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Who would still want Maddon?


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assuming that he would be shown the door if the Cubs miss the postseason or go out after WC or play-in game.

Too old?   Too much of the Ozzie post~2005 self-importance syndrome? 

Keep in mind...pretty sure his jersey still might be selling better than anyone on the Sox but Jimenez. 

Also...would make for a much more interesting rivalry with the Cubs' Network and Girardi likely coming in. 

Maddon would definitely be motivated to prove St. Theo wrong...but he also could decide to hang 'em up.

Finally...more local Beverage Depot advertising tied to Joe.

Edited by caulfield12
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9 minutes ago, BackDoorBreach said:

Joe Maddon out manages himself way too often and has run pens into the ground.

I don't think I want to see Wacky Joe lineups with Zack Collins leading off or Jose Abreu playing 3B.  No thanks

Can you honestly say you think Renteria is a championship-level manager?   How many post-season appearances does Joe have? 

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5 minutes ago, caulfield12 said:

Can you honestly say you think Renteria is a championship-level manager?   How many post-season appearances does Joe have? 

Ricky Renteria is god fucking awful.   This thread is about Joe Maddon, to have Joe Maddon would mean Ricky is gone.   

There are much better options than Maddon.  If you think Jon Jay batting 4th in a non-compete year drove Sox fans mad, wew.  



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I’d take Maddon  if he was available. Back when the Sox had Bevington, they went after Jim Leyland when he became a free agent. But he went to Miami in part because of how the Sox treated his buddy Lamont, who was a pretty good manager himself.  I am not a Renteria guy, but he is nowhere near the same bad Bevington was. Still, if they have a shot at Maddon, they would be fools not to take it. His act will grow old, but not for a while. He would be a huge upgrade, and show the fan base you finally mean business.

But the problem is Joe Maddon doesn’t like his pitchers throwing cutters.Don Cooper would love if every one of his pitchers threw cutters.Something would have to give that JR, RH, and KW won’t let give.

Edited by Dick Allen
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5 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

I’d take Maddon  if he was available. Back when the Sox had Bevington, they went after Jim Leyland when he became a free agent. But he went to Miami in part because of how the Sox treated his buddy Lamont, who was a pretty good manager himself.  I am not a Renteria guy, but he is nowhere near the same bad Bevington was. Still, if they have a shot at Maddon, they would be fools not to take it. His act will grow old, but not for a while. He would be a huge upgrade, and show the fan base you finally mean business.

Would MUCH rather invest that money in a manager than Yolmer, Herrera, Nova, Jay, Castillo, etc.  

Look what it has done for Indians or Twins.  

Or Cardinals improving their defense from 30th to 1st since the changeover late last year. 

Edited by caulfield12
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42 minutes ago, caulfield12 said:

Can you honestly say you think Renteria is a championship-level manager?   How many post-season appearances does Joe have? 

Our guy could play Walter Matthieu in Bad News Bears. Joe is ok.

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Not a Maddon fan but he is waaaaaaay better than Renteria. At least he'll know how to use his players and his lineup construction, albeit wacky, at least has some logic. "Why is Zack Collins batting leadoff?" Well the Twins are batting their fucking catcher leadoff right now.. Why? OBP. 

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25 minutes ago, SoxAce said:

Not a Maddon fan but he is waaaaaaay better than Renteria. At least he'll know how to use his players and his lineup construction, albeit wacky, at least has some logic. "Why is Zack Collins batting leadoff?" Well the Twins are batting their fucking catcher leadoff right now.. Why? OBP. 

Exactly. People are acting like he is Ricky Renteria bad. He has been very successful during his managerial career... 

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51 minutes ago, BackDoorBreach said:

Joe Maddon out manages himself way too often and has run pens into the ground.

I don't think I want to see Wacky Joe lineups with Zack Collins leading off or Jose Abreu playing 3B.  No thanks

I agree 100%.  Maddon is the only manager I've ever seen put in his Closer in the 7th inning of Game 6 with a 5 run lead (and have him finish the game) when he knew damn well there was a good chance he'd need that Closer the next night.  That move almost came back to bite him in the ass as Chapman blew the Save in Game 7.... this is just one example.

Maddon was good when the whole Disco Room/petting zoo/magician stuff was working, but that act has grown tiresome.  Maddon is good at managing people, but when it comes to Xs and Os, I'd almost rather have Ricky.  ?

Maddon is on his way out the door up there, and nearly every Cub I know could care less.

Come on people, we can do better.

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