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11 dead at Pittsburgh synagogue


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He appears to have been a Nazi with intense hatred for Jews, immigrants, and refugees. He was spurred on by conspiracy theories being pushed that George Soros is somehow funding the "caravan" of migrants from Central America.

He also seems to have hated Trump, as he believed Trump was soft on them/Israel because they controlled him.

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Another mass shooting, another white shooter. I bet these laws would become stricter if they were a minority, but since they aren’t, “there’s nothing we can do!” 

When Trump was asked today about the gun laws, his comments were “there should have been armed security.” Armed security at a fucking synagogue? Should there be armed security at my local Subway or the train station or the Walgreens next to my house?

What a joke. 

Edited by soxfan49
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I’m not even sure Jared Kushner or his sons being attacked would be enough to change his mind at this point.

The Koch Brothers are the equivalent of Soros...I bet they’ve never worried a day in their lives about being attacked or targeted.  Whenever they spend money, it’s about free political speech and liberty, whereas Soros and his Jewish cabal is funding hordes of locust-like invaders.


Edited by caulfield12
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Not until the country starts being defined again by what unites us instead of what divides us...and it feels like it’s likely to get worse before it gets better, because the real financial hardships/stressors are just around the corner.

Up until recently, this has mostly been a period of prosperity.

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What country are you guys talking about? That element has always existed in this country and we've never managed to be rid of them. We don't like to think about it because it clashes with how we like to see ourselves as a society but it's all over history.

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18 minutes ago, lostfan said:

What country are you guys talking about? That element has always existed in this country and we've never managed to be rid of them. We don't like to think about it because it clashes with how we like to see ourselves as a society but it's all over history.

Mass shootings are “all over” history but not to the extent they are today.

“In the 50 years before the Texas tower shooting, there were just 25 public mass shootings in which four or more people were killed, according to author and criminologist Grant Duwe. Since then, the number has risen dramatically, and many of the deadliest shootings have occurred within the past few years.” - Washington Post

Furthermore, I have no stats to prove it, but I’d venture to guess that mass shootings today are intended toward specific groups or races, unlike most of the past which were aimed at simply killing as many as possible.

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18 minutes ago, soxfan49 said:

Mass shootings are “all over” history but not to the extent they are today.

“In the 50 years before the Texas tower shooting, there were just 25 public mass shootings in which four or more people were killed, according to author and criminologist Grant Duwe. Since then, the number has risen dramatically, and many of the deadliest shootings have occurred within the past few years.” - Washington Post

Furthermore, I have no stats to prove it, but I’d venture to guess that mass shootings today are intended toward specific groups or races, unlike most of the past which were aimed at simply killing as many as possible.

Okay, in the 50 years before the Texas tower shooting there was routine lynching, firebombs in churches and general terror in black Americans.

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10 minutes ago, bmags said:

Okay, in the 50 years before the Texas tower shooting there was routine lynching, firebombs in churches and general terror in black Americans.

^^See: Rosewood massacre, 1920 Tulsa, 1985 MOVE bombings - this isn't stuff that just started happening. I don't understand how people think we have had some recent decline, and then use things that have either always been happening or were worse in the past (like teen pregnancy and murder rates) as evidence.

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51 minutes ago, bmags said:

Okay, in the 50 years before the Texas tower shooting there was routine lynching, firebombs in churches and general terror in black Americans.

And now it’s happening MORE OFTEN. No one is doubting it’s happened before but mass shootings and mass shootings directed at certain types of people are more common now than ever. 

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11 minutes ago, soxfan49 said:

And now it’s happening MORE OFTEN. No one is doubting it’s happened before but mass shootings and mass shootings directed at certain types of people are more common now than ever. 

Mass shootings are more common but hate crime killings aren't more common.

The difference is that the guns are more powerful and we have news at our fingertips so you hear about every one. It's been going on since the dawn of the country,  look at the history in the movie Gangs of New York.

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I often think of George Washington's beautiful letter to the Jews of Rhode Island. He wrote the letter on August 18, 1790, after a visit to the Newport congregation, which had fled persecution in Europe. He assured them they would find "toleration" on these shores, liberty for people of all faiths. Religious freedom here was an absolute, he wrote, and all creeds were welcome. He quoted from the Hebrew scriptures, saying that "everyone shall sit in safety under his own vine and fig tree, and there shall be none to make him afraid."
This is so heartbreaking: "And there shall be none to make him afraid."
source:  cnn.com
Somehow, I have a feeling even George Washington’s words will end up being politicized.
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I hope Trump invites his good friend Netanyahu to the victim site and makes it clear that we stand with the state of Israel and American Jews there should be no confusion on this. This clearly beyond the heinous act of killing Jews while they visit their place of worship was also an attempt by the shooter to drive a wedge between Israelis, American Jews, and America.

We cannot allow the shooter to succeed.

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I know I am going to be "that guy" but I do think the media is part of the issue in regards to the amount of mass shootings. There is a lot of hate in the media and they also love to show the suspect and kind of prop them up. A lot of these assholes want to become famous and they see one mass shooter getting all this attention and they want to do the same. 

I wish the media would stop showing the face of the shooter, it doesn't help anything.  

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1 hour ago, wrathofhahn said:

I hope Trump invites his good friend Netanyahu to the victim site and makes it clear that we stand with the state of Israel and American Jews there should be no confusion on this. This clearly beyond the heinous act of killing Jews while they visit their place of worship was also an attempt by the shooter to drive a wedge between Israelis, American Jews, and America.

We cannot allow the shooter to succeed.

Jews dont play well to his base and will hurt Republican optics for the election.

Its better that we pretend Jews and Israeli's arent the same thing, or better yet, we just help Israel, while still secretly disliking Jews, because anything ruling Jerasulem better than the alternative, 

Jews and Nationalism dont fit together, When a Jew hears "Im a Nationalist", it reminds them of one thing. When they hear "Good people on both sides", it means something.

Its easy to say MAGA and all that jazz when you were on the side of the oppressor. Its not so great, when you were the oppressed in the past.

Its the life we chose to lead, almost 6,000 years of this. The mourners kaddish is one of the most beautiful and sad things at the same time. Just like life. 


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2 hours ago, Soxbadger said:

Jews dont play well to his base and will hurt Republican optics for the election.

Its better that we pretend Jews and Israeli's arent the same thing, or better yet, we just help Israel, while still secretly disliking Jews, because anything ruling Jerasulem better than the alternative, 

Jews and Nationalism dont fit together, When a Jew hears "Im a Nationalist", it reminds them of one thing. When they hear "Good people on both sides", it means something.

Its easy to say MAGA and all that jazz when you were on the side of the oppressor. Its not so great, when you were the oppressed in the past.

Its the life we chose to lead, almost 6,000 years of this. The mourners kaddish is one of the most beautiful and sad things at the same time. Just like life. 


This is utter nonsense.

Are you saying a good portion of Israel is not nationalist? And that Zionism is not a real thing? Why is nationalist 'scary'? And socialist not just as scary?

I have relatives that are Jewish and they get extremely defensive when the topic of Israel arises even-though they are American and I fully understand why considering their history. It's their ancestral homeland it's biblical for them.

As far as the rest goes I find it interesting you bring up privilege because when democrats talk about white privilege they use some of the very same language that should sound familiar. They claim whites are born rich. Whites control the means of production. Whites aren't sharing enough of their wealth. Whites give unfair opportunities to their own race. It doesn't take a genius to catch my drift here.

There is no point in arguing otherwise the alt-right is a problem but are we going to pretend the left doesn't have a Farrakhan problem? An Al Sharpton problem? BDS problem? Palenstine problem? I would like to see both parties condemn the antisemitism where it exists and that includes everyone Trump included.


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Where are all the recent examples of targeted political violence...bombings, shootings, targeted executions...from Wrathofhahn’s list of alt-right equivalents?

How many have they killed in the last three years, and are now considered victims of political “hate crime” charges?

We’ve got the Scalise shootings, Antifa around the time of the Trump inauguration (no fatalities)...what else?  The Dallas police shootings?  Charlottesville, if you go with the “both sides” equivalency.  Obama’s minister?

What alt-left “conspiracists” have fired weapons in the name of “defending the US and it’s soveriegnty/freedoms”?  What minority groups have directly attacked the press/members of the media and been praised for their actions?   How many white churches and places of worship attacked?  How many minority/immigrant mass shooters are now in jail?

This week ALONE, we already have Cesar Sayoc, the Pittsburgh synagogue and the Kroger shootings...where African-Americans were deliberately targeted.

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