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I just sent in my application a couple days ago, I've got a couple of questions.

1) How long will it take to get an accept/reject letter?

2) What are my chances of getting in ACT: 28, GPA: 4.9/5 Weighted


I also applied to Northern and Purdue.

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I just sent in my application a couple days ago, I've got a couple of questions.

1) How long will it take to get an accept/reject letter?

2) What are my chances of getting in ACT: 28, GPA: 4.9/5 Weighted


I also applied to Northern and Purdue.

What college within the university did you apply to?

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I just sent in my application a couple days ago, I've got a couple of questions.

1) How long will it take to get an accept/reject letter?

2) What are my chances of getting in ACT: 28, GPA: 4.9/5 Weighted


I also applied to Northern and Purdue.

If you're going to engineering then I dunno but if you're doing LAS, you're a lock.

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I just sent in my application a couple days ago, I've got a couple of questions.

1) How long will it take to get an accept/reject letter?

2) What are my chances of getting in ACT: 28, GPA: 4.9/5 Weighted


I also applied to Northern and Purdue.

What college within the university did you apply to?

Liberal Arts and Science

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I just sent in my application a couple days ago, I've got a couple of questions.

1) How long will it take to get an accept/reject letter?

2) What are my chances of getting in ACT: 28, GPA: 4.9/5 Weighted


I also applied to Northern and Purdue.

What college within the university did you apply to?

Im sure he means Urbana/Champaign. Whenever I hear people talk about my school, University of Illinois- Chicago, people just call it UIC or circle.

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I just sent in my application a couple days ago, I've got a couple of questions.

1) How long will it take to get an accept/reject letter?

2) What are my chances of getting in ACT: 28, GPA: 4.9/5 Weighted


I also applied to Northern and Purdue.

What college within the university did you apply to?

Liberal Arts and Science

You should get in for sure. It might be a while before you here back though.

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I just sent in my application a couple days ago, I've got a couple of questions.

1) How long will it take to get an accept/reject letter?

2) What are my chances of getting in ACT: 28, GPA: 4.9/5 Weighted


I also applied to Northern and Purdue.

If you're going to engineering then I dunno but if you're doing LAS, you're a lock.


I've researched all of this and all, just wanted to get a current students opinion

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I just sent in my application a couple days ago, I've got a couple of questions.

1) How long will it take to get an accept/reject letter?

2) What are my chances of getting in ACT: 28, GPA: 4.9/5 Weighted


I also applied to Northern and Purdue.

What college within the university did you apply to?

Im sure he means Urbana/Champaign. Whenever I hear people talk about my school, University of Illinois- Chicago, people just call it UIC or circle.

I know, I meant liberal arts, engineering, business etc.

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You could probably get in, though ive seen some weird cases at that school, theyre kind of strangly selective, I didnt get in with similar ACT scores and a little lower grades.


You should take a look at all the other schools in the area because a lot of them may not have as good engineering schools, but have much better campuses and student living conditions than u of i. Id say check out Wisconsin and Iowa (where i go :headbang ). Iowa has a pretty decent computer science department i know, because thats what i started out as, until i realized how much programming and computers really sucks.


The best word of advice i could give you is when looking at schools try to keep an open mind. When i look back at my school selection process i think i was a little too closed minded on where i wanted to go and sometimes i wish i had looked at a few more schools.

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4.9 GPA????


Is there a different scale used in certain areas?  I saw you mentioned a 5 scale.

A 5.0 scale is used when you're on a full-time honors student, while a 4.5 scale is used when you're a part-time honors student.

nope my HS is on a 5 poiny scale for everyone, wierd.

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4.9 GPA????


Is there a different scale used in certain areas?  I saw you mentioned a 5 scale.

A 5.0 scale is used when you're on a full-time honors student, while a 4.5 scale is used when you're a part-time honors student.

nope my HS is on a 5 poiny scale for everyone, wierd.

Damn, I was gonna say that whole honors thing would explain why I didn't know what the hell was going on.


I was always too lazy for Honors in highschool. Freshman year I took a few of those classes and when I saw reading lists and all that other crap I was like screw this :lol:


Paid off alright, now they are asking me to join the honors program in college....still debating whether its worth it.


Does anyone here know if its an advantage to join that program or if your better off just taking normal classes and not letting your GPA drop, cause they don't do any of that extra point if your in honors stuff like they do in highschool.

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I was going to apply to the engineering (maj. Computer Science) but my counselor told me just to go into the LAS school (maj. Computer Science and Math)

I graduated in Dec. 2000 from UIC's College of Engineering and their reqs are about the same as UIUC. You should be okay about getting in, but if UIUC is changing things as UIC is, they might suggest as your councelor did to enter in LAS first to get your gen ed reqs out of the way. I started out at a junior college (was accepted to Boston U, but the money wasn't there - 20K a year + room and board was more than I could handle) and UIC's college of engineering said they were starting to suggest either LAS first or junior college to many of the incoming students.

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some people I talk to are under the impression that U of I is super-easy to get into, so I don't know

Getting in is one thing, staying in is another. At least for the college of engineering. I had no problem with either, but I knew plenty who breezed in, but couldn't hack it once they got there.

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