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Board Rules - A refresher


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None of these rules are new, but I suggest people read up and remind themselves about the board rules of conduct.

  • You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this bulletin board to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.
  • Any spamming of our members through e-mail or private messages is punishable by immediate banning. This includes links to sites that are sent out for the purpose of recruiting new members for other websites. Staff will review all new sign ups and will not approve any from known spammers.
  • Slurs and crude sexual terminology will not be tolerated. There is no reason that people, situations, etc. need to be described in such a disgusting manner on the board.
  • Personal attacks towards other posters will not be tolerated. People will be treated with respect at all times.
  • Personal attacks towards players will not be tolerated. You can question a team's/player(s)' performance but not as people themselves. Also, questioning via vulgar methods will not be tolerated.
  • Calling for someone to be banned will count as a personal attack
  • Insulting someone's intelligence will be considered a personal attack.
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Thanks for the post.  I am a long member, but not much of a poster.  I practically read everyday for new info on Sox updates  whether  pro or minor leagues. But I gotta tell ya, if all of the bashing,  animosity, name calling, threatening, and vulgarity continues, then WHY  would anyone new want to come to this site? Why would even long time members want to continue? There is so much hate  in the world, and this is a place  where you SHOULD be able to come for some enjoyment of our baseball team  that we enjoy  and wish to someday take real pride in when all of the rebuilding and retooling is finished. Are we allowed  to disagree?? ABSOLUTELY.  Not saying  that we should't.  That's  part of the fun of discussion. But there is absolutely  NO CAUSE  for much of the stuff that i have been reading (particularly in the Machado thread.) (by the way  which i am glad  you closed). Think about it.................If a new person found this site, and saw that it may be an avenue to learn and discuss more about the baseball team that they root for and enjoy,  why in the world would they continue to come back on here when most of the discussion looks like you are reading a baseball version of  Joyce Behar and The View against Donald  Trump?  Who needs more of that garbage in their lives ......and yet to have to find it  on here?,   Especially when we get it plastered in our faces  on a daily basis, from different venues in the local media in politics and other sources?  Glad to see  that a lot of  that "uncalled for" rant raving behavior  type of stuff is starting to be addressed on this site and taking the bull by the horns. Thanks to all the MODS for all that you do on this site. I DO like coming here  for much of my baseball and White Sox info and updates.          

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The hotfire dude and peavy are trolls who have lurked for years and are now just hanging around hoping the Sox get neither.  After this whole thing is over we won't hear from them again until the cubs make some noise in some regard or the Sox negatively do.

Sad people buy into their BS and let it affect them.

Edited by Harry Chappas
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I remember when I went to this board to talk baseball now all people do is post garbage rumors and attack each other. There should be some sort of rule as well where people are not allowed to post unsourced bullshit as if it were fact or post some garbage from someone with 20 twitter followers. 

You can blame posters if you want but this isn't a poster problem it's a mod problem. Half the garbage that has been posted lately should have been deleted or never allowed in the first place.

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13 minutes ago, wrathofhahn said:

I remember when I went to this board to talk baseball now all people do is post garbage rumors and attack each other. There should be some sort of rule as well where people are not allowed to post unsourced bullshit as if it were fact or post some garbage from someone with 20 twitter followers. 

You can blame posters if you want but this isn't a poster problem it's a mod problem. Half the garbage that has been posted lately should have been deleted or never allowed in the first place.

If you have a problem with the board or it's staff, feel free to move along.  The people who do this also do things like raise families, work full time jobs, and do some world altering stuff in their free time. No one profits a penny to listen to you b**** about their volunteer work here, so I am not going to let you take a crap on the work ethic of our moderators and admins. If you don't like Soxtalk,  find some where else.

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25 minutes ago, wrathofhahn said:

I remember when I went to this board to talk baseball now all people do is post garbage rumors and attack each other. There should be some sort of rule as well where people are not allowed to post unsourced bullshit as if it were fact or post some garbage from someone with 20 twitter followers. 

You can blame posters if you want but this isn't a poster problem it's a mod problem. Half the garbage that has been posted lately should have been deleted or never allowed in the first place.

As mods, we do the best we can. Everything done on this site is volunteer based and it is something they do above and beyond their professional and personal lives (with most of the mods having kids, etc).  That said, we always appreciate feedback and have always tried to be as flexible as possible with posters but we also want to ensure people can discuss baseball without having to go through a bunch of name calling.  I always appreciate various opinions and the entire intent of this post was to refresh back to everyone what the rules are and that we ask you to follow those rules. If people are unable to do so, they will be suspended and/or banned. Period.  End of discussion.  

Also, if you ever see stuff, we do have report buttons for members to report posts to moderators as well.  

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22 minutes ago, wrathofhahn said:

I remember when I went to this board to talk baseball now all people do is post garbage rumors and attack each other. There should be some sort of rule as well where people are not allowed to post unsourced bullshit as if it were fact or post some garbage from someone with 20 twitter followers. 

You can blame posters if you want but this isn't a poster problem it's a mod problem. Half the garbage that has been posted lately should have been deleted or never allowed in the first place.

All I'll say concerning this is that those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

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7 minutes ago, southsider2k5 said:

If you have a problem with the board or it's staff, feel free to move along.  The people who do this also do things like raise families, work full time jobs, and do some world altering stuff in their free time. No one profits a penny to listen to you b**** about their volunteer work here, so I am not going to let you take a crap on the work ethic of our moderators and admins. If you don't like Soxtalk,  find some where else.

Oh my lord do ever stop being so sanctimonious? This thread was created because certain mods/admin recognize there is a problem. I just want to point out other then a couple of posters who are derailing things there isn't a problem as far as I can see.

You can take that opinion for what it is worth which according to you isn;t much. We also all have real life responsibilities and jobs outside of posting on soxtalk though I am sure mine isn't as world altering as yours.

I was just trying to be honest of what I saw the problem as which is mod enforcement and I think I'll your advice to take a break from the board a bit.

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46 minutes ago, wrathofhahn said:

Oh my lord do ever stop being so sanctimonious? This thread was created because certain mods/admin recognize there is a problem. I just want to point out other then a couple of posters who are derailing things there isn't a problem as far as I can see.

You can take that opinion for what it is worth which according to you isn;t much. We also all have real life responsibilities and jobs outside of posting on soxtalk though I am sure mine isn't as world altering as yours.

I was just trying to be honest of what I saw the problem as which is mod enforcement and I think I'll your advice to take a break from the board a bit.

One thing which will always get my high horse out is taking a public swing at the group who manages this page. I have known these people a lot of years, and have a lot of love for them. I am not about to let someone run them down.

The report button is there for specific posts, but to say we have a moderator problem couldn't be further from the truth.

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3 minutes ago, chitownsportsfan said:

Thanks to the mods.  Also, as I'm prone to it as well maybe we should just have a pinned "Vent and Rant" thread.  Lord knows after the Kopech news myself could have used it as a barf bag.

And just to tack on to this, we as a staff do try to give posters some room to have personalities (even if untraditional), and show some emotion at times, so it is a balancing act between a lot of freedom to be Sox fans, but still not letting this turn into a troll-infested hole on the internet. Despite the jokes otherwise,  it is hard to get suspended here, and that is by design.  Again the people who do this on Soxtalk are great people who put a lot of thought and effort into every decision made here.

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5 minutes ago, southsider2k5 said:

And just to tack on to this, we as a staff do try to give posters some room to have personalities (even if untraditional), and show some emotion at times, so it is a balancing act between a lot of freedom to be Sox fans, but still not letting this turn into a troll-infested hole on the internet. Despite the jokes otherwise,  it is hard to get suspended here, and that is by design.  Again the people who do this on Soxtalk are great people who put a lot of thought and effort into every decision made here.

I will 100% agree with this.  I know I’ve said some horrible, mean spirited things on this board and the mods have always given me an opportunity to redeem myself before receiving a suspension.  The mods here do a tremendous balancing all the bullshit.

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It's a running joke with me and @Y2HH that I suspended him a bunch of times back when I was an active mod, but there's always a discussion about what to do before suspending someone and no mod really *likes* doing it. There's a delicate balance, because we don't want to be seen as over-moderating to the point where people can't be themselves.

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5 hours ago, Rooftop Shots said:

Thanks for the post.  I am a long member, but not much of a poster.  I practically read everyday for new info on Sox updates  whether  pro or minor leagues. But I gotta tell ya, if all of the bashing,  animosity, name calling, threatening, and vulgarity continues, then WHY  would anyone new want to come to this site? Why would even long time members want to continue? There is so much hate  in the world, and this is a place  where you SHOULD be able to come for some enjoyment of our baseball team  that we enjoy  and wish to someday take real pride in when all of the rebuilding and retooling is finished. Are we allowed  to disagree?? ABSOLUTELY.  Not saying  that we should't.  That's  part of the fun of discussion. But there is absolutely  NO CAUSE  for much of the stuff that i have been reading (particularly in the Machado thread.) (by the way  which i am glad  you closed). Think about it.................If a new person found this site, and saw that it may be an avenue to learn and discuss more about the baseball team that they root for and enjoy,  why in the world would they continue to come back on here when most of the discussion looks like you are reading a baseball version of  Joyce Behar and The View against Donald  Trump?  Who needs more of that garbage in their lives ......and yet to have to find it  on here?,   Especially when we get it plastered in our faces  on a daily basis, from different venues in the local media in politics and other sources?  Glad to see  that a lot of  that "uncalled for" rant raving behavior  type of stuff is starting to be addressed on this site and taking the bull by the horns. Thanks to all the MODS for all that you do on this site. I DO like coming here  for much of my baseball and White Sox info and updates.          

There are people here who know a lot about baseball but seem to act rather juvenile.

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I have no complaints about this site. Freedom of speech is accepted here. At times the comments get kind of rough but this site is the real world. If people don't like what is being said here they should go to WSI, the Mickey Mouse of White Sox sites.

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I’d like to apologize to you all for any part I had in it. I never want to drive anyone away from this board. It’s my only Sox board and I really enjoy it. I try to keep my discussion on topic, with some humor, and no trolling. So I apologize if I pissed anyone off. I went to bed early due to my bronchitis, so luckily I didn’t partake last night after about 11:30. I’m glad this is being dealt with though because the regurgitated trolling is very annoying.

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3 hours ago, yesterday333 said:

I think soxtalk is one of the better run sports boards I have been on. Some are too relaxed and let just about anything go which is awful and some are over moderated so nobody wants to join the convo which is also awful. I like the balance here and appreciate how its done.

Been saying it for years. You have to really do alot of shit to be banned here yet alone suspended. This is one of if not the most chill, relaxed sites around. Commed Jason and all of the others who are more than fair with what they deal with and believe me... as a poster who will be here 15 years in January (and a lurker for 16) and have personally met a couple here and have been posting with others here since we were all teenagers/20s/30s etc.. they've dealt with alot of shit here (even amongst each other). 

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19 hours ago, Quinarvy said:

None of these rules are new, but I suggest people read up and remind themselves about the board rules of conduct.

  • You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this bulletin board to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.
  • Any spamming of our members through e-mail or private messages is punishable by immediate banning. This includes links to sites that are sent out for the purpose of recruiting new members for other websites. Staff will review all new sign ups and will not approve any from known spammers.
  • Slurs and crude sexual terminology will not be tolerated. There is no reason that people, situations, etc. need to be described in such a disgusting manner on the board.
  • Personal attacks towards other posters will not be tolerated. People will be treated with respect at all times.
  • Personal attacks towards players will not be tolerated. You can question a team's/player(s)' performance but not as people themselves. Also, questioning via vulgar methods will not be tolerated.
  • Calling for someone to be banned will count as a personal attack
  • Insulting someone's intelligence will be considered a personal attack.

Thank you 

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6 hours ago, SoxAce said:

Been saying it for years. You have to really do alot of shit to be banned here yet alone suspended. 

No comment to those two sentences.

That said, thank you to the owner and the mods for their work. I don't think the board has been out of control lately even in the Machado thread. Some people think we truly have a chance at Manny and Harper, others think we've never had an iota of a chance and we're being used by agents. I tend to think we won't get either but I could be mistaken.

Cheers. Happy Holidays. Watch "It's a Wonderful Life" or Alastair Sim's Scrooge to get you in the holiday mood. GO SOX!

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On 12/21/2018 at 12:57 PM, lostfan said:

It's a running joke with me and @Y2HH that I suspended him a bunch of times back when I was an active mod, but there's always a discussion about what to do before suspending someone and no mod really *likes* doing it. There's a delicate balance, because we don't want to be seen as over-moderating to the point where people can't be themselves.

You suspended me for *no reason whatsoever*. ;) 

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I would like to apologise as well for my actions. I like to keep everything light hearted and fun usually. I got too saucy during the company Christmas party and made a post while on the John which  was disrespectful and crossed the line.


I've been to many sports forum in my day, and none even come close to this one. The amount of great discussion and knowledge in here is incredible. There are often time heated debates here, but they almost never result in discipline. The same can't be said for other forums. This forum is the best run sports forum I've ever been a part of. 


Thanks to all the mods and posters who make this a hell of a place. 

Edited by Hot FiRe
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