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4 hours ago, Yearnin' for Yermin said:

Looks like Trump was right about chloroquine. Might have to start calling him Dr. Trump.

Uh no.  The study  in France involved people who were not Seniors and those without serious  pre-existing medical conditions. You can give a placebo pill to otherwise healthy young people and most will recover after being infected the Covid-19 virus    To cast further doubts, the  dude who is promoting hyrochloriquine looks like Trump's family doctor.




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New conspiracy theory of the day:

Italian authorities are counting EVERY death that's happening in the country as COVID-19 because that will put it in a better position to receive sympathy/international aid/assistance...as well as protecting the PIGS (Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain) economies from economic devastation (insurance settlements?) and also position the southern European economies to have a better negotiating position vis a vis Germany/Austria/Netherlands over the issuing of Corona bonds backed by those three economically-sound countries of the EU.

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12 minutes ago, tray said:

Uh no.  The study  in France involved people who were not Seniors and those without serious  pre-existing medical conditions. You can give a placebo pill to otherwise healthy young people and most will recover after being infected the Covid-19 virus    To cast further doubts, the  dude who is promoting hyrochloriquine looks like Trump's family doctor.




https://www.mediaite.com/news/hannity-touts-unverified-coronavirus-treatment-from-ny-family-doctor-who-posted-unsubstantiated-and-irresponsible-facebook-video-about-outbreak/    Same NY doctor, or a different one?   Or in Florida, Mar-A-Lago?

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That Dr Vladimir Zelenko story going around just doesn't sit right with me.  That guy is saying he successfully treated 700 people with hydrochloriquine, but has no documented proof.  It seems like a big scam




Zelenko’s claims, however, rest solely on taking him at his word: He has published no data, described no study design, and reported no analysis."


also, that guy with that huge beard is around almost 700 patients?  There is no way a ventilator could protect his face.  I have seen the video that shows doctors preparing for interaction with patients and they might as well be the spooks from the movie E.T.  dressed in full body suits


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28 minutes ago, Kyyle23 said:

That Dr Vladimir Zelenko story going around just doesn't sit right with me.  That guy is saying he successfully treated 700 people with hydrochloriquine, but has no documented proof.  It seems like a big scam

Exactly what it is. And he isn't the only snake oil salesman looking to profit off a pandemic. I see Yahoo message board posts every day that make false claims like

"my buddy was in critical conduction with the Corona virus , then he  was given hydrochlorinique and zpac, and was able to walk out the hospital a few days later."

People are losing patience right now and don't need a pep talk or false hope...just the facts. .  President Trump has issues with Democrats and people that are disloyal in his own party but he can't continue to make his problems our problems. The country needs to unite right now  and we all need to get on the same page and on the same schedule.  I don't see that happening yet.


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12 hours ago, Yearnin' for Yermin said:

This is absolutely silly. I don't think China purposefully released this virus as an act of biological warfare. Regardless, comparing the US to China is an absolute joke. They literally have Uighur concentration camps where they harvest the organs of the prisoners. 

I get it, "America bad" is the cool mindset to have, but what a reach by you. Comparing China to the US from a humanitarian standpoint is laughable. 

Agreed.  The argument that America is just as bad as China simply exists because people hate the President and want him out of office so this argument is fuel for their fire.  Meanwhile, in China...


Comparing the US to China at a humanitarian level is an absolute joke.  It’s no surprise, people who make this argument live in the US.

So when people laugh at the idea that China would do something insane like spread a virus, well, they already harvest and sell organs and other body parts from people they don’t like while these people are still alive.  Insanity sometimes knows no bounds.

Edited by Moan4Yoan
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Nobody is “praising” China these days except the WHO!!!   Pretty much everyone has noted draconian measures taken here are simply not feasible in democratic countries.  By noting Chinese who were ill or asymptomatic were separated from their families, it’s not praise but sound medical practice that should have been emulated more carefully by Italy. 

They (the press) are mostly praising Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea and Japan...and Germany, more recently.



The Imperial College researchers estimate that in Italy 38,000 deaths have been averted (as of March 31 that is nearly four times the number of deaths recorded); and in Spain 16,000 – compared to a situation in which restrictions had not been introduced. In Italy’s case, they say, “despite mounting pressure on health systems, interventions have averted a health care catastrophe.”

The researchers caution against relaxing restrictions, saying that “many more deaths will be averted through ensuring that interventions remain in place until transmission drops to low levels.”


Fwiw, Spain and Italy at roughly 21,500 deaths combined as of this moment.

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I don't think they have the authority to do it at the federal level, but a lot of states would follow the feds lead on this if they were directed.


Instead we spend weeks/months calling it a hoax, just the flu, cases going to zero soon, open by Easter etc. Desantis in Florida was explicit about waiting for direction from the feds on this. Beaches are still open and crowded!

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Just now, StrangeSox said:

I don't think they have the authority to do it at the federal level, but a lot of states would follow the feds lead on this if they were directed.


Instead we spend weeks/months calling it a hoax, just the flu, cases going to zero soon, open by Easter etc. Desantis in Florida was explicit about waiting for direction from the feds on this. Beaches are still open and crowded!

Supposedly the Surgeon General just told him to issue a Stay at Home order.


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18 minutes ago, bmags said:

we are so far from getting this under control.

I've been analogizing this in my head to the birthday paradox with statistics. In that case, if you get 23 people together, there's a 50% chance any two of them will share the same birthday (month and day, not year). About 70 people and it's 99.9%.



Odds are we're all going to know someone who dies from this, or at least know someone who knows someone.



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9 hours ago, caulfield12 said:

Well, I’m making a conscious effort to discuss it more ‘tactics-wise’ as opposed to entrenched policy standpoints or positions that are highly unlikely to change, but even C-Span gets bombarded with calls saying one side or the other is receiving more time or not getting cut off by moderators, etc.   I guess if everyone accuses you of unfairness...you must be doing something right.

But it is surreal when Cuomo is at 87% approval, that’s GW Bush after 9/11 numbers...or his father after the first Gulf War.



This is the fastest way to track by countries...we’ve passed China and France for third, but running a much lower mortality rate (so far, knock on wood) compared to Italy and Spain who are off the charts or simply overwhelmed/under-testing at this point. 



I can pretty much guarantee most of the rest of the world is not FIRING doctors and nurses for wearing masks WALKING down the HALLWAYS of a HOSPITAL in order to protect themselves/patients/family at home.

We are quickly accelerating up the fatality curve.  We were over 900 yesterday, and with 23k new cases yesterday, our deaths will be accelerating keep accelerating as well.

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11 hours ago, Quin said:

You do realize they were exploring it, he heard about it, and shouted it from the rooftops, right?

Now, more research has been done and the FDA is going to allow emergency use. But it's still not overwhelming and not surefire guarantee, and an editorial board post courtesy of Murdoch doesn't change Trump's reckless behavior.

When you have cult members almost literally willing to drink the Kool-Aid based on the Presidents words, you would think it would be obvious why being smart about these kind of statements is not the best idea.

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1 hour ago, Moan4Yoan said:

Agreed.  The argument that America is just as bad as China simply exists because people hate the President and want him out of office so this argument is fuel for their fire.  Meanwhile, in China...


Comparing the US to China at a humanitarian level is an absolute joke.  It’s no surprise, people who make this argument live in the US.

So when people laugh at the idea that China would do something insane like spread a virus, well, they already harvest and sell organs and other body parts from people they don’t like while these people are still alive.  Insanity sometimes knows no bounds.

The ironic thing here is you have already forgotten your right wing talking points here.

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17 minutes ago, southsider2k5 said:

When you have cult members almost literally willing to drink the Kool-Aid based on the Presidents words, you would think it would be obvious why being smart about these kind of statements is not the best idea.

Speaking of...


GO INTO THE STREETS FOLKS. Visit bars, restaurants, shopping malls, CHURCHES and demand that your schools re-open. NOW! If government doesn’t stop this foolishness...STAY IN THE STREETS. END GOVERNEMNT CONTROL OVER OUR LIVES. IF NOT NOW, WHEN? THIS IS AN EXPLOITATION OF A CRISIS,” wrote former Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke, who was floated as a possible candidate for a Trump administration post at the Department of Homeland Security, in a now-deleted tweet.

“People should ask themselves whether this coronavirus ‘pandemic’ could be a big hoax, with the actual danger of the disease massively exaggerated by those who seek to profit — financially or politically — from the ensuing panic,” former Rep. Ron Paul wrote on his website.

A week later, Paul’s son Rand, the senator from Kentucky, tested positive for the virus.

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2 minutes ago, caulfield12 said:

Speaking of...


GO INTO THE STREETS FOLKS. Visit bars, restaurants, shopping malls, CHURCHES and demand that your schools re-open. NOW! If government doesn’t stop this foolishness...STAY IN THE STREETS. END GOVERNEMNT CONTROL OVER OUR LIVES. IF NOT NOW, WHEN? THIS IS AN EXPLOITATION OF A CRISIS,” wrote former Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke, who was floated as a possible candidate for a Trump administration post at the Department of Homeland Security, in a now-deleted tweet.

“People should ask themselves whether this coronavirus ‘pandemic’ could be a big hoax, with the actual danger of the disease massively exaggerated by those who seek to profit — financially or politically — from the ensuing panic,” former Rep. Ron Paul wrote on his website.

A week later, Paul’s son Rand, the senator from Kentucky, tested positive for the virus.

Diamond & Silk ticket 2024

Ron Paul and his son Rand are the two biggest idiots ever to be elected to Congress. This is not a hoax, people are not dying to make Trump look bad, and it is time Trump finally utilizes the full power of the federal government to fight this thing. It was also help if right-wing pundits and bloggers would just shut the fuck up.

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12 hours ago, Quin said:

You do realize they were exploring it, he heard about it, and shouted it from the rooftops, right?

Now, more research has been done and the FDA is going to allow emergency use. But it's still not overwhelming and not surefire guarantee, and an editorial board post courtesy of Murdoch doesn't change Trump's reckless behavior.

All I'm saying is Dr. Trump got this one right, while the media grilled him because some moron drank fish tank cleaner. Credit is given where credit is due

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