestly, I thought the Willie Horton/anti-Dukakis ads were bad in 1988.  This one is worse, we might as well give up as a country trying to talk to the other side because there's absolutely no point right now.   The politicians win, and the American people will suffer, in the end.

The goal here is to make the rhetoric so inflammatory and divisive that everyone gets ups out of their LaZy-Boy chair and votes.

Mission accomplished, but probably not in the way intended.

Might as well close off all discussion that might be politically-construed through at least next WED.



It’s 1933 all over again...Jewish candidate attacked in CT state senate race


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4 hours ago, lostfan said:

It's not that they CAN'T distinguish fact from fiction, it's just that they choose not to.

Videos like that justify their bigotry in their head.

"How can I be racist if I'm right? Look at the commercial or meme." It's something my uncle would probably say. SMH

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45 minutes ago, whitesoxfan99 said:

The current version of the GOP is basically the party of white nationalism, racism and fear mongering.  And the sad part is that it is working. 

Highly recommend listening to this week's Intercepted podcast where they dissect the current playbook being used and comparing it to what brutal fascist dictators did in the past.  

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On 11/1/2018 at 9:32 AM, BigSqwert said:

Highly recommend listening to this week's Intercepted podcast where they dissect the current playbook being used and comparing it to what brutal fascist dictators did in the past.  


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17 minutes ago, whitesoxfan99 said:

It's part of the playbook. Lie continually and never admit a mistake. The lies start sinking in for the base and any attempt at fact checking goes unnoticed, AKA "Fake News!!"

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Current playbook.

Solidify Senate hold (will likely be 52/48) and use that and Supreme Court as buffer/protection against the Dems.

Blame the likes of Disappearing Paul Ryan for not fighting hard enough on the immigration wedge issue and instead focusing on “real/local” problems like health care, jobs, infrastructure, education, environment, etc.

Blame women for voting against him when “all he wants to do is give them a sense of security and protection.”  (Dusts off cover of The Birth of a Nation CD and The Camp of the Saints book.)

Pretend like you’re going to make a deal with China to bring the stock market (temporarily) back up.

Say anything and everything about pre-existing conditions, birthright citizenship, firing on unarmed refugees/children and mothers, middle class tax cuts, Jewish financial cabals/conspiracies...to confuse uninformed voters.

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2 hours ago, Whitesoxin2019 said:

Wow reading through the comments in here, many can’t hold back their rhetoric. Is the filibuster back or not? Because I can take my gloves off, too. 

The point WAS we were trying to give some freedom to discuss issues without a formal board, but if people can't handle that and feel the need to threaten people we can revisit the policy again.  This post is exactly what we are trying to get rid of.

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7 minutes ago, southsider2k5 said:

The point WAS we were trying to give some freedom to discuss issues without a formal board, but if people can't handle that and feel the need to threaten people we can revisit the policy again.  This post is exactly what we are trying to get rid of.

So you want an echo chamber.

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1 minute ago, southsider2k5 said:

If that is what you read into that, sure.  We want an echo chamber.

If you can’t dissect comments from the first few pages as hateful rhetoric than I digress. Do what you want with your site.  I think one of the pros of forums is you can have more bipartisan discussion. Clearly the centralized internet of reddit, Twitter, fb etc censors and distorts their own platform. If these conversations are this one sided I suppose we will find the truth on Tuesday. 

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