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About Soxplosion.... I'm Just wondering...


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How did He end up banned?? Other than the fact he was a jackass who provided nothing to the board what was his final demise?? I must have missed what happened and am curious as to the what happened!! Could some one fill me in as to what happened to my "best buddy" Roman?!?!?!



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There were a series of posts where some very harsh attacks were made at another poster.



Well I would say I miss him but that would be lying and my mother told me not to lie.... :nono


Oh and thanks for the QUICK response...Had no idea I ordered through the drive through!!

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When you say hes banned.....is it for a week (like Clu) or indefinately.  If the latter I wouldnt be surprised if he already created a new name but is waiting for everything to blow over before he shows up again.

He's banned banned. That account is no longer available. andIm sure that his IP is banned as well. so he can use that anymore either.


That being said... keep my grandma in everyone's prayers.... she's recovering from a stroke she had earlier today.

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What a weird day, my grandma went into the hospital today, but all the tests came back ok so she is just staying the night as a precaution.


Mark, I'm really sorry to hear that about your grandma. I know you were very close to her. I wish her and your family the best.

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He's banned banned. That account is no longer available. andIm sure that his IP is banned as well. so he can use that anymore either.


That being said... keep my grandma in everyone's prayers.... she's recovering from a stroke she had earlier today.

Thanks for the info Murcie. WSI pulled a IP block on me and I still can't get into their message boards.


And I hope your grandma recovers Murcie, same thing happen to my grandma about a year ago....its a very sad experience to go though. Im sure the members of soxtalk will give you some support.

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WSI pulled a IP block on me and I still can't get into their message boards.

what did you do there, or do we not want to know :lol:

Ive said my story several times, but because you wanted to know I'll retell the story.


I made a comment after we were swept by the twins that "I would personally pay a terrorist to shoot their plane down." This was after people on the board already brought up the different scenarios.....including the royals/twins plains colliding over wrigley field while the cubs are playing.


When the moderator acted like an asshole to me I responded back to him without cursing or insulting him personally. He said that it was offensive in his opinion, and kicked me off.

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for Murcie's grandmother (and also Jason's and Flash Tizzle's):


psalm 121


1 I lift up my eyes to the hills— from where will my help come?


2 My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth.


3 He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber.


4 He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.


5 The LORD is your keeper; the LORD is your shade at your right hand.


6 The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night.


7 The LORD will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life.


8 The LORD will keep your going out and your coming in from this time on and forevermore.

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Regarding Murcie's family - my family's thoughts and prayers go out to your Grandma recovering fully and to your family for strength in dealing with a very sad situation.


Regarding Romanplosion - good riddance to bad rubbish. He added nothing to anything, in my opinion. I hope he grows up someday, but I'm glad this board will not have to put up with his juvenile hateful spew until he does.

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I've been down that road with both my grandfather and grandmother. As hard as it is on you, imagine your parents and try and be there for them.


Prayers to you, your family, and especially your grandmother.

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That being said... keep my grandma in everyone's prayers.... she's recovering from a stroke she had earlier today.

I will keep your Grandmother in my prayers Murcie. I know what you're going through. My Grandfather had gone through three strokes. God bless.

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I've been down that road with both my grandfather and grandmother. As hard as it is on you, imagine your parents and try and be there for them.


Prayers to you, your family, and especially your grandmother.

Ditto. My prayers are out to you, your grandmother and your family. I know the pain, I lost my gramma earlier this year from complications (congestive heart failure) after a stroke.

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