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It seems that a lot of people are at each other's throats. What gives? I wasn't here last off-season, so I don't know what's "normal." But, if this is normal I think I'll wait until mid March to come back around.

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I'm going to blame the sCrUBS for this!! They win JUST A LITTLE and the whole world goes goofy!!!



Seriously, I don't know how SOME people on the board got so mean-spirited and happy to offend, but it is really sad to watch.

I don't know if these angry few are just trying to push buttons or if they really are this bitter, biased and hateful, and I don't really care to find out.


I'm not going to avoid the boards, or even the Off Topic Board, because there are often VERY interesting discussions on every board. It's just very disappointing to see this kind of stuff happen.


Please hang around, Eye, because you bring a lot of good discussion to the boards.

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I'm going to blame the sCrUBS for this!! They win JUST A LITTLE and the whole world goes goofy!!!



Seriously, I don't know how SOME people on the board got so mean-spirited and happy to offend, but it is really sad to watch.

I don't know if these angry few are just trying to push buttons or if they really are this bitter, biased and hateful, and I don't really care to find out.


I'm not going to avoid the boards, or even the Off Topic Board, because there are often VERY interesting discussions on every board. It's just very disappointing to see this kind of stuff happen.


Please hang around, Eye, because you bring a lot of good discussion to the boards.

Thanks, it's just that it's, like you said, "sad." Everybody seems to get along during the season, even when things were going bad. Now, there's personal attacks, threats, you name it. It's sickening.


If cw, a chronic Liberal, and I, a terminal Conservative, can get along, I can't understand why other people can't.

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It seems that a lot of people are at each other's throats. What gives? I wasn't here last off-season, so I don't know what's "normal." But, if this is normal I think I'll wait until mid March to come back around.

This is quite normal. I am having my usual brawls with sideshow about politics and everyone else is finding other, equally meaningless, s*** to fight about. We're all just a little testy cause our Sox pulled an el foldo yet again.

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It has been a little less than a year since I joined Soxtalk, and I really enjoy posting on these boards, but right now the hate is at an all time high. The last time I can remember arguments even close to being heated like these recent arguments was when we invaded Iraq.


Even those never resorted to personal attacks though.

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It has been a little less than a year since I joined Soxtalk, and I really enjoy posting on these boards, but right now the hate is at an all time high.  The last time I can remember arguments even close to being heated like these recent arguments was when we invaded Iraq. 


Even those never resorted to personal attacks though.

I don't know what the boards were like when we invaded Iraq ( I was too busy invading Iraq ) but I'm with you there that there is way too much in the way of personal attacks going on around here.


Quoth my favorite loser s***bag of all time......."CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG??!?"

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It has been a little less than a year since I joined Soxtalk, and I really enjoy posting on these boards, but right now the hate is at an all time high.  The last time I can remember arguments even close to being heated like these recent arguments was when we invaded Iraq. 


Even those never resorted to personal attacks though.

I don't know what the boards were like when we invaded Iraq ( I was too busy invading Iraq ) but I'm with you there that there is way too much in the way of personal attacks going on around here.


Quoth my favorite loser s***bag of all time......."CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG??!?"

Everybody LOVES rodney king


There were quite a few arguments during the invasion, the usual conservative vs. Apu and democrats type arguments.


Thank you for defending freedom! :usa

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It seems that a lot of people are at each other's throats. What gives? I wasn't here last off-season, so I don't know what's "normal." But, if this is normal I think I'll wait until mid March to come back around.

Blame Canada.

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This is quite normal.  I am having my usual brawls with sideshow about politics and everyone else is finding other, equally meaningless,  s*** to fight about.  We're all just a little testy cause our Sox pulled an el foldo yet again.

Unless I missed something, the discussions between you and sideshow were just that... discussions. There's a difference of opinion with lively and at times probably sometimes heated. But, that's what makes this country great (Regardless, of what sideshow thinks :lol: ).


You guys haven't resorted to the BS others have.

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Unless I missed something, the discussions between you and sideshow were just that... discussions.  There's a difference of opinion with lively and at times probably sometimes heated.  But, that's what makes this country great (Regardless, of what sideshow thinks  :lol: ). 


You guys haven't resorted to the BS others have.

I agree. I've had quite a few heated arguements with sideshow, cwsox, and probably others, but I don't attack and call names. That, to me, is childish and makes you look like an idiot. If you have to resort to name calling during a debate, you must not be too confident in your side of the debate. Huh?

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Unless I missed something, the discussions between you and sideshow were just that... discussions.  There's a difference of opinion with lively and at times probably sometimes heated.  But, that's what makes this country great (Regardless, of what sideshow thinks  :lol: ). 


You guys haven't resorted to the BS others have.

I agree. I've had quite a few heated arguements with sideshow, cwsox, and probably others, but I don't attack and call names. That, to me, is childish and makes you look like an idiot. If you have to resort to name calling during a debate, you must not be too confident in your side of the debate. Huh?

Only an idiot would use make a stupid statement like that

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