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I just heard a bunch of propaganda based motives fueled by at best poor statistic understanding and at worst flat out lies. Also, repeated usage of using victims to gain propaganda based applause.

Basically, I heard nothing but garbage, very little substance.

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Sort of surprisingly, it was boiler plate SOTU. All the usual ingredients: flowery prose about coming together, list of perceived accomplishments, emphasis of general priorities, citation of stats that back their approach (though Trump's were inaccurate more often than others' before), guests meant to tug at heartstrings, and performative audience reactions. Honestly the surprise to me was that it was an entirely boring, typical SOTU, which I would not have bet on from numbnuts.

In the end, like with most SOTU's, it won't change anything.


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31 minutes ago, raBBit said:

pettie you make any bets on the SOTU? 

I got paid out 9 to 10 that Trump would say "caravan" 

That was easy money.

Nah, I'm a degen but not that much of a degen. ?

Trump is so hell bent on this wall and imaginary immigrants that he's going to lose in 2020.  That is if Hillary is not his opponent.

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1 hour ago, pettie4sox said:

Nah, I'm a degen but not that much of a degen. ?

Trump is so hell bent on this wall and imaginary immigrants that he's going to lose in 2020.  That is if Hillary is not his opponent.

The crazy thing is all the Presidents have funded the wall. He just wants to add a lot more funding to accelerate the pace. 

However, I can see it from his point of view that it was one of his campaign promises so he needs to push it to keep his base.

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37 minutes ago, ptatc said:

The crazy thing is all the Presidents have funded the wall. He just wants to add a lot more funding to accelerate the pace. 

However, I can see it from his point of view that it was one of his campaign promises so he needs to push it to keep his base.

Then he simply needs to get Mexico to pay for it.

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