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Politics question


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First of all forgive me for my ignorance, as i really do not pay much attention to liberal and conservative views. I have my own and my views are somewhat in the middle, maybe leaning towards conservative. Here is my question, and its not sarcasm, but a serious question. The world seems to becoming more and more liberal with each year, including the United States. If thats the case, how do liberals explain the fact the world doe not seem better? I mean back in the day, kids werent having sex at this rate, aids didnt exist, suicides were lower, families stayed together, etc. I realize that we have made progress in other areas but does anyone honestly believe its a better world to live in today? :huh:

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Are you talking the world or the US? By all accounts Sadamm was a conservative ruler, do you want him back?


Aids came to prominence during the Reagan-Bush years, shall we call that a conservative problem?


Families stayed together because women had no choices.

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  Texsox said:
Are you talking the world or the US? By all accounts Sadamm was a conservative ruler, do you want him back?


Aids came to prominence during the Reagan-Bush years, shall we call that a conservative problem?


Families stayed together because women had no choices.

The world is worse off, and the question was asked of people without agendas. If you cant answer objectively, dont respond.

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  whitesoxfan99 said:
Fine, you didn't blame liberals, but you implied that the world becoming more liberal is to blame for AIDS.

NO. I asked how they explain it. Aids was caused by an idiot and spread by low lifes, i didnt say liberals caused it, jesus.... :rolleyes:

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I think BMR was simply saying that as society has gotten more liberal things have gotten worse. He says he doesn't care much about liberal or conservative. I also think he realizes that conservatives were in charge during part of those times, but he is talking society as a whole becoming more liberal, which it definately has.


I mean while you can point out the bad, there is also the good. Women are gaining more and more rights, racism is less and less relevant, and I'm sure there are some other things I can't think of right now.


The world is still far from perfect and the thing I fear is its going to take some huge distaster until people finally unify as a whole.

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  Chisoxfn said:
I think BMR was simply saying that as society has gotten more liberal things have gotten worse.  He says he doesn't care much about liberal or conservative.  I also think he realizes that conservatives were in charge during part of those times, but he is talking society as a whole becoming more liberal, which it definately has.


I mean while you can point out the bad, there is also the good.  Women are gaining more and more rights, racism is less and less relevant, and I'm sure there are some other things I can't think of right now. 


The world is still far from perfect and the thing I fear is its going to take some huge distaster until people finally unify as a whole.

And i thought i said all that in a shorter version, but thank you.

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  Bmr31 said:
NO.  I asked how they explain it.  Aids was caused by an idiot and spread by low lifes, i didnt say liberals caused it, jesus.... :rolleyes:

If I recall aids was spread in the US by some guy that was in the airline business and constantly travelled and hooked up with other people in different areas. Then from there it happened to get to someone that was gay and it spread in the gay community. It also spread majorly in the drug communities and now it is something people definately have to worry about.


That one person was definately an idiot though.

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  Bmr31 said:
  Chisoxfn said:
I think BMR was simply saying that as society has gotten more liberal things have gotten worse.  He says he doesn't care much about liberal or conservative.  I also think he realizes that conservatives were in charge during part of those times, but he is talking society as a whole becoming more liberal, which it definately has.


I mean while you can point out the bad, there is also the good.  Women are gaining more and more rights, racism is less and less relevant, and I'm sure there are some other things I can't think of right now. 


The world is still far from perfect and the thing I fear is its going to take some huge distaster until people finally unify as a whole.

And i thought i said all that in a shorter version, but thank you.

As far as to answer you question, I don't really know. I definately think people being able to get away with more things has led to something. Then again, good things ever be more liberal then they were in the 60's and part of the 70's?


Of course most of that died as stds started running rampant.

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Thanks to Jason for actually reading what i said and not jumpiing up and down and accusing, like the two before him. The reason i even started this thread is , like i said, im somewhere in the middle, leaning toward conservative and i wanted a few questions answered OBJECTIVELY............maybe apu can help. :huh:

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  Bmr31 said:
Thanks to Jason for actually reading what i said and not jumpiing up and down and accusing, like the two before him.  The reason i even started this thread is , like i said, im somewhere in the middle, leaning toward conservative and i wanted a few questions OBJECTIVELY............maybe apu can help.  :huh:

Apu definately would know more then me on the issue. I may not agree with him on many political things, but I give him credit he tons a ton of reading and knows a lot about our history. Doesn't always make him right though ;) :D

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BMR, sorry for putting words into your mouth earlier. I have to question the way you worded your original post but I understand what you were getting at now. To answer your question, I'm really not sure if the world is better off now than it was in the past. There are negatives that you mentioned, but there have been breakthroughs in health care that have improved the quality of life for many people as well as increasing life expectancy. Also, as Jason mentioned earlier there is far less problems with racism although it is still far to present in our society. Also, I don't view divorce as a negative in a lot of cases. It is much better for someone to get out of an a relationship that has a negative affect on them than to stay in the relationship because they have no other options. Now, I do have to say that there are some people who are just to weak minded to fix their problems, but divorce is not always a negative. Its very difficult to say if the world is a better place than it was in the past because as society fixes problems different ones always seem to arrise. We had the cold war with Russia and after that ended we began to have increased problems with the Middle East. I have to agree with Jason, for the world to ever truly become united and a good place to live there will probably have to be a tragedy many times greater than September 11th possibly nuclear or biological war?

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In regards to marriage, I notice that so many people get married thinking that it will solve their relationship problems. They are like, oh we aren't getting along, maybe marriage will solve it.


Thats not everyone though and I agree, if two people aren't happy in a relationship get out and try to find someone else to be happy with instead of suffering through something you don't like your whole life.

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  Chisoxfn said:
In regards to wife, I notice that so many people get married thinking that it will solve their relationship problems.  They are like, oh we aren't getting along, maybe marriage will solve it. 


Thats not everyone though and I agree, if two people aren't happy in a relationship get out and try to find someone else to be happy with instead of suffering through something you don't like your whole life.

In regards to wife? :huh:

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  whitesoxfan99 said:
  Chisoxfn said:
In regards to wife, I notice that so many people get married thinking that it will solve their relationship problems.  They are like, oh we aren't getting along, maybe marriage will solve it. 


Thats not everyone though and I agree, if two people aren't happy in a relationship get out and try to find someone else to be happy with instead of suffering through something you don't like your whole life.

In regards to wife? :huh:

Meant to say Marriage. :bang

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  whitesoxfan99 said:
BMR, sorry for putting words into your mouth earlier.  I have to question the way you worded your original post but I understand what you were getting at now.  To answer your question, I'm really not sure if the world is better off now than it was in the past.  There are negatives that you mentioned, but there have been breakthroughs in health care that have improved the quality of life for many people as well as increasing life expectancy.  Also, as Jason mentioned earlier there is far less problems with racism although it is still far to present in our society.  Also, I don't view divorce as a negative in a lot of cases.  It is much better for someone to get out of an a relationship that has a negative affect on them than to stay in the relationship because they have no other options.  Now, I do have to say that there are some people who are just to weak minded to fix their problems, but divorce is not always a negative.  Its very difficult to say if the world is a better place than it was in the past because as society fixes problems different ones always seem to arrise.  We had the cold war with Russia and after that ended we began to have increased problems with the Middle East.  I have to agree with Jason, for the world to ever truly become united and a good place to live there will probably have to be a tragedy many times greater than September 11th possibly nuclear or biological war?

Thanks. Divorce is only higher because people arent rasied properly. Divorce isnt good because it leaves the child only one parent, which obviously causes many future problems. But i see your overall point.

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  Chisoxfn said:
If I recall aids was spread in the US by some guy that was in the airline business and constantly travelled and hooked up with other people in different areas.  Then from there it happened to get to someone that was gay and it spread in the gay community.  It also spread majorly in the drug communities and now it is something people definately have to worry about. 


That one person was definately an idiot though.

As I recall that idiot did not know he carried a disease.

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  Bmr31 said:
  Texsox said:
Are you talking the world or the US? By all accounts Sadamm was a conservative ruler, do you want him back?


Aids came to prominence during the Reagan-Bush years, shall we call that a conservative problem?


Families stayed together because women had no choices.

The world is worse off, and the question was asked of people without agendas. If you cant answer objectively, dont respond.

I don't have an agenda. Your agenda is the world is worse off. You mention being objective yet start off by saying the world is worse off. Sounds like an agenda to me. You are looking for an overly simple answer to a very complex question. Further you bait the question and set up a premise that might not be true. You start from the premise that the world is worse off. That possibly isn't true and let me tell you why.


Lifespan is longer that it ever has been. Including factors like Aids. The quality of that lifespan is longer with people much more active and healthy into their 80's. Two generations ago, mid 60's was old. Most major childhood diseases are at an all-time low. The flu use to kill tens of thousand every year. Look at TB, measles, polio, small pox, shall I go on? Worldwide, children are being immunizated at a rate greater than ever before. Is the world worse off? Would you like to go to the barber and be bled for your ailment? Perhaps have leeches applied? How about a frontal labotomy?


Socially women and minorities have more rights than ever before. Shall we start counting blacks as 3/5? Stop women from voting? Bring back prohibition? Are we worse off today?


When was the last time you heard a PSA about what to do when the Russians drop the A-bomb. You are probably too young to remember the Cold War. Speaking of wars what we have today does not compare with WWI, WWII, Korea, or Vietnam. Are we worse off?


Worldwide, slavery is at an all-time low and as manufacturing spreads to every corner of the globe, it may be extint in another 50 years. With advances in food technology, distribution, and farming practices we are steadily making improvements in famine. Are we worse off?


We have upgraded sanitation practices all over the globe helping to stop potentialy deadly disease before it starts. Can you believe that diahrea kills tens of thousands around the world. We're spending a lot of time, effort, and money to upgrade sanitation in developing countries. Why? That's where our strawberries in February come from. Twenty years ago laborers use to squat in the fields while picking your fruit, now toilets are provided. Human dignity for the workers, not a conservative idea. Are we worse off?


I know very responsible humans on both ends and in the middle of the political spectrum. Most of the issues you discribe as being worse are personal choice issues that are politically neutral. Cheating on your wife is not a liberal vs. conservative issue. Being addicted to drugs is not a conservative or liberal issue.


The world is a much better place today than 50, 100, 200 years ago.


Please prove to me the *world* is worse off today.

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