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Cubs bringing in mystery partner for network


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Who could it possibly be?  Notre Dame football?  When does their NBC deal expire?


"Is it going to have a time slot for cops showing domestic violence...... maybe they can have their player who beat his wife host it!"             Mickey from Hamtramck

Edited by caulfield12
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There was an article about this on the Sun Times website this morning. The comments seemed to indicate it could be a team or teams not from Chicago. The article pointed out how the YES Network has MLS and one of the premier league teams. The article went on to mention at one point there was a rumor of Ricketts buying a team.

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College teams - All are tied to their conference TV deals, so unless you're talking coaches shows and the like, not an option. 

Fire - Signed with ESPN+ for 2 more seasons

Wouldn't be surprised if they end up carrying Wolves games.  They currently air their games as time buys on CW50 and The U Too.  Marquee could offer to show them for free and would give them increased exposure.  

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The demand for round-the-clock Bears’ coverage and footage of past glories (lacking the Yankees’ treasure trove) is one of the few ideas that makes some sense.

Imagine how many customers in Iowa are going to be willing to pay $5+ more per month in what will likely be a recessionary year from an economic standpoint...not the best timing for the Cubs.   Also a pretty good reason the Sox wanted to build in some budgeting certainty for 2020-2024 first.

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A large part of the reason Sinclair wasn’t going to work for Cubs and MLB, beyond the obvious political alliance/s 


Edited by caulfield12
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