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Handheld Sox Schedule and Such


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Something the staff at SoxNet has been thinking about offering is files (Sox schedule, roster) that you can download for your Palm Pilot, etc. We would do this if there is enough interest. What do you guys think?


I just started helping out here, so if you guys have any other ideas, just tell them.

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Originally posted by soxheads

Something the staff at SoxNet has been thinking about offering (Yes I do work here) is files (Sox schedule, roster) that you can download for your Palm Pilot, etc. We would do this if there is enough interest. What do you guys think?



For the love of God, YES, YES, YES, a million times YES, I have been hunting all over for a palm pilot downloadable schedule, please, do it, and do it now, and having a downloadable roster plus whatever extras you might come up with would be sweet beyond words --

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Originally posted by cwsox
Originally posted by soxheads

Something the staff at SoxNet has been thinking about offering (Yes I do work here) is files (Sox schedule, roster) that you can download for your Palm Pilot, etc. We would do this if there is enough interest. What do you guys think?



For the love of God, YES, YES, YES, a million times YES, I have been hunting all over for a palm pilot downloadable schedule, please, do it, and do it now, and having a downloadable roster plus whatever extras you might come up with would be sweet beyond words --


I'll probably do it with a database program. Just make sure you have one.

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I will and always will promise a couple things to all our members.


I'm going take a step up on my soap box here.


I don't know what Soxheads did at WSI, but I do know many of you don't like him. Still, things will not be changing just because he's here. He's going to be helping us out, but the boards won't be changing or anything like that.


You will always be able to speak your mind here, and I mean always.....You will also never ever have to worry about popups because they suck.


The main site and message board will be ran in the same way. Still, the main site will have some new features, thanks to Soxheads, one of which looks to be this palm schedule.


IF people want to get stuff off their chest on this subject, I say go for it, lets not be harsh or anything, but get what you want off your mind and tell Soxheads what you don't like about him or do like about him, and get things clear in the air.


Who know is this idea will blowup in my face, but what the hell.


If you all are curious as to what he's doing for the site, he'll be helping with some programming on the main page.


Hopefully everyone can make their opinion on Soxheads for what he does here and now, and not what happened in the past cause well, I don't know what happened in the past, but we all make mistakes.

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