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16 hours ago, Middle Buffalo said:

Wow is right. Jumpin Jim Brunzell and B. Brian Blair would be proud of that drop kick.

Would they? If you saw the other angle, Arnold didnt even bump!

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I was at the game yesterday, right after the anthem I went to the washroom, a guy comes up next to me as I am doing my business, "Did you see all those Mexicans who didn't take their hats off for the National Anthem? ( I did not)  If they don't love our country, they should leave. Fucking xxxxxxxx. 

This country is going crazy. 

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At least a couple of my friends are nervous enough to not want to travel beyond south Texas. That pisses me off and makes me really sad to realize that a lot of people believe that makes America great again. 

The same guy probably yells and screams throughout the anthem at Hawk games.

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On 8/12/2019 at 3:08 PM, Dick Allen said:

I was at the game yesterday, right after the anthem I went to the washroom, a guy comes up next to me as I am doing my business, "Did you see all those Mexicans who didn't take their hats off for the National Anthem? ( I did not)  If they don't love our country, they should leave. Fucking xxxxxxxx. 

This country is going crazy. 

That's crazy story. People are so angry I'm glad the guy didn't slug you. All we can do is get the more aggressive people arrested.

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Avoid the filibuster crap, avoid the filibuster crap, avoid the filibuster crap...


I want to talk about fitness!

So I finally got a slot in a military professional development course that I've been waiting on for four freaking years. It starts on Monday. On Tuesday, I'll take an initial physical fitness test- no worries there.

However, the final part of an official army fitness test is a height/weight screening. I'm 5'7" so I'm allowed to be 174 lbs. Well, I'm 190, so...fuck. I'm going to get taped. Three measurements around the waist, three around the neck, stuffed into some antiquated algorithm and out comes a number. Common knowledge is you gotta have a fat neck and a slim waist. Well, I've got a tiny fucking neck. The algorithm will put me at just over 24% BMI and I'm allowed 24%. It rounds down, luckily. I can help myself by puffing my neck a little bit and I'll probably be OK. But I'm still nervous because the future of my career depends on this silly system.

So what can I do eating wise and exercise wise in the next five days to slim my abs or buff up my neck? Literally a half inch less or a half inch more in either category will make all the difference. I'm thinking unseasoned tilapia fillets with asparagus and water, and doing crunches/situps/plank in the morning and evening. I'm in good shape because I'll happily beat the shit out of myself, but I'm a terrible nutritionist. Help!

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On 8/12/2019 at 3:08 PM, Dick Allen said:

I was at the game yesterday, right after the anthem I went to the washroom, a guy comes up next to me as I am doing my business, "Did you see all those Mexicans who didn't take their hats off for the National Anthem? ( I did not)  If they don't love our country, they should leave. Fucking xxxxxxxx. 

This country is going crazy. 

I'll bite on this one.

My friends have died with the flag on their shoulder. I'll never forget standing at the edge of a creek in southern Afghanistan and seeing the floating body of an American Soldier who had disappeared five days earlier when he knelt directly on an IED's det plate. I never saw combat, but even the slightest thing that reminds me of that creek still brings tears to my eyes. And like the flag, in the service, the National Anthem isn't just some words and a beat- it is sacrosanct.

Your "friend" was wrong to make it about race. There are stupid people of all creeds and colors and what have you who disrespect that hymn. I don't care if you're a BLM acolyte or a Pat "America sucks because it tolerates gays" Robertson type or just some fat drunk idiot who screeches "PLAY BALL!!!!" around the singing of the word "home". If you're trying to make a political point by disrespecting it, know that I will completely disregard your point.

Whoever you are, whatever you believe, whatever leads you to do it, if you can't just stand quietly and respectfully for two minutes, I have no respect for you at all.

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All Officers that were shot have been trated and released already SOMEHOW. 

Hostage situation has turned into a barricade with SWAT getting 2 cops and 3 prisoners out of the house.  Only shooter left in the house now.  This house should be getting gassed right about now.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/14/2019 at 9:17 PM, The Sir said:

I'll bite on this one.

My friends have died with the flag on their shoulder. I'll never forget standing at the edge of a creek in southern Afghanistan and seeing the floating body of an American Soldier who had disappeared five days earlier when he knelt directly on an IED's det plate. I never saw combat, but even the slightest thing that reminds me of that creek still brings tears to my eyes. And like the flag, in the service, the National Anthem isn't just some words and a beat- it is sacrosanct.

Your "friend" was wrong to make it about race. There are stupid people of all creeds and colors and what have you who disrespect that hymn. I don't care if you're a BLM acolyte or a Pat "America sucks because it tolerates gays" Robertson type or just some fat drunk idiot who screeches "PLAY BALL!!!!" around the singing of the word "home". If you're trying to make a political point by disrespecting it, know that I will completely disregard your point.

Whoever you are, whatever you believe, whatever leads you to do it, if you can't just stand quietly and respectfully for two minutes, I have no respect for you at all.

I struggle with this situation. I always show respect. I'm not a big fan of the Anthem at Blackhawk games but it does energize me and I feel the love for America.

 Everyone on the planet has the freedom to show respect for their country. Stand for the anthem in North Korea or die. So yeah we have the exact same freedom as the rest of the world. So why are we so proud of our "freedoms". 

Religious freedom? As long as you are Christian.

Freedom of speech? Yeah as long as you don't criticize the government or soldiers.

Freedom of movement? We're want to wall off part of the United States.

Freedom of unlawful search and seizure? If you are innocent why do you need that?

Freedom of the press? That's a liberal conspiracy to make Republicans look bad.

Freedom to protest? Just don't do it anywhere you will inconvenience anyone. Perhaps protest at home.

Yet we talk about how great our freedoms are but don't want anyone else to be free. 

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11 hours ago, Texsox said:

I struggle with this situation. I always show respect. I'm not a big fan of the Anthem at Blackhawk games but it does energize me and I feel the love for America.

 Everyone on the planet has the freedom to show respect for their country. Stand for the anthem in North Korea or die. So yeah we have the exact same freedom as the rest of the world. So why are we so proud of our "freedoms". 

Religious freedom? As long as you are Christian.

Freedom of speech? Yeah as long as you don't criticize the government or soldiers.

Freedom of movement? We're want to wall off part of the United States.

Freedom of unlawful search and seizure? If you are innocent why do you need that?

Freedom of the press? That's a liberal conspiracy to make Republicans look bad.

Freedom to protest? Just don't do it anywhere you will inconvenience anyone. Perhaps protest at home.

Yet we talk about how great our freedoms are but don't want anyone else to be free. 

This is a quicker response than you might deserve, because I slept for four hours and have something huge going on today, but you're missing my point.

Where am I taking anyone's freedoms with my mindset on this? What's the consequence here? Death, as in North Korea, or losing my respect? The latter. Do you not have freedom if you say something that irreversibly leads me to consider you a douchebag? No.

I don't want to have anyone shot or locked up or fined for criticizing the government or soldiers or protesting or being in the press or whatever (your mention of Christians is bizarre, honestly). The vast majority of conservatives (and liberals) are the same way. 

But while Kaepernick has freedom to kneel (I would never deny that right to him, and I do believe I went to war in some small way to support that and that our heroes DIED to support that), we also have freedom. I'm under no obligation to look at him with admiration. In the category of freedom of speech, I'm going to use that to suggest that Colin Kaepernick is far less worthy of a citizen than others of us.

That's not restricting his freedoms at all.


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18 hours ago, Texsox said:

I struggle with this situation. I always show respect. I'm not a big fan of the Anthem at Blackhawk games but it does energize me and I feel the love for America.

 Everyone on the planet has the freedom to show respect for their country. Stand for the anthem in North Korea or die. So yeah we have the exact same freedom as the rest of the world. So why are we so proud of our "freedoms". 

Religious freedom? As long as you are Christian.

Freedom of speech? Yeah as long as you don't criticize the government or soldiers.

Freedom of movement? We're want to wall off part of the United States.

Freedom of unlawful search and seizure? If you are innocent why do you need that?

Freedom of the press? That's a liberal conspiracy to make Republicans look bad.

Freedom to protest? Just don't do it anywhere you will inconvenience anyone. Perhaps protest at home.

Yet we talk about how great our freedoms are but don't want anyone else to be free. 

This is kind of unhinged.  Yes we have freedom of speech unlike in let's say, England where you get arrested for thought crimes or "mis-genderng" somebody on Twitter.  You can't get arrested for speech in this country, that is the point.  That does not mean there are no consequences for your actions.


You are also comparing the flooding of illegal immigrants into this country with freedom of movement, bizarre.  Borders are a real thing.


Freedom of unlawful search and seizure?  Thats the 4th amendment, not sure what you are getting at here.

The press is still free.  Just because they get called out and something around 80% of the nation according to polls does not trust the media does not mean they are free.

Also your Christian comment is also truly bizarre.  Yikes

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