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Sox Therapy Thread-Enter at your own risk

Jack Parkman

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19 minutes ago, Kyyle23 said:

There is a large gap between "uh oh" and anti semitism.  You can operate safely within that gap 

All I said is that there’s a fine line between anti-Semitism and accusing someone of being cheap...and that we/me/everyone should be careful.  In this day and age, calling an owner of a baseball team “cheap” could be construed in that way, even though it’s probably one of the Top 5-10 comments that have become the “general wisdom” about the Sox since the early 80’s.

At any rate, it’s far safer now to assert that we’re simply behind the times...not spending money efficiently...allocating money on declining veterans (especially hitters) in an environment where 18-27 year olds are much better suited to excel against premium velocity guys in the majority of their plate appearances.

Maybe 2-3 years from now Machado and Harper will look like bad investments...but, for now, the daily ticket sales for SD and Philly are making us look penny wise and pound foolish, unable to see the big picture of how much Harper would have driven up ratings, advertising rates, and the overall market value of the 25% Sox share in NBC Sports/Universal.

Or not...when we spend $45 million on veterans, we actually lose ticket sales...unsurprisingly.

“By the end of today, it’s possible that the Phillies will have sold approximately 300,000 tickets since the Harper signing, given that they had sold 220,000 by Saturday. While it is a rough estimate given that the types of tickets being sold are not being released, sales are almost assuredly somewhere in the neighborhood of $6-$7 million at this point. By next week, it’s quite possible that all of Harper’s base salary for 2019 ($10 million) could be covered by ticket sales since the signing (Harper has $20 million in signing bonus due him this year in two installments on top of the base pay).

On top of ticket sales, Harper is already paying dividends through merchandise sales. While figures were not provided, Fanatics said the Bryce Harper No. 3 Phillies jersey is the all-time top-seller for any athlete across any sport in the first 24 hours of availability.

So it does not seem outside the realm of possibility that in the first year of the 13-year contract, the Phillies could offset total outlay for base salary and bonuses for Harper’s first year.”



Edited by caulfield12
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11 hours ago, Y2Jimmy0 said:

Holy fucking shit this thread. I'm not easily offended but I'm an atheist that has multiple gay friends. To me, the mere suggestion that a higher being created us at all makes me chuckle but still believing that being a homosexual is some sort of choice is absolutely absurd. It's like being on the other side of the vaccine "debate". For some things, there just isn't another side to argue. 

Speaking of anti vaxxers they're idiots. The only reason that there are more kids on the autism spectrum now is because of the investigation into Hans Asperger's work. I, as a person on the spectrum,  prefer to not be associated with Asperger because of WHY he did the work more than anything else. Roughly 2% of the world population is on the spectrum and that is that. The reason autism diagnoses have increased is because of expanded knowledge that severe autism isn't the only type of autism.

I personally like how they do it now, where they classify it by AS-1/2/3 where the 1 is some support and 3 is major support. It is independent of IQ(which Asperger's wasn't) and all about autism symptoms/executive functioning. 

Bottom line, anti vaxxers are putting people's lives at risk because they don't have the balls to do the research or they're too dumb to do so. 

Edited by Jack Parkman
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On 3/9/2019 at 11:53 AM, Chicago White Sox said:

To each their own...but I’m just shocked people in this day & age can believe this nonsense.

Nah, this isn't an "to each their own" thing.  People aren't allowed to hide behind god to try and mask their bigotry.

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1 minute ago, Rowand44 said:

Nah, this isn't an "to each their own" thing.  People aren't allowed to hide behind god to try and mask their bigotry.

Except there’s probably at least 15-25% of the population who would wholeheartedly agree with the sentiments expressed...and won’t change until it affects their families or loved ones firsthand (see Dick Cheney.)

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19 minutes ago, greg775 said:

I'm still waiting for an apology to Greg for the God remark by somebody. I didn't understand caulfield's response. I don't think he was blasting me.

Having grown up in the Catholic Church and serving as an altar boy, my real response would take too long and end up in the Filibuster, ultimately.  

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3 hours ago, greg775 said:

I'm still waiting for an apology to Greg for the God remark by somebody. I didn't understand caulfield's response. I don't think he was blasting me.

If you have to repeatedly ask for an apology you probably won't get it

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14 hours ago, caulfield12 said:

All I said is that there’s a fine line between anti-Semitism and accusing someone of being cheap...and that we/me/everyone should be careful.  In this day and age, calling an owner of a baseball team “cheap” could be construed in that way, even though it’s probably one of the Top 5-10 comments that have become the “general wisdom” about the Sox since the early 80’s.

At any rate, it’s far safer now to assert that we’re simply behind the times...not spending money efficiently...allocating money on declining veterans (especially hitters) in an environment where 18-27 year olds are much better suited to excel against premium velocity guys in the majority of their plate appearances.

Maybe 2-3 years from now Machado and Harper will look like bad investments...but, for now, the daily ticket sales for SD and Philly are making us look penny wise and pound foolish, unable to see the big picture of how much Harper would have driven up ratings, advertising rates, and the overall market value of the 25% Sox share in NBC Sports/Universal.

Or not...when we spend $45 million on veterans, we actually lose ticket sales...unsurprisingly.

“By the end of today, it’s possible that the Phillies will have sold approximately 300,000 tickets since the Harper signing, given that they had sold 220,000 by Saturday. While it is a rough estimate given that the types of tickets being sold are not being released, sales are almost assuredly somewhere in the neighborhood of $6-$7 million at this point. By next week, it’s quite possible that all of Harper’s base salary for 2019 ($10 million) could be covered by ticket sales since the signing (Harper has $20 million in signing bonus due him this year in two installments on top of the base pay).

On top of ticket sales, Harper is already paying dividends through merchandise sales. While figures were not provided, Fanatics said the Bryce Harper No. 3 Phillies jersey is the all-time top-seller for any athlete across any sport in the first 24 hours of availability.

So it does not seem outside the realm of possibility that in the first year of the 13-year contract, the Phillies could offset total outlay for base salary and bonuses for Harper’s first year.”



I don't disagree with you, but.....after this offseason, with all else being equal if someone else who wasn't Jewish acted the same way, they'd be called cheap. We're not calling out JR for his ethnicity, but rather his behavior. I have nothing but the utmost respect for Jewish people and, though I'm not a religious man, If I wanted to pick a religion to follow, it would be Judaism. Their culture is beautiful, and they've faced a ridiculous amount of hardships and persecution over the millennia. I have a huge amount of respect for their self-deprecating humor, it takes a special group of people to laugh at their  collective misfortune.  Lots of great things about the Jewish community. I say this from the bottom of my heart. Don't ever confuse me for an anti-Semite, because that couldn't be further from the truth. 

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31 minutes ago, Jack Parkman said:

I don't disagree with you, but.....after this offseason, with all else being equal if someone else who wasn't Jewish acted the same way, they'd be called cheap. We're not calling out JR for his ethnicity, but rather his behavior. I have nothing but the utmost respect for Jewish people and, though I'm not a religious man, If I wanted to pick a religion to follow, it would be Judaism. Their culture is beautiful, and they've faced a ridiculous amount of hardships and persecution over the millennia. I have a huge amount of respect for their self-deprecating humor, it takes a special group of people to laugh at their  collective misfortune.  Lots of great things about the Jewish community. I say this from the bottom of my heart. Don't ever confuse me for an anti-Semite, because that couldn't be further from the truth. 

That element definitely exists in American society, though, whether we want to admit it or not (look no further than the "gay pride" discussion, and the fact that "four-in-ten Americans (42%) said that being gay or lesbian is “just the way some choose to live,” while a similar share (41%) said that “people are born gay or lesbian,” according to the most recent Pew Research Center poll on the issue, conducted in 2013.


As far as anti-Semitism, look no further than the ongoing campaign/character assassination against George Soros, for one.  Go back to Charlottesville and the chants.  Heck, even Sheryl Sandberg of Facebook actively participated in it by attempting to frame his as the villain leading a global cabal to take over the world.

Of course, sophisticated posters (and most Sox fans, for that matter) can make a distinction between a "cheap front office" and someone's ethnicity, but the lines have definitely blurred in recent years.  It's the reason we don't have Filibuster anymore at SoxTalk, because everything is about "sides/partisanship," the other side is evil incarnate/the enemy/racists/intolerant or "doesn't love their country/isn't patriotic/socialist/anti-American" or whatever particular label fits that day.

If we go through another tease of an off-season in 2019-20 after finishing with a win column number below 60 this year, it's going to get REALLY ugly.  Unfortunately, it feels like the worst MAY yet still be to come.

Edited by caulfield12
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On 3/8/2019 at 11:15 AM, Chisox378 said:

I am very upset the White Sox will host a "gay pride" day again at their park on July 23rd.  This is a kids game and this sort of political ideology should not be at our ballpark where many kids attend.  The Sox should not be promoting homosexuality, as many innocent kids that day may become interested in homosexuality because of the White Sox showing scandal and promoting such a thing. They should just stick to an anti-bullying day. I was very close to abandoning this team because of this, but I hope to work for some change from within while still rooting for the Sox.

Worst post I've ever seen on this site.

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On 3/8/2019 at 4:51 PM, Chisox378 said:

Once again just because I dont support "gay pride" doesnt mean I hate anyone or want to hurt anyone.

Would you be satisfied with an "adultery pride" night or a "fornication pride" night?

Gay pride night isn't about promoting homosexuality, it's about promoting the ACCEPTANCE of people who live different lifestyles, and if you don't understand that, it's a shame that you're in a position to influence children, because developing sympathy and respect for others in a community is a critical point of development for kids.

You probably think you're being the reasonable one by saying that you respect others' points of view, but it's tragically ironic that standing up against Gay Pride night is LITERALLY standing up against respecting others' points of view.

Edited by Eminor3rd
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20 minutes ago, caulfield12 said:

That element definitely exists in American society, though, whether we want to admit it or not.

Look no further than the ongoing campaign/character assassination against George Soros, for one.  Go back to Charlottesville and the chants.  Heck, even Sheryl Sandberg of Facebook actively participated in it.

Of course, sophisticated posters (and most Sox fans, for that matter) can make a distinction between a "cheap front office" and someone's ethnicity, but the lines have definitely blurred in recent years.  It's the reason we don't have Filibuster anymore at SoxTalk, because everything is about "sides/partisanship," the other side is evil incarnate/the enemy/racists/intolerant or "doesn't love their country/isn't patriotic/socialist/anti-American" or whatever particular label fits that day.

If we go through another tease of an off-season in 2019-20 after finishing with a win column number below 60 this year, it's going to get REALLY ugly.  Unfortunately, it feels like the worst MAY yet still be to come.

My best friend is a staunch Trump supporter.  We talk daily, we still occasionally discuss politics, even though we agree to disagree fairly quickly and call it off. I always said I wasn't going to let politics get in the way of our friendship. Is he a bit of a bigot? Yeah. Does it bother me? Yeah.  But out of all of the people I've met, he treats me as good or better than some people I consider family. I really think that bigotry is based on lack of exposure. If you never talk to a gay person, or a person of a different ethnicity you don't look at them as human beings, therefore it is easy to attack/persecute them. I grew up in an area of the Chicago Suburbs that is 97% white. I got exposed to other groups of people through other family members and family friends. I saw what it was like to live in poverty, because my dad grew up that way, and was lucky to get out, while 3 out of 4 of my aunts weren't as lucky. All of these life experiences shaped my view on humanity, and I look at the world in a completely different way due to it. If you live your entire life in a sheltered vacuum, you don't look at anyone different than you with the same level of humanity. That is my belief and I'm sticking to it. 

Edited by Jack Parkman
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16 minutes ago, Brian said:

Can't find Fornication Night on the schedule but i'd be DTF for that!

have been happily married for 35 years. I remember FN. I'll probably show up for maybe tomorrow night instead.

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7 hours ago, Brian said:

Can't find Fornication Night on the schedule but i'd be DTF for that!

That was actually the unofficial ending of Disco Demolition Night, just didn’t get printed out formally on the pocket promotional schedules.

Plus, that used to happen about once a month in the hotel windows overlooking Skydome/Rogers.

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 Did this thread got derailed into a political/religion thread?  I have no clue if this violates Soxtalk but when we start venturing down this avenue it's a great way to kill a site when there are plenty of other places for these type of discussions. 

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12 minutes ago, kitekrazy said:

 Did this thread got derailed into a political/religion thread?  I have no clue if this violates Soxtalk but when we start venturing down this avenue it's a great way to kill a site when there are plenty of other places for these type of discussions. 

Yes. And the thread was slowly dying until you revived it 12 minutes ago.

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On 3/11/2019 at 7:11 PM, greg775 said:

I'm still waiting for an apology to Greg for the God remark by somebody. I didn't understand caulfield's response. I don't think he was blasting me.

It was me. The odds of me apologizing are about a billion to one. Next.

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19 hours ago, reiks12 said:

Rodon was an awful pick. There i said it

Yep.  Right from the beginning, when Agent Boros tried to get such a high signing bonus that we would have lost a draft pick the next year.  Of course, if we had passed on Rodon, no telling who we would have picked.  Still, I agree with you.

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