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I don't follow Milb very closely; that is correct. But I looked him up on MLB.com and I'm pretty sure that they follow Milb pretty closely. And on MLB.com, Turang is listed as their 3rd rated prospect and not a top-100 player. And my point about his being a shortstop is valid too. Is he gonna move out Anderson any time soon?  

Also, where did you get the idea that Hahn only traded for these guys to flip them? Did Hahn say that? I can't imagine, even if it were true, that anyone in a front office would publically say that about a player on their team (Unless you're Lebron). I think the idea that the Sox got Colome and Herrera to flip them is something that just has been repeated on this flip-crazy board so much that it has become assumed to be true. But I don't think it is true. 

Now, I will admit that Soria last year was just acquired to flip. But he had little value until he was with the Sox (Don Cooper, all you Cooper haters?) and then they were able to flip him for a prospect. And I would, as I have above, argue that the flipping of Soria was a mistake with Kodi M. being a total bust.  

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57 minutes ago, vilehoopster said:

I don't follow Milb very closely; that is correct. But I looked him up on MLB.com and I'm pretty sure that they follow Milb pretty closely. And on MLB.com, Turang is listed as their 3rd rated prospect and not a top-100 player. And my point about his being a shortstop is valid too. Is he gonna move out Anderson any time soon?  

Also, where did you get the idea that Hahn only traded for these guys to flip them? Did Hahn say that? I can't imagine, even if it were true, that anyone in a front office would publically say that about a player on their team (Unless you're Lebron). I think the idea that the Sox got Colome and Herrera to flip them is something that just has been repeated on this flip-crazy board so much that it has become assumed to be true. But I don't think it is true. 

Now, I will admit that Soria last year was just acquired to flip. But he had little value until he was with the Sox (Don Cooper, all you Cooper haters?) and then they were able to flip him for a prospect. And I would, as I have above, argue that the flipping of Soria was a mistake with Kodi M. being a total bust.  

I have no idea what your 1st paragraph is talking about. If you are talking about Brice Turang he isn't even in our system. He's 19 and in A ball with the Brewers system.

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14 minutes ago, vilehoopster said:


I'm talking about the post, like 8 or 9 posting before your reply. A guy posted that he would trade Abreu and Colome for Turang and a 10th or so prospect in the Brewers system. I was pointing out why I thought that was a bad idea. 

Ok trying clicking on that word quote on the post you are responding to then we can all follow your meaning better.

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2 hours ago, vilehoopster said:

"I'll pack his bags and drive him to the airport" Are you the guy that said this about Avi Garcia when I posted my desire to keep Avi too. Avi who we could have kept for 2/3 of what we're paying Yonder Alonso? Avi with his .285 average, 9 homeruns, and his .854 OPS? Whoever said that about Avi, not looking too smart right now.

 He's the guy who keeps making threads every year about how bad Abreu is. Them Abreu get's hot and makes him look foolish every time. It's a running joke now around here that he should make more threads saying how poor players are just because it's now regarded as good luck for Ron to post bad things about Abreu.

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4 hours ago, CaliSoxFanViaSWside said:

It would be negligent not to explore a trade of Abreu, It doesn't matter if we like him or not. He is going to be a free agent and you trade  those players every time. If you want him back resign him. But please go after a starting pitcher and Rendon before anyone else. The rest can wait. 1st base can wait not only do we have plenty of 1st base candidates but we might be adding another one in the draft with our 1st round pick. ( I really hope we don't).

I believe it's 100% he is traded or extended.  If the actual # was $12 mil per for 5 years many would probably extend him.  If the the # was $20 mil per for 5 the answer would be don't let the door hit you on the way out.  When talking trade I would need to get something that would play on that contending team...not just a bag of balls.  What the offers are vs what's his desire about money will be interesting.  It would be GM malpractice to end up with no Abreu & no new piece of the puzzle.

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1 hour ago, poppysox said:

I believe it's 100% he is traded or extended.  If the actual # was $12 mil per for 5 years many would probably extend him.  If the the # was $20 mil per for 5 the answer would be don't let the door hit you on the way out.  When talking trade I would need to get something that would play on that contending team...not just a bag of balls.  What the offers are vs what's his desire about money will be interesting.  It would be GM malpractice to end up with no Abreu & no new piece of the puzzle.

No way you extend him for 5 years and $60 .He won't get 5 years from anyone in free agency.

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7 hours ago, vilehoopster said:

I don't follow Milb very closely; that is correct. But I looked him up on MLB.com and I'm pretty sure that they follow Milb pretty closely. And on MLB.com, Turang is listed as their 3rd rated prospect and not a top-100 player. And my point about his being a shortstop is valid too. Is he gonna move out Anderson any time soon?  

Also, where did you get the idea that Hahn only traded for these guys to flip them? Did Hahn say that? I can't imagine, even if it were true, that anyone in a front office would publically say that about a player on their team (Unless you're Lebron). I think the idea that the Sox got Colome and Herrera to flip them is something that just has been repeated on this flip-crazy board so much that it has become assumed to be true. But I don't think it is true. 

Now, I will admit that Soria last year was just acquired to flip. But he had little value until he was with the Sox (Don Cooper, all you Cooper haters?) and then they were able to flip him for a prospect. And I would, as I have above, argue that the flipping of Soria was a mistake with Kodi M. being a total bust.  

If Hahn thinks that the contending team will be on the field in the next year or two...it might be right to extend Abreu and Colome.  If not...I would move on.  They are undoubtedly our best trade chips.

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10 hours ago, vilehoopster said:

There is also zero question in my head. Keep him. Don't trade him; and resign him. Why do people not appreciate Abreu? He's a great bat and clubhouse leader. Did anybody read the article that was posted on here  last week and 2016 about Adam Eaton and Frazier, LaRouche and all that drama. A quality clubhouse matters. Guys like Abreu keep that stuff away. 

Plus he is our best player: an all-star last year and I pointed this out before: MLB.com listed the 100 best players in baseball and Abreu was the only White Sox listed. He is our best player. 

Why is it that people don't want to start winning sooner rather than later? Here's a crazy idea: you win with good players, not prospects in the minors who may or may not make it to the majors in three or four years. Can we stop all this flipping our good players for prospects BS. Also, don't trade Colome either. He's 9 for 9 in saves. Once again, why would we want to trade that, again, for a prospect who might or might not make it to the majors in two or three years?

The Soria trade worked out so well. Medieros is NEVER going to see a minute in the majors; he stinks. Trading Soria cost the Sox at least three wins last year. I know that's only a few more wins, but again, I like it when the Sox win; don't like it when they lose. Losing 97 games last year would have been a ton better than losing 100, losing 100.  Now some people say, but Soria was going to be a free agent. Yes, he was. Like we should do with Abreu, the Sox should have then have resigned Soria. Just pay him the money. Would you rather have Soria or Herrera in the bullpen right now? 

I want to sit next to you when I come in for a couple games this summer. You are my kind of fan. I endorse this post 1000 percent! Thank u sir.

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On 5/26/2019 at 2:04 PM, Soxfest said:

Trade him or let him walk at end of year. He is on wrong side of 30 and the clubhouse influence grows tiresome.

Letting him walk will not happen.  It for sure will be trade or extend.  Because of Collins, Burger & Draft pick type guys...Abreu might be deemed better used as trade bait.  

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