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How Much Time Do the Sox Give Giolito in 2019?

Marky Mark

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I feel like most reports sound as if Giolito is definitely pencil'd into the 2019 starting rotation.  Obviously we're all hoping he turns it around, but if 2019 looks exactly like 2018, how long do the Sox allow him to stay in the rotation?  The answer probably relies heavily on offseason acquisitions and milb SP performance, but I can't imagine they'd go through the entire 2019 season with him in the rotation if he repeats his 2018 numbers.  Your thoughts?

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16 minutes ago, daggins said:

I'm not sure how many options he has left, but my guess is that will determine how much rope he gets.

He has one option left.  Regardless, I think they give him three months (unless he starts off disastrously) and then reevaluate.  The good news for him is would take a lot for him to lose his rotation this year.  Next year will be the challenge for him.

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15 minutes ago, turnin' two said:

If this year is as disastrous as last year, I wonder if at some point they want to evaluate him as a bullpen piece.  Maybe for an inning at a time, the velocity can come back at least a bit. 

That’s what I was kind of getting at.  If after three months he still looks terrible as a starter, I wouldn’t be against seeing how he looks as a reliever.  I’m sure we want avoid an experiment like that in 2020.

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18 minutes ago, Chicago White Sox said:

That’s what I was kind of getting at.  If after three months he still looks terrible as a starter, I wouldn’t be against seeing how he looks as a reliever.  I’m sure we want avoid an experiment like that in 2020.

If this past year is any indication, it is starter or bust for Giolito. He seems to have problems finding the plate in the 1st inning. I still somewhat believe in him. If they can unlock the guy we saw in August, we then have a strong #2 starter. He was chucking wicked stuff from post ASB through 8/31. Idk what happened in September, because it had looked like he had turned the corner. If the dude can stay closed in his delivery, he'll be fine. When he flies open, he loses velocity and is wild. 

I don't know if somehow you can get it, but go watch his start at GRF vs Boston from 8/30. He made the WS champs look like chumps. Was chucking filthy junque all night. This was his line from that night. 


Edited by Jack Parkman
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1 minute ago, Greek-konerko said:

I wouldnt. Id deal him this offseason for a team need like a stud sp

Oh, trade the guy that had the worst ERA in the MLB for a stud SP.  Why didn't I think of that.  Blake Snell?  deGrom?  You think those teams would throw anyone else in the deal?  Maybe deGrom and Syndergaard for Giolito?

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You're pretty much going to keep pitching him unless it looks like continuing to do so is actively hurting his development. I don't see any way we end up with enough rotation options this year that we would pull him from the rotation for being merely pretty bad.

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